
Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by noscare, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. noscare

    noscare Newbie

    Sep 11, 2017
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    Tell me best plugins to make perfect voice :P
    including auto tune, double voice, harmonize or anything u know, :)
  3. Oimsio

    Oimsio Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2017
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    maybe a perfect singer?
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  4. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    good singer -> Neumann TLM-103 -> neve 1073 -> LA2A/1176 = magic

    Slate VMR , Softube Summit audio TLA-100a . autotune sucks. i hope this helps
  5. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Awesome singer, budget-to-mid price microphone, expensive room acoustics. Nothing beats that. Then your DAW's own compressor, EQ, delay and reverb will do.

    Now, for a poor singer, Celemony Melodyne sounds more natural than Antares Autotune if you must correct pitch. Gain automation before compression (any DAW compressor) will give you better results. Unfortunately, the choice of conpressor, EQ, reverb and delay depends on the song genre, singer's quality, quality of recording, and so on. So there's no one-plugin-fits-all solution. That being said, Waves CLA vocals and Voice Centric have always been up to the task when I need a quick rough vocal solution. Sometimes they make the final mix. If you can record with near-zero latency in your interface, Acustica Audio Acqua plugins sound beautiful to record wet.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  6. The performance is key, all else is secondary including microphone, room and preamp. Although, today polishing turds has become an artform with tools such as the aforementioned Melodyne. There are tricks to fatten up vocals and make them huge in the chorus or any other time you want them larger than not. Make three or four copies of the vocal, and on each one detune it by three cents and delay it 5 or 6 milliseconds.. Alternate the panning and width of the successive tracks, and bang, big. Stacked and quadrupled monster voice as well as kinda sorta in tune but like a voice in unison like stacking oscillators in unison in a synth. Add reverb to taste.
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  7. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    The Gold Standard.
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  8. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    100% agree
  9. TW

    TW Guest

    Like mentioned.
    steps ...
    1) great performance with a good vocal chain. Good room or dynamic mic.

    2) Melodyne for
    3) Knowledge how to mix Vocals with your your daw stock plugins.

    have fun and good luck making the perfect voice
  10. Good point about using a dynamic mic in a less than perfect room. And even if the room is a wonder of acoustic perfection, microphones such as an ElectroVoice RE-20, Sennheiser 441 or even the old standbys, the Shure SM58 and 57 might be a good fit or even the only ones available and would still be more than passable or even perfect...because as stated previously, " the performance is key, all else is secondary....". I have heard numerous times of where the vocalist recorded a scratch vocal in the control room with a handheld mic like a 58 that was awesome and perfect and that whooped later takes recorded with the fancy vocal chain done in the iso room. I have an RE-20 that I love sometimes more than my fancy mic, and sometimes I just need to use it if I have an itch to record a vocal or even an acoustic guitar part and my neighbor's kids are making a racket in their back yard or those above my head are practicing their cheerleading routines. Things and times like that make me a happy camper to have the option of a cool dynamic mic like that. It can also save time editing out all the residual noise bumped up from the compressor on those less than optimal and noisy days. Yup, dynamic mics are not just for micing up guitar and bass cabinets, but can be a hero for those without a condensor or just that plain cannot use one for various reasons.
  11. Krucyfyxbeatz

    Krucyfyxbeatz Newbie

    Oct 28, 2017
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  12. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    performance of the artist/vocalist number one,since you're asking for plugins take a look at izotope nektar 2,for a deEsser have a look at fabfiter Pro-Ds,if you are a Reason user look at the included Neptune.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2017
  13. petepx

    petepx Kapellmeister

    Jun 26, 2017
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    My ideal channel strip:

    0- This one is not really part of it, it's more kind of preprocessing.:Melodyne is a great tool to start with for tune, rhythm and gain staging edition. Don't forget to have lot of headroom for the next stages. Clipping is your enemy

    1- Console emulation (Neve works nice with voices) + tape saturation/compression should be the next step (list is long on this side, but everything should fit). You can even use single band saturation (decapitator is great). Tip of the day: Saturation is THE trick (console, tape, amp...) to bring life to any of your digital record takes. Try it, it's like cheating.
    (2)- Gate is an option depending on the work you did during step 0.
    3- Reductive EQ - Mandatory step (prefer to use chirurgical and visual one, fabfilter pro q2 is great for that). Deesser can be an option here.
    4- Musical compression (colored and non linear) - I like 1176 chained to a LA2A, but use any that pleases you.
    5- You can add a technical compression stage if needed (pro c2 is great)
    6- Additive EQ (Pultec, Neve, or SSL depending on the color). Important step to sculpt your voice.
    (7)- Limiter can be an option. Depends on the context. (pro l2, yeah I like fabfilter...)

    Not part of your channel strip, but as you guess, it's the cherry on the cake: Reverb or (slap) delay to give space. (So many possibilities here, tied to the context)

    Another tip: Taking lessons can save your time. There are great resources online.
  14. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    compressor / equalizer / reverb.

    I don't agree with those who says mic, room or else are secondary.
    there's a reason why you can find all these tube mics, pre-amp and other expensive analog stuff in every good studio.

    go record celine dion on a bad tape recorder, and come back to tell me if it beats HD to analog converters with a $2 000 mic and all the expensive stuff that comes with it.

    I don't say it makes everything, but sound is a chain: every time someone turns on a light in my building, I can hear it in my headphones, so yes, the electric wiring plays a role here too.

    regarding harmonies, if a singer is good, he or she will do harmonies by himself.
    auto-tune and Co. can do some jobs, but it's always better when the voices are "real" and less processed along the way.

    also, all depends on the voice, the artist, the genre, and the music.
    even basically, a female voice won't require the same treatment than a male voice, that's why I've answered comp/eq/rev in the first place.

    the prefect voice is when the Artist look at you with a big smile on their face :yes:

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