Does anybody have the Kontakt 5 factory scripts?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by jjitter, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. jjitter

    jjitter Newbie

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Hello to everyone,

    Is it at all possible that someone has all the Kontakt factory scripts here? I noticed that most of scripts are missing in my factory scripts list. It only has a couple of utility and harmonize scripts. Looking at the Kontakt scripts manual, there are so many that I am missing :(

    It will just be awesome of someone to share.

    :thanks: Always glad to be here. :bow:
  2. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Everyone has them :yes:.......Double check you are not just looking at the multiscripts.
    Try the instrument scripts instead and all those listed in the manual should be there :bow:
    Access by entering edit mode -> Click the little spanner or wrench icon
    Access script editor and then simply load the preset.
    If in doubt simply check factory install location for relevant nkp files.
    Also, besides the fact that your not really allowed to share anything of that description here as far as I am aware i.e Raw nkp as opposed to unpacked script itself there really is no need as they simply nkp files and default install contains all the necessary information.....That’s unless you’ve simply installed an update or something similar :dunno:
    If you really are missing them and not simply looking at multiscripts then simple reinstall will fix or insert relevant nkp files at correct location.
    However as stated most likely is you are looking at multiscripts rather than working at instrument level :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2017
  3. jjitter

    jjitter Newbie

    Sep 18, 2017
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    @Kloud I was indeed looking at multiscripts. I cannot thank you enough! :thumbsup: