Working on FL Studio 12 skin [V 1.0]

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Lunarpole, May 18, 2017.

  1. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The biggest thanks should go to Momo!
    He does the best, most and hardest work on this and in my opinion he's the FL Skinning Genius.

    For all, who want to try the Particle Background from the video above, here you go:

    Extract the folder to
    ...\FL Studio 12.x\Artwork\Wallpapers
    using WinRAR 5 or the most recent 7zip and run the included "Set as Background.cmd"

    on lower machines FL12.x will load slower with that background set.
    If it takes some seconds, just wait - it will load. When FL is then too slow, just set a normal backround
    using the "view" menu. I'll update the background soon cause atm it's just simply thrown together,
    which can cause stability issues.

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  2. Grudge

    Grudge Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Amazing work! I’ve been modding my Fl as well but could never find the meter codes! Congratulations sir! May I ask where you found those?? Please keep up the great work all of you!
  3. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You need a debugger like x64dbg or ollydbg to get these codes - they are not located in the rcdata folder.
    It's a very shitty work to find everything but the result is worth it.
  4. Grudge

    Grudge Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Okay thank you. Hmm I have tried using one of those debugger programs but once I opened a file it’s all way over my head. I don’t quite understand what I’m supposed to be doing in that program . You you guys know where the meter codes can be found and in which file? I would appreciate that a lot. Thank you!
  5. pablow6554

    pablow6554 Newbie

    Sep 21, 2017
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    R4e can i get the dark skin that on the video that you have the polygon backrgound the changing back ground color Plz i like how they look together.
  6. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    That's a modified version of the skin by Loy (you can find it somewhere in this thread) and it's only 32Bit. I'll try to port that skin to FL12.5.1 32 & 64 Bit, when it gets released.

    Uhm huh? As I told you! Everything is in FLEngine.
  7. Grudge

    Grudge Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Sorry maybe I’m not clear, I was just having trouble understanding the debugger. When I open FLEnginex64 with x64dbg I just see straight code without anything readable. After I run the dbg nothing really changes. I guess what I’m asking is how do I actually find it? I don’t see anything that points me to the meters or any part of FL, it’s just a flurry of numbers and code. Much appreciated!

    Maybe could you post a quick vid showing the steps on how to do this??
  8. pablow6554

    pablow6554 Newbie

    Sep 21, 2017
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    r4e can i plz get it have been taken down.If i can get it can i get the version you modified plz r4e i dont mind if i get the 32bit version.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
  9. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    just found a master code that changes most of the color in fl studio lol
    it will also remove most of the searching in the rc data.
    i be happy and sad at the same time any-ways i found the zoom tab
    and am just looking for the step blocks .
    ill also share some patches and info on how to color all of fl studio the way you like it
    the master code also makes most stuff see true if you want it that way.:headbang:
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  10. pablow6554

    pablow6554 Newbie

    Sep 21, 2017
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    thats gonna be grate can you share the lastest update that you have with db color for the mixer the tool bar please.Thanks
  11. Grudge

    Grudge Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    You sir, are a god.
  12. pablow6554

    pablow6554 Newbie

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Grudge Im amaze at momo works and i appreciate what he doing for the community he really deserve a job with the people at image line fl studio he is great same goes for r4e.
  13. Grudge

    Grudge Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Yeah he’s good, definitely! I’m looking into the debugger right now and I’m finishing up my own skin, but I can’t seem to find what he can.
  14. AudioDesigner

    AudioDesigner Ultrasonic

    Mar 18, 2015
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  15. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @Grudge Here be a few patches for the mixer fl 12.5.58 x64 was of to bed and this is still a mess its also just a few of them
    but most of these patches won't be needed and ill sort out and share the master codes patches
    and add any paches that are left a other time with some better info.
    First run fl in the debugger load in the patches db mixer and mixer inserts ,look on youtube or there home page for any help.
    click on the patches on the list then when your in the right place in the code
    untick the patches and this will set it to the default code again you should see this happen when you untick the boxes.
    Then download and start up colormania to get the color code you want to set it to in fl
    set colormania to c++ hex and copy any color into the default code line in the debugger
    making sure to tick fill with nop's before you click ok after that click patch file then save it as FLEngine_x64.dll
    in a other folder, you can then copy the new dll into your fl folder to try.
    some of the codes can be tricky to work out and you don't alway get the color you set it to
    and others work find there could also be more than one code line for the one thing as some come in parts,
    Make sure to keep any default 0xff in fl's code in the debugger
    and change the numbers like this so it works ok
    colormania 0x00123456 in the debugger you could see say 0xff00000
    so you wil be adding 0xff123456 ,some default color code will not have ff in the name so you can just
    copy the code from colormania the debugger will remove the 00 after x so don;t worry about it.
    if you do some thing wrong in the code fl could crash or you will be making bugs but you'll learn as you go.

    Have also added the x64 im working on, im still not happy with a few thing
    so will share a new version of this when its made best of luck ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.

    ps, just seen i added the wrong version the toolbar is not full fixed
    in this one will sort it out latter.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  16. Grudge

    Grudge Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    @momo Wow thank you! Yeah I now see what @r4e meant when he said it was a shitty work around. Sounds like lots and lots of hunting and trial by error. Makes rooting around in ResourceHacker a walk in the park by comparison. Have you had any luck locating the sequencer step blocks? Or the default color scheme for the mixer? I would love to be able to color my mixer track headers again. Well at any rate, thank you again, and everyone too for all your hard work. They said it couldn’t be done but you proved them all wrong.
  17. AudioDesigner

    AudioDesigner Ultrasonic

    Mar 18, 2015
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  18. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    hehe, was hoping that when RC3 was out.

    New animated "Matrix" Background with just 500 bytes of code:

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  19. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @Grudge i still hav'nt found the step color yet but have found a few bits to do with it
    so hope im not to far away.if there is not a patch for the mixer default color and all parts on the mixer in the download,
    im sure i have a few more here that could help.will post them in a day or two as ill have to recheck alot of patches.
    it will also take a while to sort out the master codes as there are still more that im finding.
    just one will do the full toolbar, playlist top and out line the channel rack top and out line
    the piano roll top and out line ect then a other one for all the tabs and any letters.
    will keep ya posted.
    It could be best to keep working on 12.5.59 till we have eveything sorted
    and give them a week or so to recheck the update,
    From what i can tell there are not as many beta testers as users
    its only when 1000,s of users start using it the bug reports come around again.1 hot fixes could mess eveything up on us.
    just hope updating the colors will be alot easer and fun this time around.

    ho just to let use know some colors that don't work in c++ hex like the fl icon
    and ive found a few others like this that just wasted time gessing,
    set colormania to photoshop and copy the numbers and letter in keeping the default 0x or 0xff
    i wasted hrs trying to get the colors i wanted only to go with anything that was ok
    least now most things will look how we want and save alot of time testing stuff.
    i just found this out lol

    @r4e nice one i like that alot wink wink :wink:
  20. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Update for the toolbar fix and a few bits changed in the x64 version any suggestions would be welcome.
    Am trying to get the channel rack boxes blue on the outside and purple on the inside and be purple when played
    to match the mixer but it don't want to play ball :bash:

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