Surprised by iZotope OzoneMP, good and easy for mastering

Discussion in 'Software Reviews and Tutorials' started by Bad Noyz, Nov 9, 2017.

  1. Bad Noyz

    Bad Noyz Noisemaker

    Dec 13, 2016
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    I recently used MixMeister Fusion V7.4.4 (from the sister site) for a mix, due that this software has limited support for external plugins, I used OzoneMP, a vst effect included in Mixmeiter Fusion, OzoneMP now discontinued, was sold as a Winamp plugin to enhance the sound, but as a mixing plugin it is amazing! I was surprised about the sound this little plugin can impart to the mix, it is very CPU friendly and their approach is unique, here is an extract from the chm help file:
    -------------------------------------------------- Begins
    Why did we make OzoneMP?

    We've all heard people say, "Analog sounds better." To understand this idea, consider analog as a storage format (tapes, records) vs. analog for the playback of music (vintage analog equipment: tube amplifiers, valve EQs, etc.)

    As a storage format, analog has limitations. Records suffer from wear, dust and scratches. Digital storage lets us preserve music without loss, copy it, organize it, and process it.

    But vintage analog equipment gives music warmth, bass, depth and just an overall pleasing sound. The nonlinear aspects of analog playback that a mathemetician would consider "wrong" actually make music sound better.

    iZotope OzoneMP is the result of an extensive research effort to separate the good from the bad of analog and model the desirable aspects. As a plug-in, iZotope OzoneMP offers all the convenience of digital storage combined with the sound quality of vintage analog equipment.

    We didn't just throw away the bad qualities of old audio, though. We put them in iZotope Vinyl so you can add the dust, scratches and noise that we took out. OzoneMP makes music sound "old good". Vinyl makes it sound "old bad".

    The OzoneMP effect is like some kind of analog sound but "Clean" and very pleasant, not like tape but rather as the description says, like an all 100% analog vinyl but "Clean".

    OzoneMP has Valve Equalizer, Room Simulator, Tube Amplifier with Bass Compression, Tube Limiting and Tube Saturation. the overall effects can't be replicated with other Ozone versions, I tryed that without success.

    Altough this plugin came inside Mixmeister Fusion as a .dll, can't be loaded into your favorite daw, trows an error, I't would be amazing to have this plugin on a daw, it is very cpu friendly, simple and intuitive, but because it is impossible and due to the limited capacity of Mixmeister Fusion to accept external plugins, I tryed to quick master a track inside Mixmeister Fussion using native plugins as the dual band compressor, two instances of OzoneMP and external deesser and limiter, and I can tell that in my opinion OzoneMP can compete and maybe surpase his biggers and more complex siblings, even for mastering.

    On top of that the chm help file was written for non technical users (Winamp users) it is very friendly and can be seen as a mastering crash course from 0.

    I start seeing Mixmeister Fusion as a mastering standalone program

    Has anyone had any experience with OzoneMP?

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  2. Bad Noyz

    Bad Noyz Noisemaker

    Dec 13, 2016
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    I'm start thinking about how much there is real improvement on plugins everyday heavier and more expensive, and how much it's just marketing.
  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Good ears and your own blind tests can help tremendously :wink:
  4. mm5

    mm5 Member

    Dec 4, 2015
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    it looks like part of the ozone 3 or 4 when this great tool installer was just 20MB

  5. Bad Noyz

    Bad Noyz Noisemaker

    Dec 13, 2016
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    Yess, and after reading your comment, I was lucky enough to find an Ozone 3 version uploaded as recent as two years ago!, the name of the rar file is: "Izotope Ozone 3_Keygen For Ever", if this Ozone 3 had the same amazing sound than OzoneMp, there is no wonder that some people had married forever with Ozone 3, unfortunatelly it's not compatible with Win10, so I coudn't join the fan club.

