Slate FG Stress "Distressor emulation" Releasing today

Discussion in 'Software' started by Moogerfooger, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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  2. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I've watched a couple of vids, haven't tested it (is there even a demo available?). Here's one where the dude kinda knows what he's doing.
    I dunno, kinda sounds like the other slate plugs to me. Nothing impressive so far. I think i would like Deflektor and Disto better than this. Probably even Arousor because it's more versatile and convenient.
  3. One may disagree, but the marketing, the tricky wording on the Slate page of the above link to this product would have me compare the original to the software and calibrate settings on the terms of the software. This is the diametrically opposite of what my logic dictates. I wish to compare the plugin to the original on the strengths and realities of what the software is based upon and tries to faithfully emulate, not the other way around. To me it makes no sense to do it any other way. He is not creating hardware based on the software but a software based on the hardware's personality and true capabilities. Hmmm....
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Xmas is almost here, you can test it then. I really dont care about the reviews, i have to test it personally.
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  5. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    An engineer here, who owned an 1176 compared it to the Slate version.. of course it does not sound the same but still has the 1176 feel.. and he preferred the Slate version than his Hardware. Probably maybe because it has more character.

    And also note this.. his two 1176 Hardware also sounds drastically different with the same settings. LOL. But when we calibrate , we can get more or less the same sound. Same with plugins! Their FG-Stress will never sound the same to your Distressor in the same settings nor will all the other Distressor Hardware. I have my friend tested it at SEA atm. I'll update the results if I have time.
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  6. I had thought of this but neglected to include it in my previous post, that with today's high tolerances of electronic parts and circuit boards, this modern and sophisticated way of producing everything from television remote controls all the way to an Empirical Labs Distressor, the truth that there were better units of compressors or mic preamps is in the historical past is something that I agree with and that the sound would not ever be exactly the same, but would rather be very similar with small exaggerations of difference. However, what I am saying in my previous post is that we should be comparing the sound of the new Stress to how it relates to the hardware unit it was fashioned after and not some way by adjusting the hardware unit so that it equals the sound of the software.. To me it is like an Orwellian nightmare scenario and so much hocus pocus snake oil salesman that it makes me say out loud, WTF was that all about. I am 100% sure that FG Stress is one hellova compressor and that whoever buys it will cream their pants in ecstacy. What I totally dislike is the hype in regard to how I am supposed to judge it by the guy selling it. It is not a personal thing towards Mr Slate (I'm sure he's a fine feathered fellow) but rather one of merchandising tactic. He flips the rules of engaging a fair test to suite his need of selling his wares, and although this is not something a company selling dish soap hasn't done, it doesn't fly in my book. This is the reason I walked away from an extremely lucrative career creating advertising for huge mega companies as they wanted to use my artistic skills at persuading the masses to love killing themselves with their products in exchange for a Faustian size paycheck. Although my story is not even the near vicinity, in the same ballpark as using Stress on your drum buss as it won't affect your health or vitality, life and welfare, it to me verges on the kind of yuck that I so cannot celebrate.
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  7. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Agree with this i own just one of these original 1176 units but every hardware unit sounds Diferent... Depends on Age of the unit an how much its been used... mine doesnt see much use these days needs some work but i have 4 Distressors i use for Production tracking and one of them is my favorite ;)
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  8. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    Ι use Slate's plugins ,not exactly what they are doing so far, but i'm feeling good lol,yeah G-Stress is fine plugin ,if you didn't try it yet ,its all right but its good to have a try first and then to comment
  9. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I'm using it right now, and I think it's pretty bad ass. I can't seem to muster up any negative comments about it, other than I wish I had it a little sooner as it would have been nice to have for my last few mixdowns.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
  10. goodmood

    goodmood Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2012
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    Have a look at ArtAcoustics CL.... To me that one is more musical, while being able to give tracks that Distressor punch....
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  11. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Their plugin and the Hardware they modelled are the same with the exact settings. The calibration video was made because many a times, people compared it with their own hardware which have different specs than the hardware they modelled and does not even sound familiar with the other hardware units.

    Its the same thing as me, comparing my distressor with your distressor with a friend's distressor. All 3 hardwdare will produce different sounds if we compare it with the same settings.

    Same with their plugin. But like I have said, the plugin sounds more or less similar with the particular hardware they modelled with the same settings. No calibration needed on their end.

