Don't Blame Young People.

Discussion in 'Music' started by black.afrika.zulu.x, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Malik Manzun

    Malik Manzun Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Bro, I ain't personalizing ish. Every wack muhf say they aint wack but off of that. I just pointed out that You said "don't blame young folks" because, get this , "OLD" guys were awesome. And stop it, this isn't a private conversation, it's the internet. You didn't, as you said "complain about stock sounds" You blamed the DAW, older people, skilled and talented engineers who put time and effort in, musicians, DAW programmers, etc. Then when you crashed and burned you tried to switch up to blaming stock sounds. Come on man,. Even if you go the "blame stock sounds for our wackness" route, nobody is forcing you to use stock sounds. The DAW can just merely be the recorder. You can hook up your MPC or ASR 10 to FL or Ableton. You can learn to play something or get somebody to play live instruments and record it in Fl, Ableton, Cubase, Tascam 4 track, Memorex cassette etc. If you think the stock sounds make you wack, then you are wack for using them. The DAW is the sketchpad, or the recording studio. Just like a real live analog recording studio, the DAW won't come with everything you need. When you need a string section you don't blame the studio for not having a sufficient "stock" string section, you sample one or hire one. Same with Fl or Ableton, Sample a string section, buy heavyocity Novo, or hire some college band/orchestra members. I don't have a preconception or a prejudice, I just don't like people blaming their shortcomings on others, that's what you are doing. You said young folks are innovative and you backed it up by naming older folks and older sub genres.
    Thirdly....???? Why did you mention Drill? I didn't bring it up. I purposely left it out of the conversation. One because it is not an innovation of crunk, it's a watered down easier to produce version of Southern Trap. I looked at your sound cloud it appears that you may may be from South Africa? I live here with drill artist. They don't suck because of hollow, thin stock sounds, Xbox and Genesis isn't even a sane comparison. They suck and It is painful to listen to because it is a bunch of no talent, semi literate, gang bangers with no production skills making absolutely terrible so called "Music" Also, We are not talking past each other, I'm talking right to you. It's not the gear it's the ear. If you are hot, you are hot on anything. If you are trash you can have the greatest stock sounds and gear in the history of the Earth and still be trash.
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  2. Malik Manzun

    Malik Manzun Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Exactly Talmi. That's what I'm trying to tell Zulu Black. Funny thing, he said he is into hip hop. Hip hop is about making something out of nothing. It's not the tools, it's how you use them.
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  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    This africa guy sounds like steve faoki, pretentiuos judgmental bloke.
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  4. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    oh the irony :rofl:
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  5. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    YOU INSIST on talking about me...I'm not talking about me here.

    1. What did I blame Ableton for? For being basically unusable unless you have third-party instruments or plugins. WOULD YOU USE IT WITH ONLY STOCK SOUNDS?

    I also said if you want a fat kick you have to have a group of 10 kick tracks with parallel compression routed to a drum buss and compressed and EQ'd and an aux track with reverb and delay and so on and so on...

    But if, for example, you wanted a great sounding saxophone you have Embertone Sensual Sax with essentially one button (all the geeky stuff is away from the user interface)

    2. What did I blame old people for? For doing exactly what you're doing: INSISTING THAT THERE'S NO PROBLEM! And instead attacking the person, attacking their work ethic, etc. That is why you insist on ad hominem attacks: talking about my character and my beats. SON, my shit my be amateurish but it AIN'T WACK! TRUST ME! Lol!


