Mastering Compressor ( Algorithmix LP SplitComp )

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by martel80, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Hey guys !! :mates:

    Just got in this forum !!

    You guys seems to get along very well, its much apreciated here :)

    I just took a look at some of your topics on Mastering and loudness war and stuff, people seems to tend to be against the loudness war but also seem to understand the importance of having the same level as the next track playing :)

    So this said , i took a closer look at what people ( count me in ) have against this LOUDNESS processing !

    I Have found that most of them ( me included ) didnt like those artefact and glitch appearing after these dynamic squashed.

    So i started to look for transparent Compressor ....and i must admit that there's like SHIT LOAD of them out there !!

    But seriously, i have tried a bunch of them....and i must admit that im going on the ''how do you achieve this loud master'' people side right now.
    Mainly because my compressor isnt giving me the proper result when i'm pushing my mix to +6db. ( Noise appear )

    So i have found this little toy ( NOT CRACK YET but available as complete demo ) :wow:

    *wish someone will understand the message* :beg:

    This guy cost 1250 EURO LOL
    Yes read it well....more then a thousand euro LOL
    But as i read from professional on other forums...this LIttle guy is THE BEST COMP and more TRANSPARENT one EVER MADE !!!

    Maybe thats the answer to all of us , desperatly trying to achieve this LOUD mix and sounding clean like those professional hardware mastering process !!

    What do you guys think ??
  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Are you a professional mastering engineer ?

    If not you won't use it anyways...!

    By the way...
    You can use Waves Linear Comp too,
    and your ears won't tell a difference. (...but your wallet will...)
  4. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Martel80,

    And for you (after having tried it, of course !), what about this 'Little Guy', what is your 'OWN' conclusion ?
    Because, in some sense, it's the most important to know for you. How it works for you ? Do you feel comfortable in using it ? Is it too complicated or, a contrario, easy to deal with it with your specific audio stuff ?...

    In one sense, you're your better judge and advocate... *yes*
  5. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    That's totally overpriced - like all their other stuff!! :snuffy:
    And it's only WiN... :unsure:
    There's NO best compressor's just a marketing strategy.
  6. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    @Carface : No , i'm not a professional mastering engeneer....i'm just another music producer,the only thing is that i have sensitive ears ( Yes, my ears can tell the difference when i use diffferent compressor with same settings )

    @Studio 555: i just discoverd it today :dancing: , so right now, i must admit that i'm pretty amazed by the power of this guy....and you can tweek it freakin precisely...wich make it 10 times better then SSL API or whatever ''name it'' freakin emulation comp i've tried yet.
    In fact, this is not an ''Fake-Ass Character Emulation'' plug-in.....This is RAW POWER.
    The only thing is, since i got it from today, i havent been able to test my masters in different sound system yet ( only my ''monitors'' and 1 scrap box ) not into car sound system ( wich i find realy cool to ear grain or dynamix work as this is the sound system that look mostly like headphones but is not ( to me ). :grooves:

    So anyway, if you guys try it , let me know ....and if someone find it somewhere , let me know :)
    My Demo end in 13 days :sad:
  7. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    The LinearPhase SplitComp is basically this: in VST Plug-In format and along with the PEQ Red & Blue equalizers and The K-Stereo "Ambience Recovery Processor" are top notch processors (reNOVator and some of thier other stuff is out gunned by other really expensive/way over priced DSP tools aimed at the same role). However they
    are pretty much the reserve of mastering houses and a very few elitist hobbiest with too much money to throw around. They are not going to give you an extra 6dB of dyamic range
    reduction to each track you have mixed down and are knocking up a homebrew master at all. It just is not that simple

    Go back to your mixes or even choice of source material to begin with. As great as SplitComp may seem it really is not the magic silver bullet which everyone 'in the know' has and

    Out of curiosity what A/D and D/A converters are you using?
  8. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Oups....seems like you got confused there !
    Or maybe i didnt explain myself clearly !!

    First of, i never said a comp could give me a all that i need to achieve a CLEAN Loud master.

    Secondly, i already got my master chain and i'm comfy with it....what i was sayin is that i need a good comp...and that ifound it in that one :)

    And as for general info, my converters are RME

    So to make clear and precise, i have downloaded the Algorithmix Comp....tryed it myself that transparent top that i needed so I CAN NOW PUSH MY MIX HIGHER IN IT ....and i was comming here to see if anyone tryed it and if anyone found it somewhere as a Full version....because i could seriously use this one after my 2 week trial :)

    Wish this explanation fixed all the confusion we were getting into :)

    Cheers !

  9. TheDude

    TheDude Newbie

    Sep 13, 2011
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    You may want to check out the flux solera II: I have used on about 30-40 different mastering projects over the years. It is also very a great deal of parameters right at the interface, and it has an "Angel's Share" function that does nice things to the transients and air. And it is $470(US). This was originally only for the Pyramix DAW which was one of the hidden gems in many mastering houses. (it used dsp cards like protools hd for better sound quality/performance.)

    here is the review from tapeop:

    TapeOP Reveiw

    and here is the product.

    FLUX Solera II
  10. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    That is interesting !!....Let me have a try at this one and ill come back to you :)
  11. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I just go for clean volume increase

    I don't know about what You lot are looking for to do it but I find the one with the most frequency bands going to indevidual compressors get the cleanest and loudest before dirtying the sound.

    Currently its Waves L316 I think (sorry not useing a computer with softwear so I can't check). It has something like 16 frequency bands.

    Once a multi-band compressor comes out with more bands, and isn't emulating analogy tecnology, I'll change to that.

    When you think about it what We're all waiting for is a multi-band compressor, that has a indevidual compressor for each frequency.
    Like a full fourier analysis, followed by a huge set of compressors and then good quality digital suming.
    That would give you almost infinate loudness with little distortion, till it's nearly all one level that is.
  12. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I know you guys are talking about VSTs but for best results a mastering has to be done using hardware...
    with hardware you can somewhat be in the red and yet it sounds good...actually that's where the magic happens!lol
    ..well you see what I mean...which is rarely (not to say never) the case with digital plug-ins, no matter how expensive
    or good they are.
    So to really solve your problem you need a "real" comp/ more no less.
  13. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    right now, with a proper descent mix i can easily achieve a master that sound as Loud as a commercial track

    And to be honest, with proper dynamic treatment , it sound as loud ( maybe even louder ) then commercial tracks....and you wont ear much distortion ( yes ok, the 1k - 3k are harsh ) but still.... All with software :)

    Throw me a mix with 4 to 10 db of head room and a reference and ill show you what i mean :)

  14. Kimwest

    Kimwest Newbie

    Oct 29, 2012
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    LA ,Ca
    Algorithmix Plugins Bundle


    Official Page:
  15. dogboy

    dogboy Newbie

    Oct 29, 2012
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    the h20 version doesn t store presets , but it s highly usable and real real better eq 'linear red and orange ' than most of the stuff i ve heard .
  16. Yubidi

    Yubidi Newbie

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Here is where lysergyk is right....
    You need to check it on and in every envrironment...
    The tools for mastering are easy to obtain, but the ears and hardware and room is gonna be the issue.
    I'll still recommend a real masterer (writing this right ?) to do this.

    I know an engineer, who does the job so well, that his friend ( masterer ) has to do very little..
    But that takes years and years and a lot of experience...
    You can do things at home, but will it sound great in a (airplain's hangar )?.

    Think about it....
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