Workflow: Use your brain the right way!

Discussion in 'Education' started by Elisea, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    This place is way too diverse to allow any member beeing a pro in every section of it. So presumably every member is a Noob in some areas of this hellh.. uhh.. forum.
    I think the effort you made with this post had a very professional manner and a very pure intention! :wink:

    Threads develop over time as everything does (exept fosters, and even they show signs of being good for something from time to time, but maybe not for raising your children) Different brains have different outputs. You will never be able to understand or get along with everybody. Life's too short for that. I think it is important one accepts that. That does not mean, you need to accept every opinion.

    Let people say what they want and then form your own opinion accordingly. You'll learn a lot about character. You don't need to agree with everyone and laugh about every joke, whether you say that loud or you only think it (sometimes silence is golden) And with so many different members from so many places, there will always be a lot of fallacious argument styles.

    From a psychological standpoint you could simply reframe your gorilla picture by thinking about them as gorillas behind the glass in a zoo, where you are standing at the other side of the glass watching and studying. Or don't you like zoos? :bleh: Btw. Mods are doing the best they can from what I sense. :wink:
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  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah you should stick around @Elisea , I thought you were fitting in fine. Just gave you your hundredth like ! Yea for me.
    Seriously though it's a bit of a boy club here, I can agree with that. Some of us haven't the best manners, I include myself in that lot, but you being treated like the rest of the crew is you being accepted.
    @Mainzelman is right don't be too sensitive to differences in pov, disagreements, a bit of drama here or there, it's part of the thing, sometimes things get a bit hot the good old audiosex way, but it doesnt go very far, specially with people who participate in the life of the community one way or another, like you've been doing so far.
    The whole pros/newbies distinction is largely a mindset thing too, anyone posting here everyday for a couple of months is included and isn't a newbie anymore. Usually even new people with "serious" questions that haven't been asked already a 100 times (easy to check with the search function) or crack requests are given answers to what they seek (if someone has an answer).
    There is probably always greener grass somewhere, but this forum is a fine place, and I'm sure there is room for you.
  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    ... and not only with this post. Her posts are worth to be read.
    It's only a guess of course, but I think, she didn't like it, how her thoughtful posts were treated by admins the last days: Deleted with all the rest, crappy or not. :dunno:

    For me, she's a lost for the forum, and the weirdo percentage counts up :)
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2017
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  4. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    I also think you should stay, but I also understand you.
    You tried your best to start an interesting discussion and all you got was bad jokes and gorillas pounding on their chests. Still you kept being polite and humble. RESPECT to you! :bow:

    If you leave AudioSex will be the looser here.
    You should stay and become a moderator instead, I would vote for you.

    Also I think the climate for discussions would be better if we got rid of the rating system. Some people have just figured out, that if you are a bit nasty, then the boys club and the gorillas will step in and award you likes and medals. If there was no rating system people would be treated more equal. Also I think more people would join in the discussion for real, instead of just sitting there in the back row shouting out likes and dislikes like they where watching some medieval cockfight.

    Just my honest opinion.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2017
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  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    In the past I was thinking just our German brothers' time is more precious than other nations' but now found out that this characteristic exists in our German sisters too. :rofl:

    Music world has already millions of players just thought being successful in it, is easily accessible, but not reached anywhere though they've made a dash for it. It's downright dangerous and risky to continue but you don't have other choices. For having advancements in this path you have to make personal sacrifices.

    You'd not have any idea how many times people have poked fun at me or pulled my leg (friendly and unfriendly) but what's important for me is just learning, so instead of finding fault with them I've always loved them (I really love them) and tried to make adjustments to my behavior and views. This worth million. :mates:
  6. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    @Elisea please, stay! ;__;

    The ripe misogyny of a certain "pitch correction" topic offends my delicate sensibilities also. Ditto the idea that the two plosives are next to each other on a keyboard. At least liquidsunshine was erm.. super in it? Maybe there's some hope? Maybe I'm just naive...
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