Why don't most people here share their musics?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    So how do you earn money to buy one of these gifts for your GF?:dunno:
  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    yes, it is a bit overwhelming at first for sure. i condensed it a lot if you expand in total what a key is then connect all that to what i mentioned it will not only show you how to write a song but any song and every song that has or will get written . but lets go back to the beginning with the details of a KEY this is the easiest way to see how it gets made into a song. ( once you take the info of how KEY works you then connect keys)

    lets take C major key.
    C D E F G A B = 7 notes ( c major as a key means it all representation of one note C note)

    first you have is all the chords possible.
    CEGBDFAC = home I major Ionian CDEFGAB
    DFACEGBD = away II minor Dorian DEFGABC
    EGBDFACE = home III minor Phrygian EFGABCD
    FACEGBDF = away IV sub dominant major Lydian FGABCDE
    GBDFACEG = away V dominant major Mixolydian GABCDEF
    ACEGBDFA = home VI minor Aeolian ABCDEFG
    BDFACEGB = away VII half diminished Locrian BCDEFGA

    the chords are numbered 1 through 7
    you have the concept of HOME and AWAY from home ( in relation to C note)
    if your home it wont feel like anything is changing, if your away it will feel like distance is traveled.

    GBDF number 5 chord or V roman numeral chord is called DOMINANT or farthest away from home ( C note or chord)

    next you have basic structures how to string chords together from your key

    you have I, IV V ( in C CEG, FAC, GBDF)
    you have II, V, I ( in C DFA, GBDF, CEG)
    you have IV, VII, III, VI, II, V,I (in key of C FACE, BDFA, EGBD,ACEG,DFAC,GBDF,CEGB

    now, for any other of the 12 major keys everything is identical except the particular notes are different all the roman numerals and relations ships are the same, this is where the previous information i posted of larger structures comes into play.

    C is major chord CEG (full chord is CEGBDFA
    D is minor chord DFA (full chord is DFACEGB
    E is minor chord EGB (full chord is EGBDFAC
    F is major chord FAC (full chord is FACEGBDF
    G is major chord GBD ( full chord is GBDFACE
    A is minor chord ACE (full chord is ACEGBDF
    B is minor flat 5 BDF ( full chord is BDFACEG

    next you have modes this is how your melodies that go over each chord work each mode attaches to it proper chord


    that is all information related to the KEY of C ( means C note is the center point the focus or HOME. all the modes and chords in the key is representation of C )

    start by practicing the C MAJOR KEY's natural chord progression


    play all 7 chords in THAT progression, also break off chunks for example a 4 chord prog might be ( III EGBD, VI ACEG, II DFAC, V GBDFA) or lets say you break off a 3 chord part and play by itself ( IV FACE, VII BDFA, III EGBD, ) you wouod repeat that section four times for example.
    lets say you wanted progression with 6 chords ( VII BDFAC, III EGBD, VI ACEG, II DFAC, V GBDFA, I CEGB) and that would repeat say four times
    these progressions with get you started getting used to how to structure HOME to AWAY from home and BACK again to mak ethe music feel like its going somewhere.

    lets say that you wrote a progression that went (III EGBD, VI ACEG, I CEGB) and that just repeated four times to make a verse or a chorus of a song, do you see the problem there?

    all of those chords are HOME which means that progression would FEEL to the listener like the music is standing still the whole time even though chords are changing. you want tthe music to travel away from home and go back home again to create a feeling of depth and motion, the progressions i listed before show you how to do that.