    I've heard that iZotope's prestige was due to Ozone, but I've known Ozone since version 5, not bad but not amazing, Maybe Ozone was born as humble as the OzoneMP and gained fans for it's sound and now we have each year a new version, that have many great points, but that have lost their original all analog concept and its beautiful simplicity, In favor of the very profitable updates.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  6. mm5

    mm5 Member

    Dec 4, 2015
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    I do have an AiR ozone 4 x64 x86 if you want it
  7. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    @Bad Noyz : I wanted to try it out after reading this. I see version on the sister site, but it doesn't work for me.
    On startup the app sais "NewBlue dj Adjust Highs not properly installed. Please run the NewBlue DJ Suite setup. You can Dl it from..."
    This problem is reported in the www, but what I've read doesn't help me.
    Do I have to try version 7.4.4 unattended?
  8. darthloud

    darthloud Producer

    Dec 24, 2016
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    ozoneMP for use in DAW or only MP ¿
  9. Badass

    Badass Member

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I'd love to try just the OzoneMP. It is available as a VST? Still using the Ozone 4 I purchased long ago. The latest versions seem very bloated.
  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Have all versions since 3, but mostly use 7 and 8 both advanced and master reverb from 5. And I think , the most useless anymore is 6, because 7 is an extended version of 6, not reworked and remastered. Rarely use 3 and 4 as extra old legacy analyzers, and sometimes I think that eq in 3 and 4 is a bit coloured in a better legacy vintage didzschital way.. ozone consisting of old and nowadays tools is a good combination.
    Ozone is just a good addition to mastering chain. The dither is one of the best there.

    Ozone uses 9x oversampling for true peak and antialiasing filtering.
  11. Bad Noyz

    Bad Noyz Noisemaker

    Dec 13, 2016
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    @au38wzh I had the same error, version never worked for me, you should uninstall version completely and then install version 7.4.4 to no longer have those errors. many third-party plugins can easily crash Fussión, if you want to try one it is better to copy the dll directly on the Fusion plugins directory instead of adding your existing plugins directory on Fusion.

    @mm5 thanks for the offer, I just wanna keep tryng the MP version, since I find that it has everything I need, I can control the low end so easily, have crisp highs with no harsh, and a loud good sounding mix.

    @darthloud @Badass There is the VST but only works inside Mixmeister Fusion. It would be awesome if a member could make it work outside, I can't imagine a better channel strip.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  12. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    So if I wanted to try OzoneMP out, I just have to get Fusion 7.4.4, and it'll be there?
  13. darthloud

    darthloud Producer

    Dec 24, 2016
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  14. Bad Noyz

    Bad Noyz Noisemaker

    Dec 13, 2016
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    Yes, Fussion make good mixes too, it's great at a party and came with video tutorials for a quick start.

    If you want to make a quick test for mastering I recomment to load the included "dj Dual Compressor" before OzoneMP, I setted the crossover frequency at around 250hz, and load some OzoneMP presets, with this you will have a general idea of what you can achieve complementing with some third party plugins.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    pretty tight.
  16. Bad Noyz

    Bad Noyz Noisemaker

    Dec 13, 2016
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    I soppose that is according to the genre, taste and what you whant to achieve, I share this little example of a mix made for a gym class, in my opinion it is loud and clear with good low end and enough dynamics to give a decent battle on the loudness war, also was posible to blend diferent mp3 bitrates into an homologated result. But maybe with too much bassssssss, either way this sounds good and clear on any noisy environment and the lows sounds good even on a cell phone speaker. Sorry I suffer severe damage due to the loudness war but not bad for an old 2.7mb plugin
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
  17. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Haha, “people married with 3”, “Ozone used to sound better”. It’s just older apps (and hardware) have underperforming algorithms (cpu power was low back in rhe day) so they alias and distort more, giving a richer sound.

    New algorithms are alias-free, oversamples is the borm and way colourless - so when people push sterile sounds into Ozone 7, they get a sterile sound out of it. “Oooh, Ozone 7 sucks”.

    If a plugin does “magic” on your sound, find out what that (usually a form of distortion) is that and apply it yourself. Simple as that.
  18. silvasound

    silvasound Newbie

    Nov 1, 2022
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    @bad-noyz I still use MM7 as part of my workflow. Somehow, my windows vm crapped out. When I restored, windows and MM7 are working again but my OzoneMP plugin is nowhere to be found. I'm really missing it as MM7's autobeatmix is now in the red during the mix before calming back down. I bought a later version of Ozone, but it's WAY too complicated for MixMeister. I'm looking for the old OzoneMP.dll file...

    If anyone's still got it on their machine, backups, other, can you PM me?
  19. nopenopeaudio

    nopenopeaudio Ultrasonic

    Oct 15, 2022
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    Love that mid-early 2000's UI.