Piracy is gone completely

Discussion in 'humor' started by ablekuma, Oct 9, 2017.

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  1. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    This is known as "deflection" in debating. It is used when the instigator of an argument knows they are losing.
  2. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Exactly. Then my music would have been pirated. Not stolen, since I would still have it. Simple. For me they are two very different things. I'm not saying it's good or bad, just that for me the concept is quite different.
  3. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Personally, nothing would please me more than finding that my music was the highest rated song on Piratebay. Imagine an audience of millions instead of one! You could make a similar argument about software. Reaper is one example.
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  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Well, at least we've discovered in this trollalalalalololo topic that replication <> stealing. Yay!
  5. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    I can feel your pain...

    @tooloud YES!! It gives kind of pleasing rush.. And those of us that are here a bit longer know you spend silly amounts of $$$ on tools! ;) More important - was ever revealed who is on your avatar..?

    Sorry, did not introduce myself properly - I'm ..well, not a thief ...more, a fun lovin' criminal. Stealing is just one of my hobbies. No moral, no ethics unfortunately.

  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    piracy is climbing aboard ships raping and killing and stealing physical good taking lives.
    you honestly expect me to believe the literal sharing of ones and zeros is similar in any way to above? bullshit.

    theft means i take something that you no longer have access to after i have taken it.
    sharing is not theft.
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  7. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    @tooloud[/USER] YES!! It gives kind of pleasing rush.. And those of us that are here a bit longer know you spend silly amounts of $$$ on tools! ;) More important - was ever revealed who is on your avatar..?

    Hey Matt.... her name is Addison Grace. Talented young lady. I changed my avatar to a pic of her because I thought people couldn't possibly say bad things to that cute face.
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    The mp3 actually was the cherry on top. It all started when they intentionally killed vinyl so they can profit from selling a 2 cents worth of plastic with a 5 cents coating on it, called the CD. The jewel case and cover are more expensive than the actual product.
    But please i beg to differ on the subject of exercising ethics etc. Assholes will always be assholes. I never thought of "friends" being really my friends when they would constantly ask for a copy of my new single. For free. For fuckin' decades. If you are my friend you will buy my single to support me, just as i buy your "potatoes" to support you.
    I make my living writing music and arranging/producing/recording/remixing etc. And i strongly disagree it is futile to expect people to behave properly, it is the only way. There is nothing else we can do. Educate the peeps and the majority will see clearly what needs to be done. The genie might be out of the bottle but what do you do about it ? You may consider this and perhaps enough of the next content creator generations as "collateral damage to the start of the digital era" but mending this can only be done with education and standing up for your rights.
    The only futile thing i find in this digital era, is millions of wannabes who think they 're good because they made the same wobble as Skrillex etc. , or sang a rap saying 40 times the words "fuck" and "motherfucker". Street cred my ass, pirates my ass, everyday we have to witness another "symphony of the imbeciles" :

    Sharing is not theft, but is an accomplice to it, at least legally. IE, by sharing my music you rob me of my right to make money from it. Of course at the same time you are advertising me, so personally, i can call sharing a "mixed bag", you lose some you win some, different times different schemes. Why hide behind words. Theft or no theft it's the same to me. It's malicious greed that drives people who can afford to buy an album not buy it. The same malicious greed that drives Steiny to incorporate/blend their dongle in every code line the actual soft has. Or Metallica to sue youngsters because they downloaded their album on Napster.
    All i am saying is people have to have not only the decency and ethics to respect creators for their contribution in this short life, but also to be able to distinguish and evaluate creators and artists and reward the ones to their liking with their buck when they can. Do not screw everything and everyone in the altar of your personal satisfaction, because if and when this kicks back in your face you might not like it one bit hehehe.
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  9. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    I´m going to tell you the only truth :

    When you make all us loose our precious time with that stupid post full of bullshit, you´re actually stealing our time, so you´re the thief.
    You´re pretending to be the most honest person, when you´re a disrepectful person that are actually insulting others, so you´re the liar.

    ... On the road you can employ your time in something productive like composing some music ... then come back to this forum,
    show your work to the partners and tell them all the plugins that you´ve bought and used ... but I doubt you can.

    And now, come on and insult me again ... I´m erasing this post, so I´m not going to read it anymore.
    I prefer to spend my time in something better like playing my guitar and enjoying my life.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2017
  10. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    If I was a book keeper who meticulously recorded every purchase I have ever made in relation to my musical career, the column of outgoing expenses would be frankly astonishing. I consider this money to constitute my support for the industry. Most of it is hardware, some software, but this is minuscule by comparison to say, studio hire costs, which for me have added up to six figure sums. Some people collect vintage cars, I have spent my money on my great love in life; Music.
    If you look at the incoming profits column, I can tell you it is quite barren and empty. Perhaps I am really a very bad musician. But why let that stop me? But I won't be stopping testing and trying cracked software because it feels wrong. I owe the music business nothing.
  11. Charlomagne

    Charlomagne Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Buenos Aires
  12. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    needs a fell out of my chair an choked on my beer button :yes:
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  13. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Ok, boys and girls - we all said what needed to be said. Good night!
  14. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I'm locking this thread, pending cleanup.

    But really why do we need to have this discussion? Wouldn't the time be better spent making music?
    This year's marvel is going to be Audiosexed Christmas Special, collaborative effort of us, the entire board to put aside differences and make something happen! :mates:

    Let's not waste our time and resources on petty talks, which should be answered by everyone's own morale standards.
    It's everyone's own choice and so there's no need to take judgement.
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