Other stuff like NextProducers or Beat Elite?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by einfach, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. einfach

    einfach Newbie

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Hey guys,

    The NexProducers Trance Project was just posted a few days ago and someone else mentioned in the post that Beat Elite stuff is also pretty cool. I had never seen fully mixed projects like this before. I can't find much stuff like this around. Are there any other quality sites/companies that have quality fully mixed projects like this? It is interesting to pull apart the mixes and see what is going on under the hood. Thanks in advance for any tips!!
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hmm in term os templates Dancemidisamples.com has some nice stuff for Ableton, Cubase, Logic and others ;)
    but on the side that next producers project was not so impressive ;)
  4. justsomenewb

    justsomenewb Newbie

    Jan 9, 2012
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    have you bought any templates from dancemidisamples? I was thinking about buying a few from them. I would have to disagree with your second sentence though, I think the nexproducers trance project was an excellent template for new comers and people with intermediate skill. If anyone knows any other websites that sells trance or house templates, plz let me know! I would love to buy some of these and release them to my fellow peeps!
  5. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Come on "that next producers project was not so impressive ;)"? Well, what the heck is your production made of then? And what would have made it impressive?
    Honestly, I think for the price of these templates and what someone can get out of them, they are absolute steal; You even get the midi files on the side.
    One thing Dancemidisamples has over Nextproducers templates is that compression, fx and dynamics are also included. So, it's a go from the moment you open them.
  6. hopemusic

    hopemusic Newbie

    Dec 29, 2011
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    ey mate ive got some packs,so if you want some of them PMing me :mates:
    and some of them are for trance!!
  7. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I agree with articstorm 100%

    It wasn't impressive at all, the mix is really poor. You can't tell me any trance dj would even play the tune in a set (whether or not you can produce).

    Even if it was a good quality production, I really can't see a great deal you could learn from it (or things like this in general). All eq'ing, compressor settings etc will only apply to that particular sound in that track for that mix. Your not learning how the producer came to make that decision or why he/she did that in the first place.

    At best you could rearrange the midi to make you own track, but really your just kidding yourself because its not your own work, and as soon as you try to change the sounds to make it something else, the mix will all go to pot.
  8. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Have You thought about Multi Tracks as another option to get an "inside" look at how the Pro`s do it.

    Admittedly, being Audio, You are less able to dig in, but, they can be a good basis for EQ curves etc.

    Just My tuppence worth! :dunno:
  9. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    We all can only talk from our own experience. A few will think it is, some will not, we're standing in different camp, and that's the bottom line of this. It's not a YOU are right, He is wrong. "Any trance DJ" is a great deal of people, considering Trance is spinned all over the world. Now, how can anybody go ahead and try to prove that this particular track in the template got spinned or not? by traveling the world and ask every SINGLE Trance DJ that question? Shoop, if this debate was to prove who spins it or not, so that it shows it's an "impressive template" then I could do that myself; heck, I'd spin it myself weekly in my set then, Youtube it for extra proof, etc... but it's not what this thread was about.

    I think the focus of this thread quickly shift from its original purpose. The guy is asking which product is better as a way to decide which to look into. As far as what can be done with the templates and how impressive they are, it will always comes down to what you as a producer turn it into. You give it to 100 people, it'll comeback 100 different ways, just like the labels gives a track out to different producers to get different remixes. Some of them comeback as stellar work, some of them makes you wonder what the producers was on when they did it ;)

    Everything else will sit on our opinions which may have some weight or maybe simply flat. Until then, have a great journey into music production.
  10. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Its a learning tool. Thats it.
    I actually love these things. Im less concerned about the content, but interested is the bussing. So, I can see what kinda of stuff is going on in their aux sends. See what kind of creative fx, and parallel bussing others are doing.
  11. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Ok, I decided to download it to check it out properly.

    From the top this is what I've quickly observed (all very subjective and in my own opinion)..

    Kick is wrong, it drives the track yes but too boomy and too long a tail on it. Its a long sample to start with and the sustain env is cranked right up. The compression don't do much for it either, its like its been done for the sake of it. Simply turning up the kick in volume would have gave a better result.

    Next is the clap which is lifeless as a result of eq. I can only assume this is ment to be the top layer to the clap in one of the loops (which dont really do anything in the mix)

    Then we have the "groove" which is just a mush of hats/percs/loops, can't understand why its all been eq'd the way it has. A little sidechain wouldn't hurt here but no groove for me. Not even any swing has been added and the loops dont go together.

    Low bass, just muddy.

