This guy is destroying Slate, UAD, Waves...

Discussion in 'Software' started by Von_Steyr, Sep 30, 2017.

  1. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Here's the buzzy Helix track with the filter on and off. I wasn't going to use these tracks but with the LCF set to 70hz and 4k it is passable.
    One could argue my state of mind even recording this bees' nest.......

    it's a little loud sorry

    This filter could be a good candidate after the Helix amps before an IR loader or the Nebula f***ing cabs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2017
  2. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    So, finally tried those today.

    The amp sounds bad, but when you push the tone and gain hard enough you can actually get the kind of terrible tone that might be useful for a lo-fi kind of Punk and Indie Rock.

    The EQs are generally good sounding, but change the sound even when you don't do anything - I inserted the EAQ on the master buss and instantly got a serious low-mids boost, which actually sounded good, but also added overall gain, and there's no trim knob on that plugin (and most of their other plugins) so I couldn't level-match to make sure that "sounding better" isn't just "sounding louder". The interface is generally quite limited and clunky. I think the filter adds too much bass/treble and is pretty unusable for me. And the knobs on the Fetish are reversed, which happens in some other emulations and always annoys me.

    Definitely has potential, just hope he'll do more interesting stuff instead of the kind of emulations that pretty much every plugin company already has.
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Hey, where the hell is @Pinkman , i dont see him much around.
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  4. I guess that I'm going through a phase where I am not looking for as much color in a filter as that of the EQ64 dishes out, there isn't anything nearing neutral about it. The comp too, a bit zingy for me, a bit zingy.
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  5. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    who is AA?

    and Von... what kind of music do you mix?.. your own?... others?.. both?... elctronic?... dance?... pop/indie?.. all of the above?..

    what did you use these on (in reference to your orig post)?

    PS: what's wrong with the look?... I think they look fine.

    PSS: I was reading AO's FAQ's... and it said this about the protection:


    As you know,one way or another plug-ins will be cracked…So AO doesn’t need protection.And protection systems loading extra CPU usage.After searching,i noticed that users hate protection systems!Briefly if you are loyal customer,you can buy plug-ins.Pirates will steal plug-ins anyway…

    I'm not sure why this has only occurred to me, however... dude... this is SOOOOOOO right... and SOOOOO totally common sense, from a business standpoint.

    For any company to waste any time at all on protection is a complete waste... and only doing harm.

    If you KNOW that everything will be cracked... you just know it (aside from e-licenser) than it's a waste.

    So what a cool guy to realize this and do things accordingly.

    Again... not sure why this is only now appearing too me as such a sensible thing. Previously, I used to just immediately think that, well, this guy is losing money since it will be easily distributed (though.... funny that THESE plugs have not been distributed aside from Brutus).

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    AA : Acustica Audio (Nebulas, acquas, etc)
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  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I like plugins with attitude, where i can phisicaly see how it changes the source. This is not neutral but i love the sound of the 70s gear which was very colored, yet also alive and his stuff seems just more alive than most other plugins. Havent tried it on an orchestral piece,only one retro thing i am working on and fits really well, just sounds more like a studio performance.
    The drums and just the whole stucture of the song seems more confident, yet more flexible, groovier with added punch, depth, weight, presence and warmth.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2017
  8. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Ok, there's something seriously wrong with this guy's compressors. Like very uneven gain staging, meters barely move, and attack getting completely silent when pushing a lot.
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Treat it gently. :rofl:
    Tacky but you get used to it.

    I have demoed the OSS comp. , love it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2017
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Tunca`s offical response from GS about some of the issues, especially regarding the input gain and metering.

    "Other plug-ins in the market,have dynamic input.Not like hardwares.So if you feed with -20dB,it will compress as usual.But my compressor has static input level.So you have to drive input to find sweet spot like hardware.That's difference.

    So my plug-ins not acting like software.They are acting like hardware.You need to feed it."

    So yea, there are some complaints, you can instantly notice it acts differently than any other software plugin, he also states that he is still working on several issues, but i personally dont have a problem working a few seconds longer to get that sweet spot since this guy makes great sounding plugins.
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  11. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Guys this is one hell of a great version of a 1176 >>> Tim Petherick U76 V3 released not long ago >>>like i said My 1176 has alot of ware on it im gona send it in get it back to its original state... You Can Drive The Pre on this thing is amazing like the hardware>>> and with this new version the comp is stellar... one of the Best if not the Best ITB 76 comps i have.... ive been using Nebula Setups for years and have made plugins for most of my libs with their own personal skins... just makes nebula load time way quicker and instead of searching thru all my nebula libs in one plugin looking for something i can just call up a Console, Pre, Comp , EQ . Tape, Sat or any other Nebula Lib just like any normal plugin>>> makes life much easier in Nebula Land haha \m/ >>> This thing is Unreal tho >>> for me as close as real gets ;) Screenshot (5).png
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  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    How is it on the cpu?
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  13. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    The thing about Nebula is that it’s a producing workflow killer.the shit sounds great, but it’s a cpu killer. Now, somebody disagree w me and say I’m a hater.
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  14. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    What he said. Tim P's new comps are amazeballs. So alive. Highly recommended.

