Busted by ISP

Discussion in 'Software' started by LeGentlemanSwagger, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    simply that law are the current reality, you should know that you're breaking them & that people who don't want you doing it own berry unsmurfy jackbooted thugs (who, in turn, will invade your privacy by kicking in your door in the middle of the night & take you for a ride n their party van"


    and you think its right that they do that! you been arguing on THEIR behalf!
    them doing it is perfectly in line with the money mindset
    poor people dont deserve anything because they are not actual human beings.
    only people with paper and ink on it. have any self worth or value.
    if you ain't got nike's on your a loser right?

    a poor human being that would never be able to hear the music otherwise SHOUNDT download it right? (because you only deserve to enjoy music if your rich enough to be valuable enough)

    a poor human being that would never be able to eat food otherwise SHOUNDT steal it right? (because you only deserve survive if your rich enough to be valuable enough)

    a poor human being that would never be able to watch MOVIE otherwise SHOUNDT download it right? (because you only deserve to enjoy MOVIES if your rich enough to be valuable enough)



    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
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  2. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    No, just giving you a few pointers & a heads-up on reality. You seem to be against ignoring it, so I figured I should clue you in.
    Some talking points you heard & now want to rehash? Because it is neither something I said or even hinted at. Didn't even suggest that you stop breaking the law -- merely told you to stay informed & get good at it.
    That said, you're not stealing anything commonly considered as essentials -- food, shelter, or medicine -- you're stealing luxury goods, the digital equivalent of jewelry.
    Lemmy turn you on to a thing called YouTube. Or Shitcloud. Or ...you sitting down? make your own & share it with your friends. Wazzat? Not good enough for you? only want to listen to music made by selfish fucks who don't want to give it to you for free? Movies made by greedy Hollywood moguls, not billions of public domain/YT/Vimmeo/free-to-watch movies? FFS, WHY?
    Don't know one way or another (I sure would).
    Just happy you finally called it by its proper (or, at least, most commonly used) name: stealing :)

  3. Dan Fuerth

    Dan Fuerth Kapellmeister

    Nov 2, 2017
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    It would help if people stopped using the original names of the uploads
    example : Avid Protools 12 - Audioz.rar
    should be : AvdPt1two-Adios.rar

    Any post that does not mask the filenames should not be allowed to be posted.

    All upload hosts have filters for file names as they scan for offensive names.
    These file names then go into their check lists.
    Some companies PAY to be on this checklist!!!

    I do not have to tell you what happens next.

    So yes we need a sweeping mentality of changing the filenames.

    Torrents are easily beat in any court because you do not have 100% of the file

    Say you started to download and you stopped at 2% that means you do not have that complete file, so yo have
    2% of garbage code = case is not even worth it.

    This changes when multiple 100% verified by Sandvine downloads succeed.

    At this point Porn is not even looked at anymore as piracy lol
    Hollywood "Gay Pedo Wood" is going to start going after Movie torrents soon as their rip off money has decline more than 20% in one year.
    Kodi is going to take down the Movie Industry and we need a shake up in the Film Industry anyways as the Tech they use is still being protected away from the masses.

    A RED Camera for example has no more than 500 dollars of tech inside it. The Sensor is 200$ OEM rest is SSD tech and servos which are decades old tech!!!.

    People need to stop listening to faked history taught in schools as it is to indoctrinate you into being stupid.

    Solid State Drives have been around since the late 70's but most morons would say that is not true and that is impossible.

    Or do you really think our current SMD or NON SMD components would last 1 day in Space inside a Satellite which has no heating or cooling system to take out that heat and cold moisture from the UNSEALED internals LOL

    Or better yet where is the Apollo 11 footage of the Moon or Earth 1 day away or 2 hours away?

    LOL open your eyes and understand all of our history is completed manipulated to keep the same old crew going who have been in control since the "Cast Stone Pyramids" were erected.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
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  4. Magic Mango

    Magic Mango Producer

    Jan 27, 2017
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I just have to say the minute they copyright orgasms , im opting out
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