Why don't most people here share their musics?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Well I don't have a grand plan for music in terms to reach the fine grain of quantum oscillations, that might also in turn be harmonic, nor I could ever be a die -hard of any type of orthodoxy, meaning style or tradition.

    But what I really think is that music can be a vehicle for contemplation and self manifestation, as any creative discipline, really. Personally I think that this one has the added value based on a sort of thrilling and mysterious effect over the attention that music produces given its rhythmical makeup, melodic suspense, and harmonic wrap.

    I often share my experiments on here, and I found this site to be very valuable for helping me to integrate obvious musical foundations that weren't so self-evident for me, given my playful method of trial and error, passion and complete blindness for rationalisation.:crazy:

    Of course if I wanted to be rational in my free time, I would choose chemistry, or even better economics, when not stocks trading for the thrill of money making, if money making or spending has to be present in any given activity as proof of its worth.
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ylprg3j8u7gql6/10 - JACQ - Save Me.mp3?dl=0

    That is one hell of a thought process you have come up with there my friend.

    This is the way I see it .
    I love music, everything about it, all of it.
    because I love it i want to understand everything about what it actually is.
    from the most simple to the most complex expression and everything in between, I love the simple all the way through to the most complex that music offers because it all is music and I love music.
    Music is literally a language, and just like your spoken language it is possible to come up with the most simple sentences to express. But not everything can be expressed in those most simple sentences, ONLY the most simple things can be expressed in the most simple sentences, you have to then expand on to more complex sentences to describes those aspects of reality that are more complex. just like our spoken language music is identical you can have the equivalent of a white paper with red circle ( simple sentence) all the way to the mona lisa and beyond.
    I love music, every aspect all things about it, the things that can be expressed most simple all the way to the most complex things about music that can only be expressed fully understanding its entire language.
    https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public/MMJ 20 year old somgs

    Why doesn't every thread ever posted on here just say "ma-ma, and da-da?"
    Is it because we all HATE the simplest aspect of our spoken language? NO. it is because we are not 1 or 2 years old anymore. those most simple things can only express so much about reality. reality is the thing that determines how simple a sentence can be to actually express what really exists and how things actually work. music is identical there is absolutely nothing "wrong" or "bad"about "simple" music. It is not that that I HATE or despise or look down on it. the simple fact is that I am a grown man that has spent the best part of almost 30 years every single day learning the language of music(from 8 years old, to 37 years old) , building up to learn its entire language and the expression of those most complex things about reality that ONLY the most detailed understanding of music can express.
    the musical equivalent of "ma-ma and da-da," is step one in many thousands of steps anyone can move onto learning and expressing for themselves IF they have the desire to do so.If they choose to do this it has nothing to do with HATING or DESPISING simple music.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  3. It is longer there.
  4. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Well pidgin, a crude form of language btw non native speakers of a given one, can cover a big stretch of the communication gap at times, when steadily used can grow as a new thing, a new convention if you please.

    Languages are conventions, unfortunately in the long run conventions tend to be the object of enshrinements, sociocultural ones, that stiffen and limit the communication, laying in place mere aspiration and hypertrophic professionalism.

    Anyways, I came here to grab the circle of fiths graph, that you posted some while ago :like:
  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    yes there are many interesting things about language , even negative ones like you say , this is because reality is never black or white and often the reality of human beings gets real complicated real quick. ( hence the need for complex music to express this fact)
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  7. NextGenSound

    NextGenSound Kapellmeister

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Here's my latest one, posted it 5 days ago features Symatic from Jamaica

  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    They're so different. Thanks for sharing. Represent your professional competence. I loved their atmosphere. Please make a lot of them and don't worry about the past, you're the best.:mates:

    Spending time excessively and swotting up on all different aspects of music to achieve mastery of them are not worth you devote all of your enjoyable moments of life because at the end music is just playing with different sounds.:bow:
  9. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    For me it IS worth it because I have been working toward a larger goal to achieve with it.
    anyone memorable in music that you know about, thats in history books, that changed our world all dealing with music, devoted their entire being to it .

    how much you devote and put in comes across to the listener

    make a comparison in your mind right to 2 people one that devotes all their time all different aspects of music and another that puts barely anything in to their music,
    think about what the end result of each persons music will be. you cannot trick or fool the listener. they will feel based on how good it is, and how good it can ever be is dictated by the knowledge and ability of the songwriter.

