Looking for singers for collab on album, music style similar like Calvin harris/avicii/ kygo etc…

Discussion in 'Collaborations' started by WolwerineBlues, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Hi guys my name is Milos, first time I drope some serious post, first off all I want to express my eternal gratitude to this site people and whole community, I grow up with you this past 8 years a lot in musical sence(production),sorry if I offended someone in comment section with my lame funny comments but I know I only wanted to cheer up the people.
    I played bass guitar for 13 years oh yes crazy time with different bands, piano aproximatly 8 years and I decide to work alone.

    To cut the story short, am looking for singers for my album/songs style is similar to calvin harris/ avicii / Kygo / etc Progressive house , edm in general dance music, there is a diversity in album, songs are not all the same pattern some are slow some fast, but I always try to make songs that sounds different than other and I try to come up with some new ideas my own style(synth sounds).

    So I need singers who can write lyrics and sing that singer line or how you call it in the song offcourse your name or alias will be featured (example feat.), my offer 40/60, I will give you 60% royalties I would give you all but at the end I know I will earn some money with live act!you will have the full rights to your lyrics and you can use this song for you live.

    I know singers come up a lot with this offers and get 0 for their effort, it’s a shame,and fact that am poor as the church mouse, if I had the money I would pay the full price.So if some one is I don’t know in the mood for the work and little adventure am ready.

    Again thanx for everything AudioZ! :winker:

    Link is under so hear it check it out if you find it suitable please contact me via private message
    Sorry for my bad English grammar!
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017
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  3. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    h ttps://soundcloud.com/milosbrkovic85/sets/life-and-a-few-chords/s-6yo8B

    I don't know what is the problem but here is the link! just put it together H with rest!
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