    Main bass, now this you can relate to daniel kandi. It is the right sound and even the right midi but its just not right. Ok granted who ever made this aint daniel kandi but personally I would have went about processing it differently. I don't even agree with how its sidechained (settings) lol

    Rolling bass, again pointless too basic not creative enough. Even if I was guna use it, once again I would have processed it differently. A mean cumon, the guy uses utility to narrow the sound then puts a wide ping pong straight after, wtf?? more sidechain with even worse attack settings.

    Fx its all stuff like sweeps and crashes etc all with different reverbs on them, would have just sent them all to 1. (same with the sc for the bass) Also delays placed after reverb in chain (big no for me, would do it other way if chained like that).

    Arp pluck. First the synth patch has reverb on then in the chain goes to eq then reverb then delay (pet hate) then a compressor added on the end for the sake of it, then all thats sent to a 3rd reverb on aux channel (all with different settings).

    Vocal chops, sound crap (well they do) with eq (a pointless 6 db boost at 10k which does nothing for it) and yet another reverb with another different setting. Then delayed ;)

    ok getting sick now..

    Pads typical trance saw pads could be layered and eq'd much much better, not bussed and 2 pads both have 2 reverbs.

    Main pluck you have deley then reverb then delay then more reverb in chain, just sounds awfull!

    Ok to summarize, the structure and all the elements of a very generic trance track are here, but its mixed really bad and just amateur at best. No real bussing (none of any use) not much automation creating any movement, only 1 aux with reverb and even then, the tracks being sent are already drenched in it from multiple sources, and no creative fx going on here. I just can't see what there is to be learnt from all this as I think its all done wrong :dunno:

    Remember just my opinion *yes*
  12. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Woah!! :rofl: SMARTLAD you got balls :wink:
    So, @11:47 AM, you replied to the thread:
    "It wasn't impressive at all, the mix is really poor. You can't tell me any trance dj would even play the tune in a set (whether or not you can produce)."

    I replied to make a simple point of "impressive" or not, the template can be important to someone depending on what they do with it.
    But @3:48 PM you wrote: "Ok, I decided to download it to check it out properly." which means when you made your first comment on agrreeing with ArticStorm, you didn't even get to open/download the file in your DAW. Yet, you did already branded it "not impressive"?

    So, is it that, we as people can't simply agree to disagree? So much you took your time to describe how every single thing in the template is "bad", "pointless", "wrong", "crap", and one more time "really bad" "all done wrong" Keyword: ALL? :rofl:
    You could write a book on how this template (or any other ones) is "bad" smartlad, the next person who beg to differ will think otherwise. That's just what we call DIFFERENCE, we as people see things differently and have different taste. As a matter of fact, that's what makes Producers different. The template is not a brick, you can change everything in it, so what an EQ is at 6dB? Well, freaking bump it to 12 if you want to.
    The funny thing is, I don't think anybody (including me) disagree with you. You think it is "bad", great but someone doesn't have to swallow your "bad", does he?

    If you are that great, that mighty in producing (which possibly you are) then allow me to ask: Where's your template/s? Let me listen to one of your finished track (Trance or not). What's your SoundCloud, Mixcloud or wherever you post your stuff. What's your official site? any Facebook page with some demo? Any past credit on a Release, big or small? You seems to know how to make sure your whole lot of opinion count, then which Magazine you review tracks for? Any blog you write on reviews? Heck, you know soooo much about FX and Sidechaining (where's the applause Emoticons?) Well, well, I'll pay you for some classes homie, straight up!!
    I ain't even mad, your "bad" post was hilarious, I'm still :rofl:

    "Remember just my opinion"
  13. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The video is on youtube, the full track. I had seen/heard it before, its been out for ages, thats how I could comment on the track before downloading the project.

    I didn't do all that to have a dig at you or anyone. I know some people will think they've struck gold recieving this project but I think its useless and stated why and how I think its bad.
    Regardless of my credentials I am allowed an opinion and I think I've raised some good points. Do the top food critics have to be master chefs??? I think not. Cumon who uses 3 different reverbs and 2 different delays on 1 sound? (your guna mess your mix right up). The guy can't even sidechain properly, another reason why his mix is a mess.

    All you have to do is compere it to a good trance track and you can tell there worlds apart in terms of production, and I've stated a few good reasons why. Above all it is badly mixed!

    People don't have to swallow my anything, it dont bother me, take it or leave it. I wont write in caps to try and force it across, but at the end of the day I'm guna say it, you don't have to like it, thats not my problem. I believe in what I say about this project and would love to hear different from anybody. Hell give me a few days a might just even remix it for you *yes*
  14. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    The Loopmasters DJ MIXTOOLS have complete tracks that you can rip apart...
  15. losthorizon

    losthorizon Newbie

    May 26, 2012
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