buying one monitor instead of 2

Discussion in 'Studio' started by adrien, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Honestly i would never buy such a expensive speaker only for mono use, no matter how good they sound as point source. Simply because you have plenty of lower cost speakers, who can do that job completely adequate. And using great speaker as a mono, you also kill some advatages and purpose speaker have. Like Excellent soundstage, imaging, which in other words you will throw money out of the window, for futures you can't use in mono and they can add a lot to speaker price. Hope that make sense.
  2. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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  3. thecow

    thecow Guest

    A bit less expensive than the twotwo6, there are the Barefoot Footprint01 that are worth to try (3900Euros vs 4700euros for the twotwo where I live)
  4. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    maybe funny story, a few years back i had saved up "a ton of money" and whent and ordered some new JBL monitors. i had been saving up for them for quite some time.- i was so excited to get them!
    when they finnaly arrived it was incredible. i was so hyped! it was unbeliveable!

    to my big surpprise (--!!!!--) when i opened the box there was only 1 speaker inside ...
    it was like going from lightspeed to flatline in a nanosec. rofl!

    so i worked using only 1 speaker for a good 2 month time (hello mono!!) then xmas came arround and it got saved by santa getting the 2nd monitor for the pair :D

    it worked out in the end lol
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Story continued though. Reliefsan was then so unhappy , he hit the bottle pretty hard. Realizing he just spent his college tuition money, he stared break dancing on the train station with his speaker wired to a car battery.
    Eventually he got into a fight with some jealous hobos.
    Long story short, he became the nr. 1 world wide authority on mono mixing.
    That is how the legend of @reliefsan was born.
    True story.
  6. adrien

    adrien Guest

    Yes it would be very interesting to compare with the twotwo 6. One thing i heard from a professionnal : if you don't have a big studio with a good acoustic work, having a 3-way monitor is maybe not the best idea, a 2-way monitor is better. I don't know if you people have an experience about that.

    Second thing, do you people think it's enough to have the twotwo 6 calibrated with Sonarworks in a room without an acoustic treatment, or is it really not enough ? The question under this i think it's : does Sonarworks saves the world or is it not enough
  7. thecow

    thecow Guest

    One common mistake imho is to invest in expensive gear before acoustic treatment.

    Let's say you have a pair of Dynaudio Bm6 and switch to the twotwo6, the gain you get is negligeable, compared to the gain between a treated/not treated room. So, I would say acoustic > speakers > soundcard, and not the inverse like I see often...:no:

    Treating your room can be cheap man, there are lots of DIY topics on the net, all in one I would say it wouldn't cost more than 400/500 euros...First concentrate on "absorption", treating the 1st lateral "reflexions" being the most important, then diffusion if you can. Owens corning are the most renowned fiberglas panels, the more thick the panel = the more absortion. Avoid cheap "acoustic" kits and panels like "toothed" ones, waste of money imho : much better (and cheaper) to buy a fiberglass panel, build a wood frame and staple some textile around...

    About Sonarworks I don't know, I personally work with DIRAC (DIRAC live monitoring calibration/Dirac Live Room Correction Suite), it's very good but my studio is fully treated, so it's just to perfect some micro details...

    ps: Haven't tried the footprint but heard they are very very good for that price. The usual advice is to try the gear if you can : Not many people know, but, depending on where you live lots of gear "distributors" will lend you products (if you plan to buy of course hehe) I often do like this before buying such stuff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2017
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