Waves 8 on cubase 5, both air warez, "select folder" BS

Discussion in 'Software' started by LottaHugo, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    I'm in dire need of help or suggestions. I just got a new (used) pc, running windows 7 64 home premium, just like my previous one on which this configuration worked. Having installed cubase and my waves plugin bundle, i get a message on starting up the program telling me to select the waves plug-in folder, but no matter which folder i select the window just pops up again. If I close the window cubase simply starts with no waves plugins.

    Any suggestions?

    I've tried quite a lot already, directing it to any applicable folders, or selecting the folders within the "plug-in information" window in cubase, trying to make it update and load them. Deinstalled and reinnstaled both cubase and waves, even manually trying to clean out the register from the sloppy uninstallation in between, and finally doing a clean install of windows, to no avail. I've got thousands of hours of work where these plugins are used, and it would be a soul crushing setback if couldn't get this up and running again. (and yes, too broke to buy waves right now, saved over a year for this pc that costs less than the waves bundle)

    I'm wondering if it's either a lacking software framework thing in windows, or if it's some kind of copyright block, or if the old warez have gone moldy somehow? Idk, wish i did. Please help :)
  2. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Christ, that's a long time ago for me (anyone) to remember! I think that u need to scour ur installation for the right path, if my poor mem serves. Which it prolly doesn't. I can remember having same prob sometimes, but it was some weird folder that was needed, I think; try selecting all. Otherwise, try w/ new Waves? Hope that it works w/ old projects? Cubendo is usually pretty good @ covering for user error. Or "users" (tautology free). Or even new versions of old crap...
  3. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Error is caused by the shells dll, seen this before on some systems, sometimes it was caused by Administrator issues.
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  4. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Thanks for the replies! I actually just solved it one minute ago, and my solution follows here to anybody experiencing the same problem (i spent maybe four hours yesterday trying to find a clue on all sorts of forums, this included, so maybe it will help anyone with the same stone age tech i'm using)

    Having poked around the entire old computer, where it still works, i found two differences in the installation between the two computers.

    1. On the old compouter, in: program files x86\steinberg\cubase5\vstplugins there was a "waveshell-vs 8.0.1.dll" file, which was not there on the new one, but instead at program files x86\steinberg\vstplugins. So maybe i had just selected one folder too shallow when installing

    2. More interesting, on the old computer, at: local disc\users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Waves Audio, there was a single Matryoska folder (like those russian dolls), leading eventually to a big dll library for all the waves plugins. On the new computer there was only some almost empty folders containing a 0 byte xls document named WavesAuthCache, which showed up blank when inspected in notepad.

    So copied over the waveshell dll, and deleted what was at the new computer in the Waves Audio folder, replacing it with the stuff from the old computer, and it worked!
    Did both these things before launching cubase, so i can't say if just doing one of them would have solved it.

    It's odd that the installation should end up different on the two computers, since they were both installed from exactly the same download (had it stored on an external drive since 4ever). The only difference is that the new computer had a more updated version of windows 7 when the clean install was made. Maybe they have some kind of counterfeit recognition tool on behalf of waves? (and many others, one would assume)
  5. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    On another note, are the new waves plugins (since v8) kool?
  6. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Whoops, i was too quick to celebrate. The plugins show up in the list of plugins and there's no "select folder" business at startup, BUT, when you select a plugin, nothing happens. No "insert" appears. Ouch....
  7. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    So i can see the plug-ins in the "plug-in information" window, along with all others, and they come up when you click to fill an insert with a plug-in\effect, but on selecting one the machine just takes a split second think pause and nothing happens.

    Familiar territory for anyone? Theories?
  8. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    New discovery, there's a file called Vst2xBlacklist in the C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 5 folder

    I tried deleting it, and then watched as it created a replica while the program was launching. Tricky
  9. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Perhaps i was supposing people to be mind readers, but all the listed plugins in the vst2blacklist are the ones that won't launch in the program. They're all also vst3, as far as i know, if that matters.
  10. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    In case anybody cares, problem solved. Uninstalled, deleted all remnant folders and the reg entry in system6432node, downloaded the same air v8 waves pack from the net (instead of the one i had), on opening the setup i right clicked and selected run as administrator, voila, everything installed fine and worked straight away.

    Maybe the problem all along was that i hadn't run it as administrator when installing it?
  11. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Glad you got it working, weird that it would even install w/o admin access? Guess cos it's quite old. Worth tryn to install new Waves, tho, maybe just to check it works w/ old projects?

    Yeah, if ur new to Cubendo it's a good idea to back up this file somewhere, so u can just c/p it back to "restore" any screw ups. Otherwise full scan of Waves et al *gulp*. Worth checking (simple XML) file beforehand to check u haven't blacklisted anything by mistake?
  12. LottaHugo

    LottaHugo Newbie

    Oct 5, 2017
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    My user on the pc, the only user, is administrator too, so that's probably why. It's a bit odd that on right clicking, the two first options are "open" and "run as administrator", seeing as i'm admin. Maybe some pleb default to save people from themselves. Could ofc be that the old waves download i had, had been corrupted somewhere along the way too, nothing to do with admin rights?

    Yeah, gonna try installing the new waves on the old computer once i know i got the new system all smooth and up and running. I'll do a clean windows install on it and start from scratch (it's all buggered up now and i have to use ASIO4ALL, which sux). Not taking any chances on getting some bad download that corrupts everything, better to map it out on a seperate computer first.

    Well, the blacklist file is created or recreated every time cubase starts up, when it scans all the plugins, so it's hard to make any changes to it.

    What's cubendo?
  13. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Technically, it just kinda "adds" whatever new VST/i u installed each time to "whitelist", I think. It shouldn't rescan everything on the "whitelist" (Vst2xPlugins.xml) which I guess u should backup (/restore) too? Usually it's the blacklist that causes issues tho... It defo shouldn't rescan everything each time, tho!
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