The death of the electric guitar.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    It seems an arbitrary and (to me) ludicrous statement. Trying to grade musicianship on how eco friendly it is, it's like my own analysis of ur otherwordly charm. I also made a point about bongos, which was more relevant. Did music stop with jazz, my little green friend? Guess that's a good place, I suppose... (Sorry if these seem liek strawmen - I don't think they are, nor are they meant to be - just cutting to end of chase)
  2. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    It's not an arbitrary claim it's a statement of fact. A musician is someone who plays a musical instrument. The dictionary defines it.
    While we can argue the merits of computer musicians and whether they are 'real' or not, not being able to put down your axe and pick up an acoustic, or swap your midi keyboard for a piano and be able to play it, are good examples to summarise the term musician in this context.
    The bongos line sort of makes my point for me. The debate has nothing to do with genre.

    And I'm not green, well aside from politically. I'm ancient and I'm grey.
  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Dictionaries just give current usage of language. They are not arbiters of anything. Since we're doing things alien style: a MIDI Instrument is played by a musician, using this metric.
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    to me a musician is a person that plays physical instruments.( usually many or most of them)
    however a "songwriter", "producer" , "sound engineer" and "dj"
    don't have to do that at all and
    I think no less of anyone in the latter categories.
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  5. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    And as such, if they are a musician, like I stated in my reply above, then they will have no problem banging out a tune on a piano, harpsichord or other non electric keyboard.

  6. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Yes very important but without musicians how do they exist.
    Maybe that is the problem. worrying about minute inconsequential details and forgetting the most important aspect of music.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2017
  7. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

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  8. UV19

    UV19 Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    I'm agreeing more and more with the idea that these are just the tools to do the function which is the point, ie make music, and music is not going anywhere as long as there are humans. The tools do change and I would think that David Byrne might argue that the context of the environment - socially, economically, and technologically - is what produces new music and artists will use any tools available to make it. The guitar has been around for 100's if not 1000's of years and has always changed and evolved parallel to us. Maybe its time to evolve the electric guitar again .... Robocaster anyone?
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  9. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    I don't know about you but my guitars still feature in pretty much every song I write.

    What the fuck are you talking about? there are plenty of new releases of acoustic music every day. And they STILL sound original. Just because apparently you like Electronic music doesn't mean everyone does. The sound of a synth will NEVER surpass the sound of a cello for me. You seem to project your worldview to everyone around.
  10. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    I have an evolved Guitar- Line 6 Variax. Onboard modeling of many guitars (acoustic and electric) and instant tunings with the press of a button on the PODHD500X or twist of a knob on the guitar itself. I can program my own and load it in the guitar for instant recall. The only thing missing is MIDI. but I have a Triple Play on another guitar and a Casio MIDI guitar for that.
    Gibson has a Roboguitar that roboticlly tunes itself. There is constant evolution in guitar design. :guitarhero:
  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Well there is that and then there is @foster911 , part mensch, part ufo and part Kafka.
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  12. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Dude! My songs and yours yes, but I am talking about top fucking popular songs
  13. Ed Sheeren uses guitars, Father John Misty, Chris Stapleton (awesome and amazing), Lana Del Rey, St. Vincent, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, and many others that I forget or don't know.
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  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It's not that they're dead. They aren't so popular.

    Rock/Metal doesn't sell like in the 80s and 90s. E-Guitars, amps, etc sell less as a direct consequence

    Electronic music sells a lot nowadays. Hardware/software synths and related (DJ gear) sells more
    In 20 years who knows...

    Pop always sells. Acoustic guitars sells remain :)
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I don't presume to "know" the MOST important asect of music, my perspective is many moving important parts, i have spent many years of dedication to my best ability to get good at musician, producing,engineering, live sound, recording, performing, etc. to me its pieces of a large puzzle .
    IF there IS something MORe important, I guess the music fans will dictate it ,and I will have no choice but to accept it.
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  16. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    *sigh* This is an argument I don't rly wanna have, since it will keep orbiting forever. And is bordering on petty. But I know from personal experience that this ^ is not necessarily the case. Not everyone can adjust to changes (technically) to the instrument they're familiar with; there's quite a chasm in size as well as a gulf (galaxy?) between synth action & that of a concert grand. Be it one attached via Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or one attached via pedals and hammers hitting resonators. I notice that you don't have a problem with a mechanical interspace between musician & vibration, for reasons unexplained. It seems quite arbitrary to make a distinction merely when this distance is electrical.

    Musicians generally make noise, of one sort or another. And I'm not even sure I can say that with any confidence.
  17. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    There are plenty of guitar virtuosos. There is plenty of good music. But, there are no more Rock Stars/Guitar God's, etc., and likely will never be, just like there will likely never be another Beatles or Stones or 60's or 70's music explosion. I think all that is a given and makes sense based on where we are and where we are heading as a culture. What remains to be seen is where the future influences will come from. But music itself will go on forever.

    As for the guitar itself, it is still too cool to disapear anytime soon.
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