    Once you spend enough time covering everything with C major key then we want to get used to the rest of the keys this is how we do that.
    a FREE music theory online school wacth ALL the videos at your own pace. here is the first just click on the OP of the video go to next one when you re ready
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I would "hand craft it": homie. LOLOLOLOL
    no serious though becuase i do what i have described, when i DO go to write and record and produce a song for work it comes together very quick and of the highest quality ( as you rewind time in a time machine i gradually get shittier and slower hahahahaha)
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    @MMJ2017 I think you're wrong. There is no final destination that you enforce yourself to reach it with all the needed knowledge. Life is more complicated that you'd not have enough time to inspect it carefully or cursorily. Be content in acquiring knowledge and enjoy your life and don't try to prove anything to anyone like scientists because you're a musician and deal with humans' emotions that would not adhere to strict rules or even anticipated possibilities.:mates::bow:
  5. crecy

    crecy Rock Star

    Nov 22, 2015
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    64° 19' 12.9864'' N 96° 1' 31.1304'' W
    You're spot on! The same goes for some things in art. I came across material at times that revolted me. You'd find it hard to believe I'm into healing music also:) It is interesting to know that "uncomfortable music" occurs as early as the 14th century in europe with the Ars nova and Subtilior, in church lol. It could be an outlet for all kinds of "existential" tensions. Our century is seeing an accelerating pace of this. In the case of "metal" music, I think that the "goregrind genre", "grind core" express dehumanization and depravity of the darkest corners of human nature. This would make the subject of a good book. Thanks for the review:) I really liked "It's a beautiful day", I had never heard of them!
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I don't understand what you are saying here, i dont understand what you think i am wrong about can you explain more my friend?

    my only claim is that there is a way that music works.
    i spend time learning what that language is, then i try to share that. that is it.

    "you'd not have enough time to inspect it carefully or cursorily."

    you have 24 hours in day, you can break that up however you like and dedicate a chunk of that to what ever you want. we al do this someone might be a chef someone might be a carpenter.
    I never seen a carpenter that believed he didn't have time to learn the tools of his craft. that hated tape measures for example .
    music theory is the language I work in, being a musician. if i was a carpenter i would use a tape measure all the time.
    there is a way music ACTUALLY works. how it affects us how it specifically makes us feel a specific way. reality is the way things actually work, there is a reality to music and if you also study human beings there is a way we actually work how sounds effect us how rhythms effect us. there is much to learn in these areas for anyone interested just like if a guy was passionate about structural engineering, he would research from ancient Greece techniques and methodologies all the way up to now , there is a lot to learn about the way things ACTUALLY work , whatever a person dedicates their 24 hours per day to.
    If a woman was passionate about computer engineering she would care that there is a specific way electromagnetism works, she would research and study electrical engineering to start with ( she wants to build chips and computer boards someday) it just boils down to the individual what they want to accomplish. only at this exact point in history can you use the internet to access every book on any topic you care about, with the tools available to you on the internet you can accell at anything you care about.
    I feel like there isn't enough time in the day for what i would prefer for sure but you would be shocked what you can do to squeeze the most of of a 24 hour per day . how bad to you care? what are you willing to sacrifice? are you willing to set forth a 25 or 30 year long goal where it is so complex you break it down to hours a day everyday for 30 years? look at the education and training to be a doctor or surgeon decades of training broken down to hours per day.
    You get out exactly what you put in, whether music or being a chef or doctor.

    this idea of not being enough time? hahaha

    foster911, do you feel like you are living the type of lifestyle where you can say you are putting in 100 percent into what you love? when you lay your head down at night do you say " there was nothing i could have done better today"(regarding putting in effort) to me it is a way of living life a person can choose to dedicate to what their passionate about.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Sorry my friend! I didn't get impressed by those children at all. Very young to even know the meaning of music. Just mere performers that only god knows how many times they've practiced those boring pieces under the compelling circumstances that their cruel parents have made for those innocence that just struggle not to play the notes wrongly. :dunno:

    Why do most people believe that playing instruments in young ages is the end of genius?:dunno:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2017
  8. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I'm already famous :rofl:

