Breverb 2 What a beast! (Cubase user)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Von_Steyr, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Tnx, but I wasn't clear enough. The recordings serve different purposes. As I already said, this is an informative rec with video for the competition entry commission. They are not evaluating the recording nor the orchestra but ONLY the pianist. I just wanted, as you said, to “save” a bit the rec. I thought a “mastering” type of reverb could help.

    I would ditch this one immediately. I’m aware of the pros, who say things like “ I don’t eq the piano, I just put the mics in the right places..” and so on

    But here I am. It’s all I have and I must deal with it. ;)
    BTW I will bother Ed-enam when I’ll have at least something mediocre to deal with, but thank you for the tip! :)
  2. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Thank you Von for your kind words but I am no expert like you guys. So nice of you.

    @Matt777 Have a look at the link in my post #22 above. Will that be of any help?
    And to get you started with positioning (far/behind) to come over the alignment issue may be you should check this plugin
    For Bricasti IRs', you can download them from here
    For technical stuff may be someone else might chime in to give you valuable advice, am really not good at it (in fact everything) sorry for that.
    Hope this helps... sort of!
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  3. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Edit: Sorry @Matt777 I have not seen your above post as I was typing. You might try to separate the recording from the video using video editing softwares and then process it. You can try De-Verb plugin to remove the reverb, eq it and then use the reverb of your choice. Just an idea.
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  4. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    No problem with audio-video separation. Not using the camera audio (only as a reference when I'll combine au+vid). Was already thinking of de-verbing (especially the balcony Zoom) but a little skeptical - worth a try anyway. I have a second mic (somebody put it in front of the piano) but this one is very harsh souding. Like Von_Steyr said it's probably best playing around.. ;)

    I was aware of the Samplicity IR but I have the True M7 (Signaltonoise?) presets in Waves IR1 but no wave files.. so I was thinking about these
    Did not know about the Proximity - thanx for the link!

    Just one more Q. If I use both (the balcony and the near) mic mix - do I have to use something like autoalign (probably bad idea), or I just leave them separate (so the sound hits the balcony mic later). I'll have to guess the distance/time in this case.. what about the phase cancell, is that a problem then? Will look in to the plugin that you suggested. Thanx!
  5. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    I don't want to give wrong advice. I think @Adrianus Antonius is more knowledgeable for such technical queries and mixing suggestions.
  6. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    As I said these are poor recordings from the beginning, so no point bothering with them too much. They are intended for people who care about the performer, not the recording. Got some fine information though, so thank you!

    To get back on topic I see that most people here prefer Reverberate vs Waves for convolution revs. And there is always Altiverb stratosphere statement then. Are Waves plugs really such crap..?
  7. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Align it manually, but it will be a Frankenstein, because it is two separate recordings, too different from each other, from what I understand and since it is a demonstration, the front mic will do. You could try to manually align them in time, EQ and see how it sounds, but it seems not worth it.
    For Bricasti IR's, Waves Manny Marroquin Reverb uses IRs of it, but LiquidSonics made a free bundle of Bricasti M7 IR's for Reverberate, those IR's are approved by Casey himself, the creator of Bricasti M7, who expressed a disapproval of Waves for not asking him, before doing it.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
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  8. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    I’m just trying something like this. Squashed a bit of dynamics (MB – boomy low end) from the balcony. Then slowly brought it in, just to hear a bit more orchestra. Put a gentle eq and rev on front mic. For demo purpose sounds already better. Thank you.
  9. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I'm a Logic Pro user. What's Breverb?

    What's YOUR recipe for guacamole? Do you use lemon?
  10. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    No Waves plugins are awesome. I don't think it's a matter of plugin when we talk about convolution reverbs but definitely opposite when algorithmic reverbs. Reason most people like Reverberate or SIR is Reverberate not only gives you more free hand with it's built in features but also inexpensive. Also the built in equaliser is very helpful to carve the desired sound. IR-1 has seen it's days and still very useful. I sometimes use it when I need Todd-Ao impulse response. But if you can get good results with it... go ahead! It all eventually comes down to the quality of IRs' we use and what feature we need in the plugin. An unclean, cloudy IR will have the same result whether you use IR-1 or Reverberate. But problem with convolution IR is most of them are not clean so you have to be very selective. If you can get hold of Numerical Sounds FORTI SERTI impulse responses then you can have pristine results provided that your original sound is as good. Have a look:
    Samplicity Bricasti although not clean but most reasonable free IRs available as far as I know.
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  11. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    Secret tip: Eventide 2016 Stereo Room = brilliant reverb to go.
    Never understood the Valhalla hype. 95% still goes thru Lexicon PCM, 5% thru HOFA.
    Everytime I test others like waves h-reverb crap, I m disappointed, so I stopped testing reverb plugs.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
  12. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Overloud really can't compete with the best. Be it Guitar Sims, Eqs, Compressors and indeed reverbs. Their eqs sound nothing like what they emulate (and sound very digital and harsh), their compressors distort easily and their guitar sims sounds like toys vs S-gear, Revalver and Helix.

    So reverb? Nah..

    I'll stick with my tried and trusted trio (all lexicon based but I don't care)

    LX-480 - Heaven in a plug in
    Lexicon PCM Native - Still the daddy for classy/rich verb (still has the most orgasmic 'tails' of any verb ITB)
    Fabfilter Pro R - New take on reverb with great FF GUI and nice/different sound

    Have tried everything, the above 3 win on sound and workflow.
  13. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I agree LEX PCM and RELAB are the kings of ITB verb (still).

    And I agree about Valhalla, it's seriously over-rated, probably due to cheap price meaning everyone buys it then talks about it, but I find it cheap, grainy and very two dimensional in sound vs Relab and Lex PCM (or even FF ProR).

    I don't much care for the GUIs and workflow on most other verbs inc Exponential and Aether even though they sound good (Not as good as the lex though even if one of them was the same author)
  14. Tabby

    Tabby Kapellmeister

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Deneb<*>Delta Cygni
    Do all the cheap plugins are overrated? No. Then why Valhalla plugins? Because of their sound and cpu efficiency. What is best is subjective. You can't go wrong with valhalla. There are blind tests on gearslutz. Check them.
  15. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    uk breverb...
    Really nice inmho,use it alot...goto verb aside from valhalla plate n room
  16. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Slate Digital Verbsuite... and Matt777, you can download for free lots of the Bricasti Fusion Irs for use with Reverberate 2 at Liquidsonics site.
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