Calling all EDM Producers - Can you help my get my masters degree

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by losthorizon, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. losthorizon

    losthorizon Newbie

    May 26, 2012
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    Hi All

    I am currently completing my final masters dissertation at Wolverhampton University.

    I am studying the production and performance of various different types of dance music and have created a survey to gather information. I need your responses to inform my research.

    The questions are about what type of music you produce, the tools you use and your views regarding the industry.

    If you can spare just a few minutes of your time you would help me massively.

    Many thanks in advance.

  3. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    no, no you are a lyre ...piracy is the main reason u posted this ...could have told us sure many are interested in this matter ....
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Last time I was asked to do the survey for the same reasons was about psytrance music, but drugs in general, I did this one too, here is my opinion :)
  5. audiodessey

    audiodessey Banned

    Sep 8, 2012
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    master degree is nothing to with your music my friend...
    none of successful music producers with 'master's degree in music production'.
    none of electro music guys are with 'degree in electronic music production'... DJ Tiesto is just DJ Tiesto.. he makes it. Deadmau5 is deadmaus5.. he makes it.
    Forget about it and spend more time in making good music bud.
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Audiodessey,

    You're just hallucinating !

    Have you ever listen to the music of 'Matt' as it seems that's his name ? I don't think so...
    Moreover, it seems that the 'survey' he has especially created for his 'Final Masters Dissertation' is more related to "the production and performance of various different types of dance music", that purely focused on 'Music Theory' or practice, or any kind of 'Tutorial' about Mixing, Producing, How to use a Compressor, a Reverb,...

    As he so well stated it : "I am currently completing my final masters dissertation at Wolverhampton University."
    So I can only suppose that the preparation of his 'Master Degree' is related : firstly, to get it !, then certainly to either continue his way as a teacher himself within some Universities, Colleges,... ; eventually to follow his studies to more specialized or specific studies (that can certainly lead him to get higher Diplomas, or at least to get higher levels of knowledge), or maybe also to become a Producer himself (if he's not one yet !).

    So I just wonder what may well come to do 'DJ Tiesto' and 'Deadmau5' here !!! :dunno:

    :rofl: Are you kidding ?

    You are simply telling to a person who's about to ending his certainly long and tedious studies, that could lead him to get a 'Master Degree', to just leave his studies !
    Here also I can only suppose that 'Matt' knows exactly what to do about his studies, and certainly also with his (bright) future, in case he reaches his main goal... *yes*

    Anyway, as say a famous adage : 'Knowledge is power'.

    About 'DJ Tiesto' and 'Deadmau5', both have got the chance (and still have it !) to be able to earn their 'Bread and Butter' thanks to their creations, without having done any particular advanced studies, and it's rather better for them... because I'm not sure that both could have been able to achieve a 'Master Degree', not even to start it ! :rofl:

    And don't forget - because it has its importance - that for one 'DJ Tiesto' or one 'Deadmau5' who's successful in his professional career, you'll find 10'000 (or even more !) Producers, DJs,... that will certainly never 'take off', if you can understand what I mean...


    @ Losthorizon (or Matt)

    Good Luck with your dissertation, your studies and all my best to obtain your 'Master Degree' ! :wink:
  7. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    MASTERS IN WHAT? studying various types of dance music??? uh NO! when you have to learn various types of music in college it is never based on an activity or event like dance. When a prof says various its always VARIOUS. Troll leave us alone!
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