Audiophile or Audio-Fooled? How Good Are Your Ears?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The-RoBoT, Oct 13, 2017.

  1. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Audiophile or Audio-Fooled? How Good Are Your Ears?

    I'm sure this video will create some interesting comments.
    As always, be nice to each other :mates:

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  3. Clayton123

    Clayton123 Producer

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Honestly since she got it 4/6 times this video kind of backfired for him. I'm using 44.1 or higher wav for sure now.
  4. Dizac

    Dizac Newbie

    Oct 10, 2015
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    i honestly saw the video a couple hours ago and i comment that it was bullshit you defiantly can hear the difference between mp3 and 44.1 sample rate even mastering engineers know that when ever you push the sample rate to a higher sample rate they know it gives more air to the signal
  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Basically they are right.

    The difference between 128 & 192 and 192 & 320kbps is difficult to hear but between 128 & 320kbps you can hear it if you haven't messed up the wav somehow (which was maybe the case with the Coldplay song, but you know, it was just Coldplay, so... [​IMG]).
    I tried this myself and had no real problems with it.

    A proper made conv wav to 320kbps at least I can't differ.

    Of course there's nothing like experience - sorry kids, no offense.
    If you're halfway talented and do mixing and/or mastering for years or even decades you are able to hear/recognize things more unexperienced people won't. But this is normal to a lot of jobs.

    And as long as there's no aliasing in your songs you can't hear a difference between 44.1 & 48kHz - as long as you are not a bat, a rat, a dolphin or the like.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
  6. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Not really. I'm guessing the test is choosing between uncompressed (16 bit deep @ 44.1k), 320kbps mp3 & 128kbps mp3. This is what she's listening to:
    She can hear 18.5kHz (pretty good for adults), so it works out.
  7. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    4 out of 6 is a positive result.

    I've done this test before and yes I could hear the difference between 128 - 256 - and even 320 but at 320Kpbs it takes concentration and even though I got 6-8 correct on PCM vs 320Kbps it was hard work and had to listen multiple times.

    If you are looking for the best quality you can get nothing beats PCM or lossless models like FLAC.

    44.1K vs 48K for distribution (not processing), properly done 44.1KHz is more than adequate, I can hear a slight difference between 44.1KHz and 48KHz and that probably has more to do with LPF aliasing (they all do to a certain extent, and sometimes the ones that alias a bit more actually end up being more transparent [i.e. SARACON].) For playback with no processing anyone that tells you they can hear the difference between 48K24 and anything higher is either a mutant or a liar. I don't give a shit if they are using a turntable inside of a particle accelerator's gyroscope with a stylus made out of aged virgin Cambodian nipples and speakers made out of an array of yellow jacket wasp and killer bee assholes matrixed together with carbon fiber nano-tubes.
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Yea, 4 out of 6 as well here.