Busted by ISP

Discussion in 'Software' started by LeGentlemanSwagger, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    he convinced people that they should spend money on ones and zeros

    my logic is so retard that you have no way to defeat it . in fact im so retard that i became smart again.
  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    yeah your right, when my best friend comes for dinner i charge him 10 bux for a glass of milk right?
  3. Magic Mango

    Magic Mango Producer

    Jan 27, 2017
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    I would take all your milk for free. It's just protons, neutrons and electrons, like literally just ones, zeros and minus ones.

    You are not worth reading, bro.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
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  4. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    As is your CC info, your SS#, etc.
    Your definition seems to differ from both the law & common sense.

    You put out an album (1s & 0s), I copy it (1s and 0s) & post it on my website (as 1s & 0s). You still have your 1s and 0s, but now you can't sell them -- most people won't pay for stuff they can get free.
    You publish a book. I copy that book, publish it, and sell it for $.01.
    You develop a drug (costs you billions), I copy that drug & sell it. For less -- I didn't spend billions on R&D, like you did.
    You design a car. I slavishly copy that car & start selling it. For less -- see above.
    I haven't taken anything away from you, so it's not stealing.

    Not trying to preach, I pirate, but let's not kid ourselves -- it's stealing.
  5. LeGentlemanSwagger

    LeGentlemanSwagger Newbie

    Mar 15, 2017
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    Hmm if I set the upload limit to 0 when I torrent does that make me invisible? One of the previous replies said that they only sniff me out when I upload a lot.
  6. WarpenN1

    WarpenN1 Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    But I would've never bought many things if it was not warez sites or pirating nor would I even ever heard most of em
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    just set your client not to seed at all... I use utorrent it's simple to set that.. but maybe cannot avoid seeding while downloading
    ( any uploading could make you culpable if they want to make a case...)
    next.. get a vpn and use it properly...with suggested configurations to stop leaking,
    then get a seedbox if you feel guilty about leeching

    about all you can do has been suggested.. so get going on what's left of your privacy
  8. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    The argument works equally well with all the examples I posted. As an author/publisher, you should have no problem with me making your book/album available for free, on my site.
    --Buh...but bro, I can't sell anything if you take my stuff & give my stuff away on your warez site :(
    --No one would've heard about you if it wasn't for me, and the people using my wares wouldn't have bought your shitty book/album anyway, stop whining.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  9. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I know you said you don't have an income, but seriously, you can't get 15 bucks or less together to get 3 months worth of VPN service? Then you have 3 months to get another 15 bucks for another 3 months, and so on. It's worth it.
  10. WarpenN1

    WarpenN1 Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Yes I wouldn't mind. But ofc I'm buying everything that I use at least I will in the longer term when I have enough money. But DRM is cancer therefore if I have BOUGHT product I should be able to use it anyhow and activate it without need of external server! I hate ethics of not owning software I buy so I don't feel the joy of buying it...

    Just like slate, I haven't even used it or have urge to even test the cracked version of it because I hate slate of what they are doing... pure garbage. I didn't speak of music or books... I will buy books I find interesting and music I like. I don't pirate them......

    I'm not whining, please so stop making conclusions! I'm just expressing my opinion of how I feel.
  11. LeGentlemanSwagger

    LeGentlemanSwagger Newbie

    Mar 15, 2017
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    I don't use Slate stuff either because I do edm and slate is useless for that kind of stuff, but I'm curious of your reasoning why you don't like them?
  12. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Always use a VPN with a "zero logging" policy. Hidemyass doesn't log activity but does log connect/disconnect timestamps, so they are vulnerable to so-called "abuse" complaints. (The complaint will have the date and time of the "abusive" data transfer logged.)

    VPN's that maintain zero logging will usually have some policy or form letter of responding to abuse complaints that they can't help, because they don't know who the user was, since they don't maintain logs. That might be an area where VPN's could run into trouble in the future... a country can pass a law that makes logging a requirement. But in that case, users will switch to using VPN's in countries that don't have such laws. But then what happened in Russia might happen. Always a game of chess in situations like these.
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    you can read up on a number of these... I prefer Private Internet Access ( PIA ) , good connectivity and speed
    but have seen some complaints about not being effective with their killswitch if the service goes down...

    you can debate all you like about the utlimate right-ness or wrong-ness of downloading intellectual property without paying for it,
    but it is illegal and companies/corporations can pursue criminal and/or civil action against you ...
    especially in the good old US of A, best be on your guard if you decide to participate..
    oh.. and never use HMA
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2017
  14. WarpenN1

    WarpenN1 Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Same reason I don't like Adobe's practices, I hate subscription based "services" and I don't see value to use something that I have to pay monthly to be able to even use it :(
  15. LeGentlemanSwagger

    LeGentlemanSwagger Newbie

    Mar 15, 2017
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    That makes sense. It would be better if it were rent to own. I'm using the Serum from Splice and I think it's pretty reasonable.
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    first of all im not saying anyone should break the law.
    what i am saying is my philosophical position.
    that the laws and frames of thought are flawed and wrong unjustified and have no basis in reality itself.

    i dont see anything wrong with what you just stated or that it is stealing or that we are kidding ourselves.

    "most people won't pay for stuff they can get free. "

    your right , that is a consequence of technology
    what they do is their choice they shouldn't be FORCED to do anything!

    "You put out an album (1s & 0s), I copy it (1s and 0s) & post it on my website (as 1s & 0s). You still have your 1s and 0s, but now you can't sell them -- most people won't pay for stuff they can get free. "

    so what because i thought i SHOULD be able to sell them, but it turns out that i cannot , i should deny reality?
    (what gives me the right to assume that i should be able to sell them to begin with?) it is one thing to attempt to sell it and see how it goes, it people choice to whether they buy or not.