    And also you will see that in their 1176 model, the vu meter needle shows a very slow release time even when we put it on fast release; not normal to other 1176. In the internal circuit, the release time was fine, but it was just that particular hardware unit that have some flaws on the vu meter so they modelled it as is.
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  12. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    What's your go to settings?
  13. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Slate's plugins are decent and easy to use. I'm sure this will be no different but haven't personally tested it yet :no:
    They tend to have their own characteristic sound but personally I find nothing amazing beyond belief as he constantly makes out with his sickening, underhand marketing tactics.
    If his plugins work for you then great but there are other comparable plugins out there. Ones you can actually buy at a real decent price rather than this renting, plugins don't hold their value debacle.
    If that approach works for you then fantastic :yes:
    Personally the whole Slate approach & ethos sickens me a little and the stuff he pulled with AlexB stuff been documented & talked about for quite some time now. I suppose, put simply, I don't really trust the guy as far as I can throw him.
    Also, some real bad reports about some of his hardware which in the main is hugely overpriced as far as I can see.
    Put the label Distressor emulation or whatever on something and the price tends to skyrocket for some reason :dunno:...How long before the emulation\plugin becomes more expensive than the hardware itself?
    Personally I think SKNote Disto is fantastic value for money as all their plugins are and the DEV a real helpful, genuine bloke as opposed to a twat. Empirical labs Arouser is really cool indeed for me but hugely overpriced or was. ....UAD versions have some great reports but never used it personally as no UAD hardware.
    Anyways looking forward to trying this & seeing just how much better than everything else in the whole wide world it is like he constantly claims:).....Who knows for the first time ever possibly it is but I doubt it :bow:
  14. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    I imagine it's just another flavor of that you might as well throw in the toolbox... seriously... Don't you ever find times when the The Glue sounds better... but then another time, the SSL seems better... while yet another time, you go for the Waves emu.

    None of this shit even matters... I would bet my life, everyone on here could be tricked with blind tests. So who cares really?..

    I bet if you put it on Godspeed's mixbus, it wouldn't sound muddy anymore :D ;) :rofl:

    I had to say it Von... please take that as me bustin yer balls mate .. and let's laugh.

    PS: so should I expect you are into Synthwave?.. due to the Drive avatar?

    PSS: I cannot stand Slate's voice... AND I do NOT like that gigantic module-rack thing that the plugins have to go into... I still have the "legacy" VCC stuff just so I can bam... not have to scroll through all Slate plugs to use em.
  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I have found out that whatever your use, if you use a D361A + a tape plugin on your mixbus ( + your regular channel strip), your mixes will sound about 50% more serious.
    Its a bold statement, but bypass those two and see how weight, dimension and width disappear.
    If you dont own hardware or other acustica plugins, you can really make it up with the combination that i mentioned before.
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  16. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    I complete agree with this.

    Some does not even want to take blind test :rofl:
  17. I'm glad that you are liking the STA-Limit and Disto, they are such wonderful tools for realistic, reasonable coin like the Klangheim and Valhalla stuff for example. And yes, I have tried the Overloud Comp 76 and of course have compared it to my hardware and feel that it comes up short, a bit flat and it sounding to me as though my voice got a bit smaller. This in itself is not a necessarily a bad thing, not everything needs be huge, in fact as an effect it could come in handy. So, to me it is different than "the real thing" but there could still be use for it to puzzle together the pieces of a mix.
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  18. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Brother I hear you it does sound a lil flat but also airy and that's the way my old Ueri 1176 sounds...I've not tried it on a vocal yet but I has a openess to the sound on drums I think an maybe I just like the mid side and mix knob too lol...I do agree with you tho it may have a thinner sound than my real 76 witch is one of my favorites on vox even now ... its old an needs work...while I'm thinking of it is yours a warm audio ? Good friend has a few of the warm audio units an I think they are more up front sounding than my Ueri 76... May have to get one prices on those are unbeatable I think>>> Edit >>> just wanted to say i personally like Disto for almost everything over most any Algo comp ive grown pretty attached to it in the box and find myself reaching for it more and more \m/it has that sizzle an clarity to it that is most often missing from most Algo ;)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
  19. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    so If slate digital is not good give me a fucking better one :dunno: I'm tired of these discussions as a beginner in the fucking analog world. I think this discussion and judge isn't impartial.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
  20. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I think his stuff is good brother \m/ its personal taste just like ice cream lol >>> ill Recommend trying SKnote Disto if you have never ;) its across the street in Retail form :) >>> also its very cheap for what you get and its killer i use it alot and i have 4 Hardware versions that im comparing it too... i wont say its just as good as the hardware but i will say its very close and it just sounds awsome on everything>>> it might take a few minutes to figure it out but just read the manual or check youtube for vids on it to get your head around it faster >>> its well worth it in my opinion man \m/
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