Do you ever submit your music to record labels ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by spyfx, Sep 13, 2017.


Do you ever submit your music to record labels ? Poll

  1. Yes and i was successful.

  2. Yes and i had no response.

  3. I want to release it on my own but don't have the knowledge and expertise.

  4. My music sucks,but i'm having fun and the time of my life !!! .

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Do you ever submit your music to record labels ? Poll.....
  3. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    Never been and never will be interested in handing over full control over my music to some business.
  4. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Yes. But the year was 1982 and record companies were throwing money at new bands.
  5. NextGenSound

    NextGenSound Kapellmeister

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I do...Usually I send a rough to the artist for voicing, then I send the label the stereo bounce for final approval but it's after I've received the final vocal stems and mixed the song.
  6. john olsen

    john olsen Newbie

    Aug 21, 2017
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    me too around that period...
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I think the op is referring to sending unsolicited demos... Of course the label will listen to your stuff if you're on the roster.
  8. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    I worked at a major label.. They would ask me to reproduce songs that random people sent to them. Don't trust them with your music. This is the age of independence, find your own artist+writer, make your own records, distribute through CD baby, then market.
  9. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    How's your arthritis and what blood pressure pills you on?
  10. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    interesting story....... can you give a hint at what that major label is?
  11. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Id restrain from just randomly sending labels your work..
    Or id suggest contacting those you wish to show your stuff too first,and making sure theyve the time n inclination to listen....
    If you send anything whatsoever ,no matter how insignificant or great it may be Alwayzz>>

    Make absolutley sure youve a copy of whatever track/s your sending..
    And first send youreslf> "via registered/recoreded delivery"
    The copy i mentioned above..
    Dont send your work out until first your copy has been delivered bk to yourself and signed for....

    Why you say...
    Because if youve a sealed copy delivered to yourself that pre dates the copy youve sent over..
    And someone tries to steal your work..
    That actually stands up in court as proof of ownership/copyright

    Im sure theres other more simpified ways actually these days...
    But thats a method i always used..
    If you ever send something to a label via a P:o box number dont be too alarmed either..
    But in that scenario make damn sure youve proof of ownership....

    It does happen..
    Work /ideas being stolen i mean..

    And theres truly nothing worse in the universe than this happening right here>>
    Bk in 2000 a friend and i had gone to go buy a car...
    On the way back from buying it i had a phone call from a really close friend who,d just the week before hand moved a few hundred miles away....
    So he starts kinda exitingly congratulating me...
    He knew i was sending stuff to labels so it didnt seem odd ..

    "So you got it released well done well done"
    Type thing..
    Now im properly confused at that point ,and what he said next ill never forget "nor will i forget the moths n months of endless rage i felt after"

    He goes to me "and i swear to christ this isnt some bs story im telln you here ok"

    He says "its gettn played on radio 1 now"
    Or somethng very very similar to that effect...
    So im still driving back after buying a This Golf Having the strangest conversation wth my m8..
    I switch the cd player off turn the radio on and >>>

    "Fukn Wham"

    There it is being played bold ass brass..
    Dj such n such my fat hairy asshole...

    Im kiddin its not fat....
    Tis hairy tho...

    But yeah that tought me such a lesson..
    Actually it kinda broke my spirit for a really really long time...
    Years in fact...

    Just dont rush as i did..
    Think it all through first and make damn sure your first port of call is ensuring no assmunch can swipe your stuff...
    Maybe its harder to get away wth these days im not too sure......
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  12. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

  13. john olsen

    john olsen Newbie

    Aug 21, 2017
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    for many blood pressure pills are a only prob was smoking. and i can tell u they r not physically adicting.
  14. Johnny Blaze

    Johnny Blaze Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    How can any labels, be it indie, small, unknown or even major get away with stealing tracks if the artist is going to have the Master Project as proof of ownership?

    Even those "copycat" guys who try to reproduce the projects won't make a pristine clear copy of your work. In some cases they will even miss audio tracks. No one is going to reproduce a 40+ channel project plus sends in an exact way. A full spectrum analysis would easily debunk this.

    The only way to do it is if they release the copied project by using your track as some sort of template. But since you still have the Master Project, the creation date for the files in it will be older than the ones in the labels copy. I know that this isn't the most rock solid proof but at least you got something to show.

    The only way to really avoid this is if you register your track on copyright but this usually is made on the label's side. This would also mean that you would be paying before releasing anything.
    But at least if they tried to pull this stunt against you, they would have no chance in court.

    There's risk involved here, like everywhere else. The best thing to do is to pick your labels wisely.
  15. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Ok, let's knock off the potentially deadly medical advice. And cigarettes absolutely are physically addictive.....seriously?
  16. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    That won't work, I 've worked with relendless labels.
    They have producers who can 'remake' your music within a hour.

    Sending it to yourself won't hold up in court, it's an urban myth,
    it might have worked in a lower court, (never have seen any proof of that)
    But it won't hold up if it gets appealed in higher court.
    If it was true, There has to be a Public record of a registrar of a hearing.

    Till then it is nonsense, a false feeling of safety
  17. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    People still submit their music to record labels?

    I myself submit to no one.
  18. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Err it does indeed hold up!!
    Civil court!
    Maybe not now im unsure coz it was some time ago....
    I mean sending a dat or minidisk to myself first on recorded delivery that pre dates the copy you initially send anywhere else and you leave it unopened......
    Ive been there n had to do it else i really wouldnt have bothered saying anything because i realise the majority that read what i said are going to think
    "Yeah bullshit"

    But thats good with me im past the point of caring ...and ive absolutley nothing to prove at all....
    What i do need to say is this> "I agree in part th wjohnny blaze"

    Because it was not my actuall recording that was essentially/stolen then released....
    It was the entire piece rewritten and re/sequenced in an expensive setting...
    Theres no point bullshitting about this sort of thing at all....

    Im simply telling you all of my own personall experience i had when i started out and was sending copius demos....

    Some of you know me personally....Know i dont bullshit .....ive truly no need to do so...My dicks big enough already.....

    Does aggrivate me when i think others are patonising me though i must say!

    This was all in 2000 ..20003/4 "in the days of my using an atari Falcon n 1040 st stillto sequence it all!....

    No fancy daws doing all the work for you believe me!!

    Probably these days your right it wouldnt be enought no way....

    Back then though it wasnt normal to do as i did ,but it did work for me and i learnt a very very valuable lesson ive never repeated!!
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
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  19. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Sorry for my sarcastic tone btw...
    Im not an asshole honest! Heh Heh
    Been havin a tough week..

    I mispoke too as it was in 98 that specific instance im on about happened to me...
    Not 2000 or whatever i said...
    Its true though ....
    Its horrible when you gotta listen to whats essentially your composition on air.....
    Ive had years to get to terms with it and im still really bitter if im brutal....
    But life goes on...
  20. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

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