    I would be the one putting it out to many people as possible for free so they have access to it . (the whole reason i made the music was for as many people possible to hear it.

    "You publish a book. I copy that book, publish it, and sell it for $.01."

    so what? what is contained in that book is a written language that everyone uses and information everyone has access to.
    I would be the one putting it out to many people as possible for free so they have access to it .

    "You develop a drug (costs you billions), I copy that drug & sell it. For less -- I didn't spend billions on R&D, like you did."

    and someone else would copy it and sell it cheaper than you, and someone else copy and sell it cheaper than them.....

    if i was developing a drug it would be for the people who needed it to have access to it, not for paper and ink or numbers in a bank account. i would give it away for free to many people as possible.

    "You design a car. I slavishly copy that car & start selling it. For less -- see above."

    so you think every car is original hahaha tell that to henry ford!

    you have this romantic philosophical concept dude.

    "I haven't taken anything away from you, so it's not stealing."

    it hilarious that first you think software is like these other examples.

    lets put your noggin to the test.

    say i develop a software program.
    if i make 50 copies how much does that cost me? or instead if i made 50,000 copies how much does that cost me?
    or instead if i made 7.6 billion copies ?

    now lets compare to your other examples.

    if i build one car how much does that cost me compared to 50 cars? compared to 50,000 cars? compared to 7.6 billion cars?

    with software if i make one duplication from the original , then from now on only make copies from that first duplication and put the original in a safe, the result is that you could make 7.6 billion copies of the first duplication, hand it out to each person on earth and i have not done anything to alter that original in any way.

    say im building cars if i build one it has a cost associated, if i build 2 that cost is doubled. maybe by the time i make 20 or 50 it goes slightly down per one made but this is all i ever hear these false dichotomies that software is similar to these other things it is NOT!

    the only way you can hold the position on this topic that you DO, is to not be honest! you cannot talk honest you have to lie in order to
    justify this position!
  17. WarpenN1

    WarpenN1 Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Yeah I like splice :) I haven't yet used Serum even though I haven dozen of times thought about it :D But what it looks like, it's on my next things to buy list ;)
  18. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Are you familiar with [the existence of] the legal system & [the existence of] its subset, the body of law dealing with intellectual property? I assure you, it's a part of reality. Ignore it at your own peril: make sure you know what you're doing (breaking the law), are good enough to get away with it, & are ready for potential consequences (e.g surprise buttsecs).
    Aforementioned body of law. Here, in reality. Equestria has no intellectual property laws -- its legal system relies on the magic of friendship :)
    That's nice, you do that. With your own stuff, stuff that you make. Many people do that -- shareware/copyleft etc.
    Some prefer to get paid for their work, in money -- not street cred/karma/handouts.
    Some fund/volunteer at soup kitchens. Please don't misconstrue this as your God-given right to free soup. Only in soup kitchens.
    *realistic. A [granted, somewhat tentative] grasp of reality, the relevant laws, and the [real] possibility of enforcement, aka teh Party Van :)
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    yes, i am familiar i am not disputing such a thing, i am disputing THAT it SHOULD be the case THAT the law IS that way to begin with!
    ( i am not saying that you shouldn't follow the law. do you agree that what the law is should ever be talked about or updated at any time? )

    again the issue is whether human beings have the RIGHT to discuss WHAT the law is, and IF that law should be that way!

    okay, lets follow your position all the way through and apply it to yourself.
    number 1pay me 5 dollars to my paypal to be able to continue this conversation please.
    next send $80 dollars a month to the administrator of this forum, cant be having free forums available it just not right!
    next send $80 dollars a month to google so you can use a search engine.
    next pay $80 dollars a month to youtube to be able to watch anything.
    next pay an outright bill or monthly payment to the ancestors of thomas edison and alexander gram bell so that you may allowed electricity and telephone and internet.
    next there should be no such thing a public libraries with free books and free information for poor people.
    it should be that only the wealthy are allowed to be a human being with any quality of life. access to any information, have to pay every inventor to use any product.
    next you should have a monthly bill to breathe air because the scientist that discovered h2o ancestors need a paycheck.
    when we follow your ideas out and apply them to everything the world becomes a PRISON.

    when we follow my ideas out we would get rid of money completely, and have free access for everyone . ever human being can have access to everything
    this is a little thing called FREEDOM!

    in your world view, those that cannot afford it have NO FREEDOM!

    its just a matter of rolling the dice to see which family your born into whether you ever have an education access to healthy food access to what all the rich and even middle class have.
    if you don't have paper and ink in your back pocket you are not a human being you dont deserve anything you have no access and no way to get anything
    i guess they will just have to prostitute themselves right? ( can't be getting sex for free just wouldn't be right )

    my position is that there should be no such thing as money controlling anything.
    that there should be no barter no trade
    these systems are a type of violence.
    even the concepts of reward and punishment are a type of violence ( all violence stems from "good guy" "bad guy" type of thinking.

    a Resource Based Economy
    with Non-violent communication

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  20. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    You mentioned something about ignoring reality; now talk about how shit should be? Tell you what: you build your Equestria (make it a reality) & I'll come on over & hang if it turns out nice. 'Til that happy day, you're the one ignoring reality.

    Not telling you that laws are fair, right, or to stay within the law -- simply that law are the current reality, you should know that you're breaking them & that people who don't want you doing it own berry unsmurfy jackbooted thugs (who, in turn, will invade your privacy by kicking in your door in the middle of the night & take you for a ride n their party van).

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