    Since I bought a whole bunch of guitars and a Kemper, the only software I use now is Reaper which I have owned for ages. I use real synths too, and Roland V Drums. You could say I've kinda gone back to basics, but the truth is my computer broke and I've never replaced it, I'm just using an old laptop as a "tape recorder" and I only record wav files :)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    so if your storytelling is true that a 7 year old can demonstrate ability of this level merely being performers their parents sent them to bed with no dinner for making a mistake a couple years straight. that would mean at your age you must have 15 areas of music your as good as these 7 year olds or better right? after-all they had no passion no understanding according to you no actual desire or love for music and they got to that point ( even after you said there isnt enough time in life that is why i showed that video in first place)
    you must be able to list links to songs and songs and albums and albums of music you yourself have made that is as good or better than these 7 year olds.
    please kind sir , demonstrate this to be the case and by doing so show your comment here is more than you building fictional story-lines of these kids .

    one can only imagine that all it takes to play like this at 7 is to be yelled at by parents a couple of years straight have zero passion for music have zero understanding of how music works zero desire zero love for music and playing, if this is all it takes if we can create this storytelling you have come up with and apply it to these children, what kind of storytelling and explanation of the same type can we conjure up with your music and all the posts and threads after threads and songs you yourself have put up?( or anyone here for that matter)

    "Why do most people believe that playing instruments in young ages is the end of genius?":

    when im 99 years old on my death bed i wouldn't be wise enough to presume what most people believe.

    someone said it was the end of genius? wow whoever said that is a real fool right?

    these videos show multiple millions of kids across the globe doing something you cannot and the vast majority cannot, and you respond the way you have in this comment? there is no question in my mind anymore why you are at the exact level you are musically in your own ability ,understanding, inspiration and talent with the kind of mindset you have demonstrated.
    when i see hundreds of videos like these of young children millions of them across the globe in every culture exhibiting amazing musical ability that most do not have I have admiration respect for them I dont create storys in my head of their life and parents beating them with kitchen spoons, out of nowhere just to make myself feel better i put the reality of the situation in perspective that there is plenty of time in life to dedicate yourself to music and get good if you love it and are passionate and dedicated. good day fine sir.
    that you can be 7 years old and good if you dedicate to music and love it or be 55 years old and just starting to be dedicated to music you can get good you can learn you can advance.( so much for your not enough time argument)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    can connect a lot with what your saying friend,
    i just built my big pedal-board and i take a guitar plug it in with the switching system everything and love it feel all the real pedals real amp cabinet mic it off create any tone or sound i want and let inspiration guide the things i play practice and to me way better than sitting at the computer and punching in keyboard graph paper notes into soft-synths hahah ( well, still gotta have back tracks sometimes though lol)
  11. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    They probably hear chords and flurry of notes way differently than you or I. They are beyond the 4 chord progression or staying on the root for over 2 minutes. It's probably more like different colors and moods.

    The first original composition started out kinda typical but she threw in some changes towards the end that was brilliant.
    Granted some of those poor N. Korean kids looked like they were forced.....
    Watching little Noah sticks his tongue out, like Michael Jordan, when challenged on piano by his dad was very interesting.

    Just like it's hard to write jokes in a foreign language, its extremely difficult to write a musical composition full of emotion, without some knowledge of the language. Sometimes changing only one note can make a progression or chord very humorous.

    Here's a nice conversation.
    You tell me if he's too young to understand how fun trading licks with Branford Marsalis is:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2017
  12. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Theory is what kept me away from music almost until it was too late. Then I heard Brian Eno and it all changed. I was a Prog fan as well, and I harbored lofty ideas of intricate composing orchestral pieces.
    It all came full circle when I ended up making prog rock with the creator of the world's best prog band. I never told him I knew nothing about music and he didn't seem to notice.

