Active Members Only: Kontakt Problems with Windows? Please Post Here!!!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Tanish Pruthi

    Tanish Pruthi Newbie

    Mar 9, 2016
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    PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! I have a pirated version of metropolis ark 1, and its creating a lot of issues.

    First of al, in the libraries tab-

    1) When I am batch re-saving the whole library- I am getting this error in a lot of sub-instruments- https://support.native-instruments....5-5-0-error-encountered-during-batch-process-

    2) Under the sub folders- Some of the instruments are not showing.

    3) And when I am opening those not showing instruments in the windows explorer- Its is showing that Kontakt 5 has stopped working.

    4) And when opening those not showing instruments through the files tab- It is showing this error-

    5) And when I am opening those not showing instruments through the load instrument option- IT IS LOADING!

    WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Please help me people :(
  2. Icaruus

    Icaruus Newbie

    Nov 13, 2016
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    How do I add a library into my Kontakt? When I select the library via add library it says "No Library found". I think the pirated libraries don't come with a file Kontakt needs to add it, right?
  3. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Not pirated....... any unofficial 3rd party library wont be added that way. It can be done, but it takes a little kontakt trickery.
    Honestly, I just drag the ones I use from the browser tab to the quick load tab after I batch resave them. Its a lot easier for me to navigate than scrolling a mile long library tab
  4. Vizo

    Vizo Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2014
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    When I add a library and load an instrument I do not see the background of this as it appears
    if i load the instrument from the file system. I do not know if I was clear?
    Do scripts be moved to a specific directory or left in the library folder?
  5. karo nasiri

    karo nasiri Newbie

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Hi guys!
    I have a legit Komplete 10 ultimate on my windows 10 system and want to completely uninstall Kontakt 5 so I could install a cracked version instead without needing to reset my pc.
    Is there any chance that I could use the legit libraries from the komplete 10 ultimate on the cracked Kontakt 5 as swell ?
    If there's not to much to ask I would love to know which cracked version is stable on Windows 10.
    Thankfull for replies!!
  6. feaster

    feaster Noisemaker

    Mar 25, 2013
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    Hi all, just got Sunny's great SF Symphonic Strings. However, when I go to add the library in Kontakt 5.6.5 I get a No Library found message. However when I go to add from the file browser I'm told the patch is encrypted and needs to be added.

    Looking in the file structure, there is an nicnt file there as well as nkc and nkr files.

    Looking at the Nicnt file with a text editor, I see this:

    <Product version="1">
    <Name>Spitfire Symphonic Strings</Name>
    <Application minVersion="" nativeContent="true">kontakt</Application>
    <Application minVersion="">maschine</Application>
    <Application minVersion="">kkontrol</Application>
    <Visibility target="Standalone">7</Visibility>
    <Company>Spitfire Audio</Company>
    <RegKey>Spitfire Symphonic Strings</RegKey>
  7. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2017
  8. john olsen

    john olsen Newbie

    Aug 21, 2017
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    introninja, i had to re register, i was moocha and was active...solved browser was blocking
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017
  9. Vizo

    Vizo Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Hi !
    In contact 5.6.8 after adding a library, the instrmnents background is not correctly displayed.
    Does anyone have the same problem?
    If you are not in the forum just give me some advice on where to ask.

    Thanks anyway.
  10. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Excellent!! Youve answered many questions i had ,without my needing to even ask "Thanx"
    So as i understand it then 5.6.5 isnt the way to go , and would explain why some libs will not authorise after i ran the update..
  11. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Depends what background you mean specifically. If by Instrument you mean say patch background then on PC for example there only a few places it can be. Patch background is always part of the resources.
    1.) First place is ALWAYS the . nkr itself. If this is the case then information is encoded into .nkr itself. Corresponding .jpeg or whatever is then decoded and used.
    2.) Check if there is a resources folder. If DEV has chosen to encoded or finalised with say a resources folder as part of the library then Kontakt will then look here for the appropriate picture files etc.
    3.) if Kontakt can't find appropriate resources in those two locations it will then search the Kontakt factory library for appropriate resources - Some libtraries, mainly those with an installer, will deposit picture files or resources in this location.

