hi, new member, glad to have found this forum. i am a basement amateur electronic music maker. my day job is in tv production and i've gained much knowledge there that also applies to audio engineering. right now i am slowly learning about mixing and mastering, with a goal of being able to complete a finished recording from start to mastering by myself -- create tracks entirely in my studio, like a painting (by someone who also builds their own frames i guess). obviously this goes against good practice from a mastering point of view, but that makes it interesting to me. i can't get over how hard it is to make a recording sound how you want it to... compared to color-correcting and grading a video clip it really does seem like a mysterious art. maybe because when you are working with an image, well, there it is, problems to be solved present themselves as soon as you see it. i can edit all day without losing my 'critical eye' unlike audio tracks, where the more i listen the more i lose my perspective...
Hello and welcome to AX. Its nice to hear that. With hardwork, determination and experience, I am sure you will be good at it.
Welcome to the camp, I guess you all know why we're here. You have developed a critical eye to do what it takes to do the visual deed, you should eventually develope your critical ear if you spend enough quality time listening critically. The criteria to deeply understand and to internalize all the nuance of audio compared to your present ability in video editing might take some time, though there are so many resources available these days to hone your new skill-set. This forum is a good place to gather info and garner insight osmotically as well as the zillion of videos abailable online. Strap yourself in, it's gonna be one hellova ride! Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2017
Welcome to AS academy. As a minor member of this community, I draw your attention to some overt and outright unwritten conventions that will guarantee your successes. Recently we've observed some members' separations that have not been able to endure the trials and tribulations of fraternity and sorority and jumped to conclusion of emigrating to their loneliness despite the fact that their vehicle had four wheels plus spare ones but been punctured by themselves with the granted needles . You can do the same but if you wanted to stay, be ware that every member here is your teacher that is usually interested in giving severe examinations so it's up to you that study hard and pass them and enter new stages or larking and messing around like wanton guys and failing them and not being able to find better solutions except leaving.
Welcome. Let @foster911 be your mentor and by Christmas you'll have sold more records than The Beatles. Last edited: Aug 31, 2017