Guitar pick-ups Impulses

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by dickhead, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. dickhead

    dickhead Noisemaker

    Sep 18, 2017
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    I'm looking and not finding a Guitar Impulse Responses that can simulate different guitar pick-ups, So that my Les Paul can sound more like a Strat and Vice-Versa. Can anyone please point me the right direction?
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
  3. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    hey man i just picked up a really nice strat for $20. try to go that route , that will give you more fun than trying to emulate a strat sound on a les paul. there's pickup sims in the line6 effect processors. even my old boss gt8 floorboard has it . but to be honest they all sound crap. try to find a real strat with single coils! rock on dude !
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  4. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah people have tried all sorts of weird & wonderful things but that's not really what IR's intended to do as such.
    IR's in the main intended to simulate a guitar cabinet. Pickup of course all about the wiring so IR not strictly the way to go.
    People have indeed tried all sorts of strange stuff with test tones and pickups themselves & whilst the results are interesting like @korte1975 described they are pretty shite indeed.
    The other option of course is to go down the route of sampled rather than simulated which is going in general to get you the closest to the sound itself obviously.
    As mentioned, the only way your really going to get a authentic or decent single coil sound is by playing a single coil guitar through an amp :yes:
    Plus its much more fun and can be cheaper in some cases than some of these shitty simulators etc as mentioned :yes: :bow:
  5. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Assuming that you own a Les Paul type guitar, take it to a tech to see if their humbucker pickups are splittable (if they have one wire per coil plus ground).

    If they are, you should be able to add a small switch or a push-pull knob to it, which will enable you to convert humbucker to single coil at will.

    If your current pickups aren't splittable, the cheaper solution is to buy new pickups...It's cheaper than buying a new guitar, and most certainly will greatly improve your tone.

    This wont make your Les Paul sound exactly like a Strat, but it will get you in the ballpark and will dramatically increase your guitar's versatility.

    Forget about impulses and other post processing means to achieve this result. Nothing can add frequencies and harmonics that aren't there in the first place.
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  6. I vaguely remember a plugin from 112dB Redline called maybe Pickup Replacer. Anyone remember this? It must be on someones old storage drive sonewhere. I remember a Les Paul humbucker but not much else. Help me out, someone with more brain cells than I, LOL.
  7. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    As @RMorgan mentioned I installed a single/parallel/series switch for both of my dual humbucker guitars. Both pickups on single coil combined is my go to clean shingy sound. I found a single switch with a gazillion poles that will handle both pickups.

    Splitting coils seems to sound better with higher output PUs.

    There are quite nice acoustic guitar IRs. Not knowing the IR capture method, is air needed to capture properly?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2017
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  8. Have the same on the bridge pickup on my Strat, push pull heaven as well as a three position eq choice switch which is like having three different presets to help me dial it in to my need.
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    you can use EQ to do that too, friend. say you start out with humbucker and you want a single coil type aspect , you cut 300hz by 5 db raise 6khz by 4 db.
    i have tried making impulses for that it does work, not exactly the same by it gets you in the ballpark, i use a mxr 10 band eq on my real pedal-board to shape like that then it goes in to Analogman "king of tone" dual overdrive pedal, those both before klon centaur which is my boost pedal, and then finally goes into a Catalinbread Formula No 55 which give sound of tweed deluxe amp.
    my pedalboard has a switching system to program presets for the pedals. but what im saying is you can use a combination of Gain staging and eq in different orders to massively shape your pickup tone before it hits your amp. so basically it takes a bit more than impulse responses because you need to have some tiny harmonics involved.
  10. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    @superliquidsunshine ...are you speaking of AcmeBarGig Red shift Pickup Replacer? i may be wrong too lol
  11. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    It was Red Shift, and seems interesting, but no longer available according to this

    You can get it here
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  12. SlayermanGR

    SlayermanGR Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2015
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    3Sigma seem to offer some impulses that supposedly do the exact thing that you ask for, emulating various guitars (check )...
    Haven't personally tried them (nor I am curious about them either) but maybe it's worth a shot (considering that their cab IRs are top notch)...
  13. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    different caps on the tone or something active?
  14. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I think I'm figuring out who the "guitar" people are on this forum... :rofl:

    Just thinking theoretically about this, seems it'd be easier to go the other way, from single coil to humbucker by duplicating the track and nudging it forward or backward by a few milliseconds. But to take a originally recorded humbucker tone and remove a coil from it... Don't think it's possible.

    If it's just the tone you're after, EQ'ing may be sufficient. But your best bet is get a guitar with single coils in it, or coil tap the Les Paul if you can easily do it. Some people don't like these types of modifications because they feel it devalues the instrument so if you're worried about resale value, just get you a Strat.

    This is why I loved the HSS pickup arrangement of the Model 4 Charvel I had (got stolen out of a car after a gig :crazy:). That guitar was so versatile.
  15. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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  16. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @huschiwuschi, nice collection, thanks for posting it. I didn't see any in it that referred to pickups. Am I missing it?
  17. Thanks. I thought that it might have been a 112dB plug because of the red color. I can now stop thinking about it. Not that I will be using it, but it is just good to know. Again and again and once more, thanks.

    I have a MIJ Levinson Blade RH2 as the only electric I have now as a friend had sat on my '84 Steinberger's Trans Trem and totally destroyed it (repair is over a grand and have been waiting to fix it for over 10 years) rendering it unplayable :deep_facepalm:. But anyway, the RH2 is awesome. The honey orange body is made of an incrediblely dense wood called Japanese Sen Ash and weighs a ton but translates into an instrument with sustain forever and a day. The finish is perfect and the 22 fret neck is to die for and the routing where the body and neck join make for ease of playing. The pickup system that you asked about has something called VSC where you can boost different frequencies to your liking. Here are a few pics to show you what is up with it.
    The Sperzel locking tuners are great and this is the first guitar that I have had with them, I love them come string change. It has a Falcon tremelo that allows the guitar to stay in tune when a string breaks though you can't divebomb, which is something I could care less about doing. The block moves independently of the plate, and for downbends the whole thing moves, then at rest the plate is resting firmly on the body which gives a positive stop to prevent detuning if a string breaks, for double-stop bends etc, then when you pull up only the block moves. You can adjust the firmness of the stop with the springs as normal. It also has rollers on the bridgebut don't really need it, but there is no friction, nonetheless. After playing it for a while now, when I once again have some moolah will be to swap out the original pickups. These are ok but not killer.
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  18. I didn't see anything pickup related but always enjoy checking out impulses from anything and everywhere. Gracias, huschiwuschi.
  19. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    That is a Sweet Guitar bro!
  20. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @superliquidsunshine, love that boost/eq circuitry. My old Charvel had Jackson's mid-boost circuitry in it and that guitar SCREAMED!
    A friend of mine replaced the stock Jackson pickups in a Jackson RR so he let me have pickups, and circuitry which I placed into a Jackson USA Stealth HX (pictured left) and it now screams like my old Charvel did.
    You either like active circuitry or you don't. Personally, I love it!
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  21. Thanks, it certainly is. I put almost twice into it what I paid fit it to bring it back to cherry. When I found it there were only two pickups and the pickguard was covering up the empty space where the middle pickup was supposed to be. Where the special spring loaded string tree was was just a hole in the headstock. The VSC was of course not working and the bridge pickup was just a single and so wastay not splitable. The shitty soft case that it came in smelled like an ashtray at the end of the night at a party of 50 heavy smokers and my jacket smelled like shit just getting it home that day. Amazingly, the body was unmarred and perfect, as well the Sperzel tuners and Falcon tremelo system. The graphite nut was righteous too. The other luck I had is that the fantastic fellow that techs my acoustic guitars works out of Gary Levinson's original shop here in Basel and sets up all of Gary's Blade guitars before they are shipped around the globe. He had a new original pickguard, the Levinson pickups (he talked me into replacing with originals but now I wish I had gotten the Seymour Duncans or the Bare Nuckles as I originally intended), the string tree and is intimate with the VSC wiring. He is a great technician and got it back to pretty much brand spankin' new condition. The 400 bucks for the guitar and 700 bills for the restoration gave me a sweet high end instrument that is up there near Suhr quality, though is a different take on the Stratocaster sound, but the feel and playability are dreamy.
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