    there is no shortage of mediocre music. I have no desire to put out mediocre music. ( from now on I mean not talking about my old stuff i showed you)
    I am willing to sacrifice most things in life to be able to put out best possible music and live the life i was meant to.
    the goal i been working on with all this research and study of every aspect of music is to create a brand new type of popular music that touches on the entire history of music best of each genre all put together with full knowledge of the language, put together in a way with positive message for all age groups to be number 1 on the top 40 but with actual real music, yet designed for non-musicians to enjoy, designed for 80 years old or 6 years olds, and parents want their kids listening to it, selling stadiums to 500,00 people per show. thats how i roll homie.( large task yes, that why i been working so hard putting the pieces together for many years)
    other songwriters that have no goal close to that large i appreciate what they want for themselves also.
    I have to perfect every aspect to realistically be successful in the kind of way I am shooting for.
    one area i have spent lot of time on the last 3.5 years is studying all the most successful artists and bands in the last 40 years just the top ones all their songs what they have in common how its all put together to understand why the large masses enjoy it very interesting actually.
    there is hundreds and hundreds of details involved what makes a massive hit song different from a mediocre or okay song that gets forgotten.
    I have a lot of work to do with vocal training, ( my vocals are ABOUT 66 PERCENT WA WHERE THEY NEED TO BE)because vocals are extremely important to massive popularity, there are others lot aspects I have lot to work research study to do to perfect, I have the music theory, 99 percent where i want, playing instruments 85 percent the way, songwriting, production, engineering is 99 percent where i want them artist development management skills is about 88 percent, advertising communications about 70 percent i could go on and on where im at in different areas and where i need to be to accomplish my largest goal ( I have to be realistic)
    but according to you "music is just playing with different sounds" haha damn I wish you would have told me this 30 years ago ! I wouldn't have needed to spend everyday all day for 30 years working on each aspect of music! lololol
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
  11. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Your mixes are representative of the research and info you have shared here about 3D stereo imaging. Full of 3D-ness, the mixes are.
    Just a guess...... are you a Michael fan?
    Is that you singing Human Nature?

    Nihonjin desuka?
  12. Going in without preconceived notions, I was nonetheless surprised and delighted with what I heard when I listened to a selection of the tracks from your "boxed" set. Not your average faire and will consume bits and pieces as my appetite dictates. I listened and enjoyed.
  13. Steve Andrews

    Steve Andrews Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Here's somethin for your ears if you insist...
  14. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Thanks for the praise. However, a few things.

    I really wouldn't say it's wholly necessarily "representative of the research and info you have shared here" since some of them are pre-imaged in part by not_me.

    It's not really 3D. Only 1D. If u want 2D/3D, I can share some of my surround mixes via PM. Please describe your speaker and setup first and have a surround-capable PC ready.

    It's at least in part coincidental, since some of his MTs leaked earlier this year.


    no, are you?

    But I can share some more Jpop things via PM if u like?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
  15. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Why? I have two reasons.
    1. Lately I've been paralyzed by the amount of tech and unable to see or hear my way out of the dark, lifeless pit.
    2. In the past, when I actually wrote and produced "real music," I begged anyone/everyone for constructive feedback/opinions/praise, etc. Sadly, I NEVER received any useful comments. Weeks would go by and I would ask, what did you think? Usually they would say, "Oh, I like the songs." I'd respond, which was your favorite? They'd reply, "Ahh, ohhh, mmm, the first song." OR, the person would unkindly tear my songs apart . . . basically telling me I'm crap and I'll never "make it."
  16. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    i started playing fallout new vegas on pc....
  17. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Really, I don't think it's anything too special. It's just mediocre imaging & the right level of reverb. I mix in surround a lot of the time, so I pay more attn to the front/back imaging, so actually, L/R imaging may suffer more than if I made a purely stereo mix from the get-go. Also NB: some elements in my mixes (or the whole mix) is pre-imaged.

    Can't remember if my downmixes on HTA are matrixed downmixes or not, but I remember sometimes I need to have a matrixed downmix to have a wide image. I guess overall, 'my sound' is just a byproduct of my workflow.

    mediocre imaging shouldn't be too hard if u don't do anything too dodgy, But hearing other mixes, it's apparently harder than it seems?

    neway, I shall PM u soon.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2017
  18. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    uhhhhh........yeah it's hard.
    I need to learn 'mediocre imaging'
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I find myself in a unique position regarding music in the last 5 or so years, that is that I try to appreciate every genre and style of music throughout history, try to find what unique about it ( coupled with the historical reference of it) try to appreciate what it can offer ,even if only a snippet out of the whole thing.
    this outlook has helped my advance more in the last 5 or so years musically than the 25 years preceding it that i worked on music everyday of my life. I try to share this with people to help expand their musical consciousness if possible.
    One area where this is so applicable is the early 1900's to 1940s. i spent vast majority of my life ignorant of what music existed during this time but once i began to research in depth i was pleasantly surprised to uncover a whole new world of expression, complexity, nuance and passion in music i never knew about that has stirred a new flame of passion in me. ( same can be said of other periods as well but this is prime example)

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2017