    Your resources or background most probably will be to should be in one of thesee locations :) :mates::bow:
  12. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    WoW, i am so confused. normally run mac, but i am having to work on a pc, now. i am so unsure of kontakt and all libraries now, is there a simple solution? is installed k5.6.5 Fixed (NO Key) the best one, so far? i have certainly manually deleted all registry lines listed in post 1, and fully removed ALL kontakt 5 related anything, in all other folders, as well. Still getting lots of "Activate" in libraries when adding to kontakt... Reading through all these threads has not only taken so much time, i'm kinda more confused then when i began :(
    Also, in my k5.6.5 Fixed (NO Key) setup, the txt files are in russian only, it seems :(
    i am unsure to install the C stuff first, then add Fixed stuff over top? or just install Fixed stuff?!?
    and with this release, is R2R key needed, for every single library? if so, where do we get serial/activation codes from, for keygen?

    ugh, headache. wish i could just use mac at this moment, but stuck on pc for a bit now... can anyone help? thanks in advance!

    ok, after full removal again, i once again added C stuff, then added the patched vst/aax/exe over top, then ran the BKP NI REG & Service Center cmd and x64 windows kontakt5.reg... seems to make kontakt 5 work for a few libraries, so far...

    is this correct procedure? anything i'm missing? still confused... lol :-(

    another ***EDIT***

    i am still getting missing libraries, after adding via ADMIN Standalone, not appearing in VST version...

    and i am completely unfamiliar with batch/resaving? never done this on mac. does this need to be done for every single library, on pc?!? sheesh....
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  13. Vizo

    Vizo Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the answer but I did not solve the problem.

    I recently added Oracle's Strezov Sampling to this.


    Oracle.nicnt generated with NI-NicntGenerator.

    contenuto cartella.jpg

    There are no pictures in any folder.

    Thank you for your attention
  14. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Cool that you sorted it but what have pictures got to do with added a library?
    If they not in the resources folder as shown in your folder structure then they are either encoded into the nkr or in the kontakt factory library itself.
    Judging by the size of your nkr you can see that they are encoded directly into the nkr itself and decoded on request. Like I said great that you have fixed it but don't understand what the pictures have to do with adding a library? :bow:

    Edit Sorry I misread can see you haven't sorted it lol. Will explain.
  15. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Sorry as I said I misread and thought you had fixed it

    Right looking at your folder structure is obviously a homemade nicnt and wallpaper. Wallpaper not always the best word to use as some devs call their instrument background the wallpaper. You are missing the background.png Is most likely a png but can be other formats such as .tga. This background is by default either

    1.) encoded into nkr itself
    2.) In the resources folder itself.
    3.) placed either by an installer or manually upon request in the Kontakt factory folder.

    They are the ONLY options. Therefore you are missing the background .png. What you need to do is locate that png. If it is encoded into the nkr itself then knontakt will take care of it unless there is a faulty or incomplete nkr OR a fault in decoding as was present in say some versions below 5.5.2 I think. If it isn't encoded it will or should be placed in the resources folder or the kontakt factory folder. Therefore you have to unrar original library again and locate background png itself and place. If you still can't find it and it not in nkr the only options are to re download the library or someone who has the library send you the png :yes: :bow:
  16. Vizo

    Vizo Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Sorry about the size of the post.
    In the previous answer you ask for those backgrounds missing, the image used to clarify what was missing: the background of the intrument to the right.
    NI-NicntGenerator generates a library that requires, to be shown in the left list, a file called wallpaper.
    I am not able to change this parameter.
    The problem seems to be related to contact 5.6.8, version 5.6.5 show the intrument correctly.
    The background issue remains by adding the library to the Add Library.exe program.
    Ok in VST.
    I'm happy about this.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  17. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah cool so your saying the background is displayed correctly in 5.6.5 and not in 5.6.8? Never heard of this before.
    Is this a player library or is the nicnt homamde? If it displays correctly in 5.6.5 and not in 5.6.8 and there no pictures in the resources folder it would suggest the background.png is encoded into nkr and there some kind of issue with decoding possibly. Could be useful to try and get background .png somehow and then resale in 5.6.8, seems strange :bow:
  18. Vizo

    Vizo Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Nicnt is homamde.
  19. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Try unpacking the nkr and searching for the background .png :yes:
    If it isn't present in the resources folder and it is displaying correctly in 5.6.5 am assuming it must be somewhere. I'm guessing is encoded into the nkr :bow:
  20. Venom3

    Venom3 Newbie

    May 17, 2017
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    Hello everybody!

    I have a pretty annoying problem and hope somebody can help me!

    Some instruments take ages to load. But it's not the progress bar that is slow, it's the actual moment of Kontakt trying to load this instrument intself. I notice that when I select an NKI, it freezes. It freezes for a very long time, and THEN it starts to load, but the progress bar is very quick.
    Now I thought Batch Resaving helped. And it did!
    But as soon as I close my DAW, restart my computer or something like this, some of my instruments have this problem again.
    I restored my backup that I made of the instruments before I batch-resaved them the first time as well, but they only work as soon as I used them the first time in my DAW.

    I can't find anything regarding this in google. Can somebody help me? It's pretty frustrating.

    I am using Kontakt 5.6.8 in my DAW, but have an exe with an older version (5.6.5) in case I want to add a library or want to open an NKI outside of my DAW. The two Libraries I have problems with worked perfectly before. I composed on a different computer for about a month and thus batch-resaved the instruments as well. But even after using the backup instruments, Kontakt 5 gives me a white screen now when I try to load an instrument...

    Thank you!
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
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