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  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    If I persevere, all the detestations and loathly manifestos would bounce off towards me, something that usually crops up in my threads because I'm not able to inculcate or express the gists or thrusts unspoiledly and impeccably or maybe I need a machine that changes them adapted to any mind.:bleh:

    Enough to say that instrumentalists understand music differently than DAWishers. Their appetite for changing the chords and notes is voracious like me done it thousands of times because they're dealing with a small number of sounds and the only remaining solution for them is changing the notes (knowingly or unknowingly). For them, more changing = more mastership and if its rate is so fast then maybe they commit suicide (eg. by listening to Chopin's Études).:rofl:

    Does humanity need this amount of changing? Is relating sagacity and more changing an intelligent and commendable movement?:dunno:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2017
  14. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Does that very long sentence pertain to music?
  15. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    There is always a constant war in many musicians heads of "interesting complexity -vs- interesting for an audience". There's a fine line. I hear some music and think "this is amazing, and hard to listen to" and other times I hear a song and think "this is the simplest thing I've ever heard, but it's awesome." The same goes vice versa. Just something to think about for those of you arguing pure theory against intuitive producing.
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  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Just some convincing testimonies are needed from dead composers but I don't know how, maybe Jesus be able to do it by vitalizing them. The question is who resurrects Jesus? :dunno:
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    foster911 i still love you even though you hate talented children.lol

    im a DAWist too my nicca, before i ever hit the books of music theory i made 20 something albums ( just my own music)

    I have created many of a song that contained only one chord or note in my life.
    for me the issue comes down to after almost 30 years of making music i slowly got a little better everyday, i heard and understood more overtime.
    every once in a while i put on some my earliest albums(was pre-teens) and listen in disgust at the boring non-sense ,nothing happening-ness yawn a few times ,shake head , laugh and then smash the cd. just kidding.
    here one i did in 1996 recorded first on cassette then in 1998 re-mastered on a pentium I or II fro that time period. laugh at it wit me will ya?

    https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public/MMJ 20 year old somgs?preview=10+-+JACQ+-+Save+Me.mp3

    the mumbly phrase that repeats in the song is " you are the one that can't save me."

    reminded me of foster911 in a way lol.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
  18. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    This is the first draft of this song.
    Very proud of the climb up chords maintaining a chromatic feel, esp. the E/g# ......WTF
    Also let me spill the beans and admit this is the first time I used a diminished chord.
    Without my limited knowledge and playing jazzy chords for years, it is near impossible to come up with. Some of us DAWers try to take the extra writing step.

    When compositions are enjoyed centuries later, someone likes it and craves it?

    Imagine taking French classes for a few years........now let me drop you off in the middle of Paris. Do you understand the jokes that are told at the table? Do you understand all the 'big' words being used?
    Hell no, because you don't know the language.
    Your anti theory stance is comparable to a child against learning his or her ABCs but wants to write a compelling novel right now.
    You mean 'getting lucky' because someone knows a fraction of the language? Keep wishing for that. It's about choices. Sometimes the composer might make a wrong choice.

    Why are we even debating the merits of music theory on a music creating forum?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2017
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  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    My colleague, I think the link has a problem, would you please re-up?:mates:
    Thank you for reading my posts.:bow: But making music is like living, you can not stop it to be fully aware of all the cures for your imaginary issues in life, unless you'd be two persons or many, one for the physical life and another part of you for cramming information into your brain. I think people majorly trailing the theories are not enjoying the physical life and just covering their dejection with them. I don't know what's the name for the disease of abhorring simplicity and tracking down the complexity in psychology but complexity at the end = simplicity.:yes: I forgot something. There's no end.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2017
  20. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well i just now saw this thread and my simple reason is if i put my music here "some people" will find my real name and all my personal data and i dont wont to compromite myself just for that and i think the only reason. But apart from that i also recently was posted here some "my music video example in some discussion" with my pseudonim and day after that somebody have found my facebook profile and tried to hack it then i tracked IP adress and it was from Belarus and since then i just told that i will never put any of my stuff on warez site and that is SAD because of some sick people i can not to exchange my expiriences with people around here !