    . . . Nebula's hard on CPU?
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  15. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    That looks... awesome! Can you point me to some info to help skinning Nebula and creating custom plugs like that? I'd like to do that with several of my daily drivers.

    For those complaining about Nebula being a CPU killer. It is. So is Acqua. Workflow killer? It can be. But there are many ingenious methods to help work around that. I'm running an old computer, and despite having to freeze/bounce everything, I still use Nebula. I believe it's worth the extra trouble to get the sound I'm after. This is just my opinion, which may vary from others.
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    More info about AO, interview with Ridvan aka Tunca.

    David LDA – What do you think of the other big players in the market and the atmosphere in general? My opinion is that the whole scene is drowning in hype, hyperbole and cynical viral marketing.

    Ridvan AO – Market is really big. There are really great companies. I have a studio and I’m using 3rd party plugins too. I really like Acustica Audio plugins. Also I worked as a 3rd party developer for them for 5 years. Then I gave up, cause it was too complicated for me. Then I started to walk on my way. I like some Waves plugins too, but small companies are my favourites, like Sknote, Black Rooster Audio Sonimus…The most important things are references and exciting marketing in plugin world. I can’t deal with big brothers, but I’m trying to do my best…

    David LDA – How many Gearslutz threads can we read where every new product is a ‘game changer’, it soon becomes laughable to anyone but the most die hard fanbois and those suffering mental disorders. It’s refreshing to see your company has a no bullshit attitude and a fair price. You mentioned online that you build hardware for studios, and that you then model each component to create your plugins. Can you elaborate on this process and how you use it to create accurate emulations?

    Ridvan AO – In the digital world we have magic and it’s called “SPICE”. We can simulate hardware in digital domain. I was using LTSPICE to design my hardware, and then I found the way of implementing spice models and code into plugins. It’s my way to build plugins, but before coding you have to know electronics, lots of laws about electronics and info about basic electronics…I studied electric at high school, and biomedical at university. So I collected lots of info and knowledge about electric/electronic. I have to say that I have solid knowledge about electric/electronic. No, I’m not narcissist! LOL

    Whole interview;
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  17. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    my machines are monsters so not bad on mine>>> Rendering>>> Freezing is your best friend tho ;) i dont like to push any machine to high on cpu use so i either Freeze,Render or use Nebula Man to treat my tracks \m/ >>> its not a workflow killer for me >>>Quicker than Hardware use an it speeds mine up>>> ive been using nebula for very long time lol >>>i know all the ins and outs to get what i want quicker than you might think ;) >>> and to anyone says NO WAY well their's plenty of ALGO stuff out there that Kills CPU more than Acustica stuff >>> an i use many of them aswell lol >>> But to each his own way of his music \m/ I just Really like the sound thats why use these kits \m/
  18. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Thats all you need to say \m/ this new update is insane >>> the preamp alone is not even seen by my cpu ....and its second to none in the box 1176 Tim is a Genius >>> it was pretty good before but>>> everyone round here where i live and work with always ask me why i sold my UAD >>> honestly because i found the sound i like in Nebula ;) UAD is great but i think alot of the smaller guys that sell 20$ plugins are just as good and Nebula is just a lil better for me thats all \m/..\m/ if you dont have a beast of a Machine to Run it then get Nebula setups Nebula man, or just Buy Nebula 4 i have 3 and 4 >>> but i still use plugins ive made in Nebula 3 so either one will do \m/ MOST OF ALL you have to learn how to set it up and get the most out of it for better work flow and CPU >>> if thats not your thing then stick to your Algo its that simple >>> im not gona say its better but i will say i like it better lol>>> but i use Algo too >>> i love Disto from SKnote i think it Kills Arousor >>> but thats just compairing it to 4 Distressors i have ;) dosnt mean its better just closer to the hardware
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017
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  19. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Man ill help you any way i can with this \m/ Nebula setups is where to start >>> and its just around 30$ i been using it for long time its the Best friend nebula has \m/ Then maybe>>> Nebula Man >>>if you are using Nebula pro 3 this is your Ticket bro! >>> shots i just did of my Nebula Setups single plugins... a few of em >>> one is a shot of me using Nebula Setups >>> heres the link its easy to use only takes a minute to make a VST or any other format
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017

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  20. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    This is a good read>>> ill have to give his free EQ a spine now an see what it has \m/ i like the LCF HP filter so ill check this one out too an see how the LP filter sounds
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