Mixbus And The Future Of In The Box Mixing (this thread is not about mixbus)

Discussion in 'Software' started by WhiteMidnightProductions, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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    When Mixbus came out, oh was I excited. Alas my laptop can't run it very well but it's still an amazing piece of software in terms of getting close to an analogue mixing experience. Very similar to Mixcraft in terms of an EQ being built into the mixing section which I found very amazing when I'm halfway through a mix to be able to quickly bump lows and cut mids and add presence to feel instead of meticulously having to open a plugin and change parameters. However this is where I'll stop glorifying Mixbus, not that it falls short anywhere (been hearing complaints about it not being a full fledged DAW due to composition workflow and so on) but because as stated in the thread title this thread is not about mixbus. Around the time Mixbus was gaining traction, Studio One 3.2 came out with the Mix Engine FX feature namely the Console Shaper, which enabled users to insert drive, noise and crosstalk into their mix. The way this works is that the Mix Engine "processes every channel individually at the source and at the summing point, without using redundant resources". Now, as a budding young engineer who's never mixed on an analogue board, chasing the analogue sound with saturation plugins like SKnote Bus and Waves NLS Bus and putting tape machine and console emulations on individual tracks and after my master outputs has sufficed in helping me achieve more organic sounding, glued together mixes. So with all this new software basically providing me with a digital version of a mixing board it started to get the wheels turning in my mind. And then! I thought to myself, what about creating the analogue studio signal flow? I'm talking preamp (optional), then Tape, then console channel preamp, then console bus saturation, then finally a stereo tape output complete with optional crosstalk and noise. I know this is overkill and would be a huge project with collabs from tape machine makers and console makers but in the mean time, at the very least, just the "console channel preamp, then console bus saturation" should be a thing albeit with it's own unique takes by different console companies. Just imagine an SSL mixing DAW where you literally have an SSL console emulation, accurate down to the channels and output stage, giving warm hugs to your soft synths and cold loops and snuggling up to your cheap, clean, transparent preamp recordings. Now think of Neve and API and all the others making dedicated DAWs giving you the authentic sound of their consoles and.. BOOM! Cult following :beg:. What Mixbus and Studio One 3.2 has done will not be the be all, end all of consoles but seeing that alot of legendary mixing engineers are moving to ITB mainly because of recall being taxing and automation being more accurate, these features are game changers seeing that tactile motorised mixing control surfaces exist and were big console companies to follow suit, they could have a huge piece of the pie in the DAW business like Harrison and they wouldn't even really need to good at composition. Heck, I'd even imagine the SSL, Neve and API DAWs maybe killing Mixbus :rofl: Thoughts on this idea?
    P.S. A mixing control surface with motorised faders and four motorised pots to represent an EQ with sweepable mids per channel would suppliment this idea perfectly. Heck a control surface like that'd be awesome nonetheless.

  3. Deny Nery

    Deny Nery Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2016
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  4. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    dude do you know this board ? you can record all tracks onto an sd card

  5. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I have Console 1 and an Allen & Heath qu32. Add Universal Audio's Unison preamps and I think that's what your describing regardless of your DAW.
  6. Dell

    Dell Newbie

    Jun 28, 2017
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  7. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Buddy, have you incorporated your Qu-32 to your mixing workflow? I have a Qu-16 and its limited HUI-emulated control surface capabilities make it a deal breaker for me. I love this mixer for its sound. Drums get beautifully recorded. Transient response is really good, but that's where it ends in the studio for me. It's not so up to the task for mixing I guess (although sometimes I feel tempted to do a whole mix in it, without a DAW). What are your thoughts?
  8. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
  9. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Best Answer
    I use it with Logic and it's fairly tightly integrated, but I will concede it's far from perfect. Best result for me is to get my mixes down to 32 tracks, eq, compress etc in Logic, then pull all the faders down, Stop looking at the screen and get the balance right with my fingers on the faders instead of looking at the mouse. Just like you'd do with an SSL and a Studer 2"
  10. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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  11. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I know about this. Just waiting to see what the DAW integration in the latest series is gonna bring.
  12. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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  13. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Now this right here is a live mixers dream! No need to shell out dosh for live mixers. Get yourself multiple outputs and you are ready to go.
  14. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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    We have a winner! I wish I had your setup. I'm not following the Universal Audio hype though. A friend of mine has one. I'd rather get different hardware before I get one.
  15. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Console 1 is awesome but really needs faders so a Presonus Faderport would probably make this a dream. I still think it'd be cool if a DAW had preamp integration built in and I thought it'd be cool if the big companies did it themselves so we'd get a 100% emulation.
  16. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I really don't see this as a boner killer. The fact that you have a reliable hardware environment where you'll develop finger memory in a tactile workflow trumps not having faders. By controlling input/output gain pots you achieve the same result as a fader. It's the closest I've seen to mixing ITB with OTB feeling because it's the same channel strip every time, the same distance, like a real console, DAW independent. I wish there was a local distributor in my country.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
  17. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Agreed. But I've got a live mixer with pots and although it may not be a bone killer, it leaves something to be desired - faders (personal opinion). And multiple faders too. Nothing against Console 1. I'd kill to have one.