    But I've given up on getting my point across...tell your gangbanger friends to get off the opiods! It's making bad music sound good to their ears!
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  6. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Best Answer
    well the thing is, most DAW's I know (worked with) are emulations of analog recording systems so what it comes down to is the way these DAW's are functioning and built up is similar to the workflow one would practice when recording on analog tape, via a mixing desk and outboard hardware (compressors, eq's etc.). So what I'm saying is, it has always been troublesome to get that fat kick or that crystal clear vocal part down on tape. That hasn't changed because it depends on too many variables and parameters which all make a difference in the end. And the good part of it is that it's lucky that it is that way, otherwise everyone would be sounding exactly the same. So instead of blaming the DAW's that are out there for being badly designed or limited for your workflow, in fact you are blaming them to be variable enough to serve anyone's workflow. Layering sounds to make them sound the way you want is very much a musical 'problem' (I'd prefer the word 'choice') which is the consequence of having the choice and ability to decide how they should sound for your music. I think that this very much is the musical problem you refer to. If I understand you correctly, your 'problem' is that you have idea's that have a certain sound in your head and you find it very time consuming or troublesome to actually record these idea's exactly like they sound inside your mind. That is a problem that will last forever because there won't be any DAW programmed to serve your unique workflow. If you generalize your problem to being a problem of the young, you are a) generalizing your problem to be every youngster's problem b) in a conformation bias when you bring on the arguments you brought up c) under the assumtion that your technical skills and levels are standard and example for all young people in music production. The answer to all these points is that that's not reality. Maybe you have to confess to yourself that you are in too much of a hurry and maybe it could be very valuable to figure out your workflow a bit better so that it can really serve your musicality. Knowing how to get the sound you are searching for is part of the talent you are given to develop.
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  7. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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  8. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    *facepalm* he's saying the exact same thing everybody else was saying
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  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    program your own daw exactly the way you want .
    make your own fat kicks included
    make the thing you want to exists , function as easy as you want it to.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  10. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Imagine if Ableton logged all your keystrokes over one year. Basically recorded how you use the program. And then used machine learning to generate templates and presets so that all you had to do was beatbox a MIDI pattern directly into the sequencer and it plays back FAT pre-selected drum sounds!

    DO YOU DREAD THAT SCENARIO? Do you find it sacrilegious? Or do you welcome it?

    Brian Eno and Imogen Heap are already messing with similar ideas.

    @seriousofficial hit the nail on the head when he spoke about lots of variables and customization! That's it!
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  11. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Gentlemen. This, in all likelihood, is
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  12. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I think you should try and search for people who may help you develop something like that for the DAW of your choice (Ableton) and/or any other (while you're at it, you might as well do it thorough). Become an entrepeneur! Many of the ideas, services and tools we nowadays can't imagine doing without were all developed from a need for such and it not being there. Slate has done something like it by developing Batch Commander for Pro Tools. Actually I'm surprised that the idea didn't get picked up by others, unless it has turned out that there's no serious demand for it. That is beyond my knowledge to be honest.
  13. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    OK if we are being serious now.

    I see what you are saying but I am not sure I would like that or find it useful. One of the biggest problems I have when experimenting is that I tend to always sound like myself and I want to sound different. This isn't a problem if I just want to finish something I am already happy with, but when I am exploring with no particular goal in mind... I want to get somewhere and have a look around, but if the machine is getting in my way and making my attempts at getting somewhere new (for me at least) all revert to what I usually sound like, I might be a little dissuaded.

    BTW some people do use stock Abelton effects and instruments to great effect, if I remember correctly DADA LIFE stay withing the Abelton realm as much as possible when they are not trying to sell people stuff. It has been a while but I remember a lot of Future Music articles and videos of them doing things and it is for the most part straight up Abelton Live effects chains.

    You may or may not like DADA LIFE but they do get the job done (at least in the rough stage) with mostly stock effects and instruments. I've always been a fan of the Operator synthesizer in Live though I am not a Live user I have messed around with it when using other people's setup enough to appreciate that it is a deep and complex product. I've spent too much time with Logic and DP to really be comfortable anywhere else. Familiarity and deep understanding of something for me outweighs the benefits of changing the tools I use when messing around at home for myself.
  14. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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  15. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    AMONG OTHER THINGS, I'm saying that , DAWs should perhaps cater to future generations' creative needs rather than imitating a 90's studio--something they have never seen nor will ever be in.

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  16. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    I've just bought these two turntables... why don't they come with the best records? I mean.. I have some records, but these records aren't very good and therefor my mix isn't getting me a dancefloor residency. Now you're telling me I have to get NEW records AND learn to beat mix in order to achieve my own sound? What kind of system is this?
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    homey i just started working on my own daw for virtual reality , to start it will be for oculus rift and the htc vive. its just the early c++ right now, im not rushing it because it gong to be your whole body in 3d creates the music and adjusts it any way you want in 3d manipulation, maybe it take a long time it dont bother me because i want it as also a live on stage performance with dance making music on the fly with body movement while controlling lighting all of it home slice.
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  18. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    100% for sure.....

    Don't forget


    Kind of getting off the bike though - I am a bit perplexed as to how it relates to the original intent of what I said. Maybe I am getting trolled the coffee has not kicked in and it is a bit too early for whiskey.
  19. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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  20. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    @mozee, only kinda. Just trying to reconcile "stay withing the Abelton realm as much as possible" & "now buy our plugs."
    I mean, I agree with you in the sense that one could code up anything in asm, & high-level languages are for the weak, but still...
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