What about ade masterclass 2017?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Suhas, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Hey, mate, six requests in less than 20 minutes??? :dont:

    That's probably a new audiosex highscore.

    Calm down take a deep breath and relax. :mates:

    There are lots of nice and helpful people here that's for sure but you can't force them. Everyone who likes to help you will do so if and when he or she has got the time to.

    We have kind of professors here (ya all know who I mean :yes:) who can give you more information in 20 minutes than you can assimilate within the rest of this and maybe the next year.

    My suggestion is not to ask for the member's tracks (at least because you don't know which kind of music they are making) but to choose some good sounding released tracks (not necessarily the most successful ones) as a reference that fit to your style of music and try to find out why they are so good in terms of composing, arranging, panorama, eqing, fx and levels. Then try to reproduce the sounds you like and adjust them to your personal taste and aim. Learn how the different parameters of your vsti's and fx's are working.

    This is going to be a long journey and rushing it is sensless. And don't forget to always keep an eye on the fun.
  2. Sauceky

    Sauceky Member

    Oct 12, 2017
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    I did this masterclass a few years ago, it's not that good imo, maybe if you are very new. They have time constraints so the music they make and show off on the masterclass isn't very in depth so don't expect to learn a lot.
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