Truly understanding your shit

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by paraplu020, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    Hi I really wonder, does everybody here fully master every single plugin they download? I just recently made myself a new rule, stop downloading anymore plugins until I fully 'understand' the ones I have now. It's just too much, I'm gonna study the stuff I have and then continue downloading.

    Just wanted to share this thought with y'all and spark some discussion *yes*

    p.s. and show off my new avatar :bleh:
  3. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Nice avatar! :wink:

    Well, I have my favourite plugins which I know pretty well. I mean that I know all functions but that doesn't mean I know all possibilities. I love TAL U-no -for example- and I know how to use it but I also see lots of people use this plugin in a way I didn't think about.

    Another plugin I really love is Camelspace.

    For drums I use Nerve and I know it pretty well.

    Add dubstation to that (which doesn't have that many knobs, lol) and I have 4 plugins that give me the possibility to create hundreds of songs. All other plugins are nice extra's of which I don't know each and every feature.
  4. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    i agree, i think every one has his favourite plugins, every day new stuff is comming & at the momemnt i have 24 hours a day for making music & testing, but it is to less time and to much releases

    i dont download everything :excl: :wow:
  5. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Goedendag! :mates:

    Fully master sounds little bit unrealistic - as nowadays (some) plug-ins get updated very often. But you're right: It's almost like a dependency/addiction for most download-freaks to grab + collect whatever they can! I've made that too in the past until my HD was cluttered up with useful & useless stuff...

    I grew up in another era, when hardware was the only leader. What i miss most in software + plug-ins is that physical contact & work with faders, knobs and sliders!
  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Doubt I will ever TRULY understand most of the plugins I have, and have no intention on trying to... just too much to learn, and not even time.

    I learn, what I need to, to make the sounds I want... good enough for me. :grooves:
  7. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Amsterdam Pirate,


    Great... but where are all these 'typical' Red Lights which can be seen all around this 'famous' neighborhood and its little 'water channels'...

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    P.S: By the way, have you could get that famous : 'M-Audio Pro Sessions Vol. 50 Rice and Beans' ?

    @ Kookaboo,

    Well, don't cry... and get one (or several) 'MIDI External Controller(s)'.
    Then, thanks to the 'MIDI CCs' set between your favourite Plug-Ins (those that can handle 'MIDI CCs') and the 'MIDI External Controller(s)', you can then touch, toy, stroke,... all the available faders, knobs and sliders the way you like ! *yes* :wink:
  8. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Before I was collecting the stuff, now have the things I use and few of them for demoing, still searching for alternatives of some pricey stuff.

    But that goes for processing tools, now soft synths I even don't consider anymore, I think last was cyclop, saw on You Tube some tutorials and presentations,even had a useless demo and than downloaded him, tested properly and don't like it :)
  9. BlasterM

    BlasterM Newbie

    Sep 6, 2011
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    There are faws for sure. And not all plugins get to stay. After short testing I'll try to determine if I could use plugin, and if not, it gotta go.

    It's leaning more and more towards to certain workhorses, knowing what can be done with them, but certainly not knowing everything about them. Just enough to know "can this kinda sound archived with this plugin" while working on project.

    As they say, more is less, and it'll go with this matter as well. For productivity sense, that is. More plugins you have, less you'll produce and more you just mingle with plugins. With just couple trusty ones off you go instantly. All it needs is idea, not the answer to riddle "how can this be done".
  10. A.Kurbel

    A.Kurbel Newbie

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Germany, Frankfurt
    yes its important to understand your plugins but more important is the sound of the plugins. you have to know how they sound!
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