EVERYONE HERE HAS AN ARPEGGIATOR wrong. also: so how about IDGAF about nonsense input; checked out your song: GAY FUCK YOU. I WIN CHILD Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2017
good for you @electriclash now tell us how you really feel... Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2017
@electriclash - Please don't aim insults towards other members. Also please define 'gay' in this context.
My apologies not only to you and my fellow members, but to this fine, online institution. The Kraken can occasionally turn on me in a feral manner and I am sorry to have freaked out like that starts nice enough: leads to: Again, sorry boys- will mind that nonsense in the future
Sorry I saw this post and my ADD kicked in, and started singing these two songs back to back. PS: Damn that Kraken looks like some strong stuff right there.