Bitcoin-peer to peer electronic cash system.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Is anyone into this, imo its been here since 2009 and getting stronger, cryptocurrency in general.
    Yea, you mas say its a scam, but at least there are no middle men like with the current banking system which is far worse and unfair.
    Is digital peer to peer cash system the future? IMO yes, since we live in a matrix anyway, its the next logical step.
  3. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    not got involved myself, altho was a bit tempted in 2010 (wish i got some now!)
    i do know a friend who is selling his BMW for bitcoin only.
    he set the price at a relatively low value, gambling that those bitcoins he earns will explode in value.
    i hope for his sake it works out for him!
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  4. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    so.. are you mining? w only 21M out there ... seems... limited
  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    You are not going to pay your local farmer in Bitcoin when global monetary system will fall down.

    Dollar ? Dead (around half of global market)
    Euro ? Dead (around quarter)
    ...and others 1/4 will follow just after.

    When internet providers will shut down their lines...bye bye Bitcoin and others !
    To me, those who created crypto currencies known internet system will fall down in a economic crisis...and they bet on this point.

    For now, it works.
    Internet fall down ? You will be poor as usual, BUT faster than with regular currencies ;)
    That's called "Progress" :D
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  6. synths4grins

    synths4grins Producer

    Aug 24, 2017
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    I used bitcoin a few years ago to pay for a VPN and stay anonymous. Had to setup the bitcoin wallet, then bought a money card to buy the bitcoin to buy the VPN. I only bought just enough bitcoin to pay the price, and bitcoin was fluctuating so much I barely made it in time without having to do the process again just for another couple of dollars in bitcoin. Now you can just use a Walmart gift card for the VPN. Much easier, though so is dealing with bitcoin these days. It was around $70 per bitcoin back then, today it's $4,412.83. Several analysts have said that it will reach $500,000 to 1 million in a few years. It's a complicated and risky investment, but who knows? Most say invest in it what you can afford to loose, but the upside could be big if it keeps going like it has.
  7. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    You're essentially advocating that no one buy anything that grows in value based on the prediction that everything will come crashing down and will be worthless. I don't foresee everything crashing to the point that the entire internet and electrical grid will be down for more than a week, worldwide or otherwise. People would carry on - and if not then there would be larger things to worry about than your lost bitcoins.

    It's best in my mind to diversify your future predictions. Think the world is going to crash and burn economically and there will be chaos? Fine. Buy a weapon and a bit of ammo, buy solar panels, buy rice and flour, buy barrels for storing water that can be filled when timing is right. But - don't bank everything on it. Don't spend your entire check every month on preparation equipment and foods. If you feel like it's a worthwhile investment, then dedicate a portion of your money towards that. But never all of it. I have stuff like that set aside in case of emergency myself, but I would never spend all of it on the chance that things could go sour.

    The same logic can be applied to crypto currencies. Don't bank on it entirely, it's foolish to do so with any preparation, investment or gamble. I invest in cryptocurrencies myself, it accounts for roughly 15% of what I put towards savings every month. I diversify across multiple coins, and move coins when trends are going down for others. Keeping things spread across multiple different coins evens out the risk a little bit. I have Monero, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple and a few really small coins that may never turn into anything. Monero particularly paid off really well for me where it's standing right now, as it was only ~15 when I started putting money into it and I bought 60 of them over the course of 5 months, let it sit for a couple more months, and it now stands at $115 per coin. If it hadn't panned out, no big deal though - because it was money set aside to do so with a full understanding of the potential risk - and was lumped with other money that was spread out across other currencies to mitigate the risk.

    Granted, this could all come crashing down. Very much so. Best to keep a close eye on coins so you're not going weeks without checking on them or anything. I don't bank on this stuff, just play with it in a very ameteur way. But it's paid off enormously so far for what it's worth. I started buying bitcoin itself when it was around $500 and just slowly put money into it. It goes up, fluctuates, crashes - but the investments have already paid themselves off so long as I keep a good eye on it all. Bitcoin may someday die, but newer currencies are much more secure, much more difficult to steal, have more stability. I don't think cryptocurrency is going anywhere and would recommend people start putting (a little) bit of money towards it - understanding that you could lose it all to a giant crash.

    15% of what I save goes to this, one could easily put 1% of their check towards all kinds of different coins and I think it would still pay off in the long term. A friend of mine put it to me like this with investments in general: Someone in the 1970s could have started investing in the stock market - just a general index fund like the Industrial Average stuff, and invested $100,000 over the course of 30 years at the peak of each and every market bubble (meaning he picked all the worst times to put his money in as it always preceded a large crash). Even though he picks all the worst times, he would still have over a million dollars by the 30 years end.
  8. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    For now I will ask a simple question (and then join the "debate" about the end of the world and such..)

    What is the best way to buy/exchange for bitcoin in EU (small sums.. and we don't have Walmart, let alone gift cards..). I bought "services" on the net, donated,.. with paysafecard when I wanted privacy. Made a little research on online bc exchange sites and other methods, but would appreciate any suggestion, advice from those who have been there, done that..
  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

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  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    The world is changing so fast. 20 years ago it was unimaginable you would be able to produce music at home on a low budget yet at the highest level. Or to be able to produce orchestral music with libraries that are just out of this world.
    Everything is changing, its all about decentralization of the matrix.
  12. Iodice

    Iodice Member

    May 5, 2016
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    I'm using bitcoin, because to invest in the company I invested, it only accepts bitcoin and makes the payment in bitcoin.
    So I'm learning a lot about digital coins, there are more than 700, bitcoin is the most valuable among them.
    The company pays me 35% monthly, but if I had left the bitcoins I bought in my wallet, I would have almost doubled my money, because on August 1st the bitcoin was $ 2,700 dollars and at the end of August it was $ 5,000 dollars. And the forecast is that in January he is worth $ 10,000 dollars.
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