That drum sound again..

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Vaijj, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Im pretty much covered when it comes to my "normal" work when it comes to drum and how they sound. It was a pretty good post about this earlier where someone wanted to know how to create some drums like Dance with the dead kind of thing.

    Sadly i dont have a clue on how to go with that. Im an old school guy and have mostly worked with real drums and later then ofc not so real drums (but close) like BFD3, Superior and so on. So im pretty lost when it comes to creating stuff from nothing but white noise etc. Sure ive used stuff like that on accations but just ends thinking it sounds crap. Same went with the post i mentioned above even if it was some splendid tips on how to create it. Im not stupid in that sense i know and understand what is said and done but i dont have the time to tweak and beeing a little lost in what to use and then beeing able to save things as my "go to" when building a new track.

    What i look for is something like BFD or Superior where i have some decent starting point and then be able to create my sound from there. I dont care if it cost me a few bucks and i already have things UVI The Beast and Beatbox Anthology 2 but havnt really looked into them since i got Vintage Vault2. Dont even know if they are useful for what i want to do. Would love to find a good "machine" that can help me in a way that speed up my workflow would be great..

    As you can hear here im pretty far from what i wanna archive with this clip that i did with BFD3..

    Any help or ideas would be great..

    Be safe you all
  2. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Ok, this drumsound doesn't fit too much, but what sound do you like to achieve. I didn't really get that. A reference track could be helpful.
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  3. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    As you have used FXPansion why not try say Geist2...Is a great bit of kit for making your own loops and beats :yes:
    Like most things programming Drum Beats & tracks takes a lot of time. If your not gonna use say acoustic stuff would concentrate on getting the best quality samples & layering and other stuff like filtering the frequencies\EQ\Compression....Spend a bit of time setting up a default kit in say something like Geist2 or even Battery & go from there....There also some great Reaktor add ons....Softube Heartbeat also a fantastic bit of kit with some awesome stock sounds for dance type stuff but your gonna need to spend a bit of time regardless refining your sound really. D16 Punchbox also pretty cool for messing with kicks and shaping the sound.
    When you say "a good machine" what exactly do you mean and you stated you don't have time to tweak so I'm guessing you mean like ready made kit or samples out the box?
  4. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Thanks guys..

    Reference track...

    with that i mean this is what i want in the end.. the test track was like my starting point from where i wanna build some punch. I guess what im after dont have to be just like reference but more how it sits in the mix. I just dont get the punch i want cause either it just sound like some EDM house kit or it is like in the test, LAME..

    I will look inot Geist again since last time i did i just found it so confusing.. maybe its not for me but im getting hooked transforming my old hard rock metal song into some kind of Synthwave stuff.. so i really like to learn and know more about the drum sounds in that kind of music.

    So yes, something as close as possible out of the box, hopefully with the possiblities to to send them multiout for some tweaking inside the DAW or console..
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2017
  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    With the first compressor on Sn & BD I always tweak the sound. Try, with a given value of compression and threshold, extreme attack and release rates and hear how this radically changes the sound.

    In the video the BD attack is fast, stays for a short time at high level and is very fast gone (almost like short square wave). This could afford a second compressor or a limiter/maximizer to squeeze a higher RMS level in.
    The (high) kick sound is lower than in your BD.
    The Sn has a rather heavy compressed reverb which contributes mainly to the sound (gated reverb sound).
    Either you use a very deep Sn (and/or emphasize the lows), or you play the BD on every quater (which is common in EDM).
    Both sounds are a little bit dull (on purpose, of course) means they are filtered with a high shelf/high cut.

    more than true because "a bit" is big understatement. To get this punch/sound into real drum sounds isn't that easy but you can layer your drums with those of EDM origin too.

    Don't be shy with twisting the drums. This is not rock, in EDM everything is allowed (even pitch bending a Hammond or a church organ which is a sacrilege in rock).

    Wear them down Vaijj, wear them down.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
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  6. Charlomagne

    Charlomagne Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Buenos Aires
    I think you should try that box machines from 80s. Arturia's Spark has great librarys for that sounds.
  7. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    All you really need is an easy to use good sounding drum machine that allows you to add your own samples, and has multiple outs. Xfer Nerve by Steve Duda and Deadmau5. It's also got a good sounding library, but like I said you can add your own.
    Here's a good demo from John Lehmkuhl.

    Oh and there is this one too from The chief designer Steve Duda

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
  8. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Never heard of this one (I'm not old enough:rofl:) but it seems to be some hell of a drum machine.
  9. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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  11. vector99

    vector99 Kapellmeister

    Oct 23, 2015
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    to get this type of drum you need equalizing and reverb some compression and ur done
  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Thats also a good mix and the guy who mixed it knows what he is doing.
    Also, the drums are probably layered e. drums + acoustic + probably sampled EDM snare, i feel a tom drum and perhaps even a kick is mashed in with the snare, all this is done to get the desired weight of the drums.
    Kick/side chaining on synth and bass buss.
    Reverbs are also smartly EQed, some mono reverb on the snare.
  13. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Really guys, thank you so much for all your tips and info. i will take the rest of the weekend try to come up with something. Gonna try some of the mentioned plugins if possible and aslo take some diffrent aproches to getting there.

    As i mentionedi dont have any problem mixing drums, i actually looking at myself to beeing pretty descent when it comes to mix drums for metal, hard rock, country etc. But i hate to admit that jumping over the fence to this more electronical stuff with a totally diffrent soundscape took me by suprize. For some reason i always thought that, well that is just adding some reverb and compress the shit out of it and i can do just that drum. I was wrong and i hate beeing wrong when it comes to my own skills so now i will not stop until i get where i want. So your input and help is worth alot. And even if i really dont wish to add samples i dont have any problems layering stuff up, thats how i do it normally anyway.

    Once again guys, thanks for taking the time and give your help to me..

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
  14. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    You're very welcome. I do suggest those videos. the second one from duda is part of a series of 4 videos. watch them all. You'll save yourselves tons of time.
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