Work this Mastering for Streaming?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by ryck, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Hi guys!
    Fist, sorry for my bad english.

    Well,.Im trying mastering my songs. Always i do it in 10 Rms( Very loud).For war sound. (i know that maybe is stupid). But i like dinamics in songs.
    Now i see new option for streaming , like (Spotify, tidal,youtube, etc).And i see this site have other level for mastering. This help me to put much dinamics in songs ( i think).
    I try do it mastering for this site, and i want to know if this work.
    I let this track, is my song " complicado" (Complicated). I wanna know your opinion,if work or do it something
    Im very glad or your opinions

    Thank u very much!

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  3. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    That is one bad English, m8 :no:. I don't have an opinion on mastering, but I have an opinion on the more immediate problem - the vocals are way too loud. I would suggest that you should mix this track again.
  4. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I think you are doing a good thing by moving away from smashing your music, though -10RMS isn't that loud, it's about as loud as what people were initially going for when CDs first came out so early 1990s....

    You do have some frequency issues, there is a bit too much of the 2.5K to 5K boost on everything. Yes it is good to boost those frequencies, when they need to be boosted but when they do no it makes a song cut like glass in the ear.

    Also, if you are going to let your song breathe - you do not need to clamp down on the bass elements so much. Back off the compressors a bit on the low end instruments. You might also want the vocal to sit inside a bit deeper and blend in - or not - up to you but you need to balance the instruments with the words a bit better.

    Also - 14RMS is not the same as -14LUFS. I don't want to assume that you were aiming for -14LUFS you might be intending to split the difference between -16LUFS and -14LUFS that is how you ended up at -15LUFS.

    I do think you might need a remix or in at least a re-balancing and an other attempt at having the different elements in your mix and your post-production final. At least from what can be heard from a lossy mp3 on soundcloud, also unless it is a known quantity nobody can separate your mixing issues vs your mastering issues when all you provide is the final example... yada yada yada....

    Good luck with it -you are doing a good thing - just keep at it.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
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  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I did a little add on mastering within some minutes (some eqing, m/s processing, analog emulation and limiting) but to achieve this (proposal) in a proper way you have to remix it.

  6. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I agree that the song might use some rebalancing, but the thing that's really caught my ear is some drum hits that don't agree with the bass. One of the two is hitting out of pocket, especially in the first verse. The song is cool. Congrats. Great voice. @No Avenger, I like what you did. :mates:
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I only speak english, let me know if this came out badly haha!

    hola, amigo, tu música suena realmente bien, y por el estilo que es, no tienes que preocuparte por hacer mucho más. diría que es bueno, ¡como siempre y cuando te guste!
  8. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    I kind of like it.. and even if the mix need some balance i dont think you need to lower the vocals. No need since they are nice and dont take away anything from the song. Its an art by itself to mix music with vocals since, atleast good ones. Most music around here is instrumental for obvious reasons. The world need more good vocalists..

    About dynamics please dont missundesand what that is. Loud isnt the same as dynamics, dynamics is more about the diffrence between soft and louder parts in the song so dont push it to much. In other words dont get stuck in the loudness war.. And again.. nice writing.. really..
  9. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Hi guys! Thank u for take time for help me.

    Yhea, im listen something. My problema is, i have bad speackers. Its "Edifer". And sound no is clear. But this frecuency maybe is guitars and acoustic guitar. I dont put equalizer in mix. This is a big problema i have alaways. Dont have good speackers, and dont listen the problems in frecuency.

    yes im listen the same. Vocal is loud. i want listen inside in the music.And i try work in compressor again.

    Not, i download trial of "Expose" and i do it all in the mix for the song work .
    Im be confused from Lufs and RMS. I need to read more about that. But i always see in "RMS". This song have 15 rms or 16 rms.
    Yes , i need work in this song again. I see all comments and i know this work in that. And thank u for help me.
  10. ryck

    ryck Guest

    I like very much the sound. thanks for taking your time doing this. I liste much bass. Its my speackears?. This is a big problema i have. Thak u!
  11. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Yes , kick and bass no work together. Yes i see all comments , i need work in song . Thank u !
  12. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Gracias amigo! si , en realidad estoy tratando que suene mejor. Siempre me mantuve en la guerra del sonido, y destroze las canciones, es, por eso que ahroa prefiero suene con bajo volumen y tenga dinamica, por eso vine a pedir ayuda aqui. Y es cierto, tal vez no necesite tanto. Te mando un saludo y gracias!
  13. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Agreed. Needs more work at the mix level.

    Bass is too quiet as others mentioned, needs a bit more vocal reverb, the hihats on the left sounds weird so just reduce the width of the drums a bit.

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