Help me make my shit slap...please

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Mixtic, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    Hey fellow nerds,
    I was wondering if you could help and give advice on how to make this electronic track wider and depleted of muddiness. It is still a rough cut, but I think I should buckle down now since I already have developed the loudest part of the track as of now. I have the old Wave plugins, Fruity 11 stock plugins (Parametric Equalizer 2, maximus, etc. etc.), along with Izotope Ozone 5.

    Here is the track:

    Thank you! <3
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  3. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    It could be what you're listening with. What is your monitoring situation? As far as widening the mix goes... (personally), I think you have panned too many things already. EVERYTHING is left or right... bring some elements back toward center and use motion in the middle (automated panning) and you will thus increase the perceived width... I don't really hear it as "muddy"... again, I think it's a monitor issue. I listened to it thru 4 sets of monitors in my studio and don't really perceive an issue as you describe however, the kick seems thin in ALL of my monitor sets. Maybe by adding some bottom to the kick (and basses) will also separate the frequencies more for your ears...

    Also... you have to slap your own shit... :woot: or pay someone to do it for you. :rofl:
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  4. Chachi

    Chachi Noisemaker

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Los Angeles
    Help me make my shit slap...that’s what she’s said
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  5. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Some people might not understand what you mean by Slap it means banger bump knock I guess that's not much help because that's all slang to butt slap or Slapper is a West Coast term
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  6. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    Haha, I will make sure to change up my vocabulary in the future
  7. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    Thank you for your input, I understand that I am in charge of the "slappage", i'm just referring to the objective sound quality. Thank you. What is your honest opinion of the track's musicality? Simply put, do you enjoy it? Any critiques, things you think I should take out?
  8. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    I guess that there are some gals out there that want their shit to be slapped.
  9. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Man, I think it could be a lot more beautiful with less processing.

    Want to drop the unprocessed final mix for me to ? If you're going to be rendering it from 32bit, Flac or WAV in 24bit with basic noise dither is fine. Or just go with 32bit WAV.

    I will try to match the loudness so that it competes with other stuff you do, and do my best to explain what I did/why.
  10. goodmood

    goodmood Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2012
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    It just cracks me up that LuckySevens' avatar is acting as a clicktrack to this song..... :)
    Also; sounds good to me, kick a bit thin, and some little percussion hits are very loud, and so is the saw-synth playing the big chords, but it's a great sound though!
  11. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    That would actually be great man. I would really appreciate that. Just message me your info and I'll send you the final unprocessed mix when I got it done.
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    hey homes.
    with yer isolated 808's and bass
    run through some analog saturation, tube,tape transistor plugins to build some rich harmonics.

    then add more delays and reverbs of different types with yer regular tracks but where those reverbs and delays are quiet like say -18 db quieter than the track volumes.

    the more harmonics yer tracks have during gain staging , the compression and limiting at the ned give more glue an punch homie.
    then at very end use waves Impusher plugin it has knob "stereo image" raise that up like quarter the way up.
    that on yer master fader use ik multimedia lurssen mastering console edm less glue preset my nicca,

    (all that to get you in ball park) then fine tune it.
  13. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    Ay man thanks for the advice! I shall do my best
  14. johndoehizzle

    johndoehizzle Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2017
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    still havent mentioned what your monitor situation is? we can all help you and give you advice but if you dont have proper equipment to listen to, you'll have no true idea of what youre doing
  15. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I have to agree with @Satai it needs less of everything. You most def. do not need to make it any wider you already have some phase issues with all those time and reverberation effects going off at clashing intervals. It is a bit disorienting, but maybe that was your intent if it was, keep them in am not about shackling anyone's style.

    It would be interesting to hear the what it sounds like before any output bus effects /compressors / limiters. If you are looking for solid mix advice it is always best to just have your mix presented before limiting or adjustment. It's a lot easier to tell you if you've grown good strawberries before you use them to make a smoothie and add w/e else goes into you favorite strawberry smoothie.
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    hey homey after listening to your other tracks too, you are a great producer and writer. you just have to get a couple mastering thiings in order maybe even get a partner helpin you if you don't enjoy that part as much
    but your kicking ass def.
  17. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    I have 2 rokit 6's, along with a rokit 10s subwoofer, and a UR22mkII interface. I have been producing for years, but I have been hesitant to expand my knowledge on mixing and mastering. Just seemed overwhelming, I did not realize how much monitors matter. Thank you for telling me.
  18. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    Thanks brotha, that is why I am back on sudiosex. I use to come here to collab, but I realized I could use it as a tool for specific mixing questions I have.
  19. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    I dig that comparison, I will definitely take that into account as I progress further in the mix. This is still very rough.
  20. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    hi end is outta control