Software To Display Plugins on a Tablet

Discussion in 'Software' started by digitaldragon, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Just randomly thinking aloud.
    Would be great if there was some sort of application that would share the screen of any plugin window that had focus to the screen of a tablet (GUI and all) so that settings/adjustments could be made via the touch interface. Also would be useful to be able to make a plugin sticky so that it remained on the tablet's screen regardless of if it had focus or not. I think that would be very useful for a metering plugin.
    There are already apps out there that allow use of a tablet as a second monitor/remote pc control so I wouldn't think that this would be an impossible thing to develop.
    In the Windows world, I know it's possible to get pointers to child windows inside the DAW and grab the bitmap to it. Then push it across wifi to the app on the tab.
    Seems like it would be pretty simple to implement.
    Has anyone ever run across anything like this? Just want to save myself development time if it's already out there.
  3. crane2k

    crane2k Newbie

    Jun 1, 2014
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    check out V-Control Pro by neyrinck works with ipad.
  4. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    cant you simply use those mirroring apps to control the vst?

    I use an old third monitor for small vsts as most plugin developers dindt get the memo that we have 4k screens now
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  5. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    That looks close to what I'm wanting. Good one, @crane2k!
    I'm using TouchDAW to accomplish a lot of that workflow already, though it doesn't look as nice as far as the GUI is concerned.
    Looks like they have android versions as well.
    Looks to have an extensive list of supported DAW's. Unfortunately Sonar isn't listed which is what I'm currently using. Still will look further at this. I was toying with the idea of checking out Reaper. This may the thing that pushes me over the edge.