Logic Pro X PowerUser: Why I want to F'n Burn My Copy of Reason 9.5!

Discussion in 'Logic' started by FadedShadows, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. FadedShadows

    FadedShadows Ultrasonic

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Washington, DC

    Created this video a while back, but somehow I attracted every single Logic Pro hater out there, Yes, I did name the title "Reason Sucks" to create a type of click-bait wording. It's how I roll, and I like to use every SEO trick out there. And Wow, did it work!

    However, I was not expecting my ability as a producer to be in question b/c I simply point out some flaws with it's MIDI and how Logic Pro X's workflow is 10x better. But somehow I am labeled a bad producer. LOL!

    Maybe I am or Maybe I just took on something that I did not expect and more surprised to some of the petty ass-hat type comments from the ones who commented on my video. It seems they are so angry towards my viewpoint that they don't even listen to what I was trying to say, and all they can come up with is that I am a bad producer or my stuff is bad or I just don't know how to use Reason the right way.

    I give up, It must be the type crowd Reason attracts, kind of like how Apple iPhones seems to attract those posh turtle neck geeks! ;-) Yes, I own an iPhone 7+, but I got only as an upgrade to my android, I did some research and found the new camera was really nice and got it, I did not camp out at store, I got it b/c it was something useful, just the same as why I bought the new Reason 9.5. yes, I will probably still use it, but maybe not.

    Seriously! I can only laugh b/c to tell you the truth I am set very comfortably in my career and I could care less, about these wanna be DJ Mustard beat makers! Maybe I am too harsh, but that is just me, I can get a little raw especially on how I try to use Reason and all I get is a bunch of Trolls who can't even see past their own worthless POS software called Reason. Now you can see why I just want to F'n Burn it!

    However, the funny thing is: when you check out the profiles of each one that has commented, they look like fake accounts, nothing to show for, should I not be so harsh... Now if Reason is better and they really want to prove it. Then I say, back it up with your own work, instead of trolling me on YouTube. Again, I laugh, b/c it seems suspicious of something Reason does, due to rumors of where the company Propellerheads will hire certain groups to do social war against any kind of negative press of their product, but hey that would be cool and I say bring it on b/c, in the end, I know who I am and what I am capable of!

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  3. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Reason is Reason, Logic is Logic.
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  4. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Never used Reason (and I don't think I'd ever want to) and I just got Logic like a few weeks ago with the thinking that there's enough users out there that I might need to either import a Logic file one day or at least need to know how to use the software itself. If somebody cut their teeth on a certain DAW or sequencer or VI host, it stands to reason (no pun intended) that they're going to be fiercely loyal to that product. Personally, I cut my teeth on Music-X, then, Bars & Pipes Professional for the Amiga in the far-flung olden days of 1991, then graduated to MasterTracks Pro on the Mac. My first serious DAW was Opcode Vision DSP, then, Digital Performer, which I've stuck with for damn near two decades. I'm finally dipping my toe into the PT 12 pool (with the mindset that I'll probably do all my audio work in it), and I've loaded up Logic X once or twice, but there's nothing there that really compels me to dive in and make music with it. My point is, if a DAW works for you, and you can successfully make music with it, and, more importantly, you have its workflow down to the point where you end up falling in love with it, then it's going to be the best DAW ever. You won't change their minds and they won't change yours.
  5. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    logic is one of the best daw in the market, it's only fault is to be own by apple
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  6. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    That's not a flaw. It gave Gerhard Lengeling the resources to turn Emagic from a niche market product into the second most successful workstation in the world today. Is that how you describe a flawed product?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2017
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  7. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    you are paying to much attention to something that wont give you what you had hoped for (the comment section) or maybe it did.who knows.

    maybe its a lesson from Karma. If you create more clickbait videos - you will get alot more of that shit :guru:
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  8. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Like Iggy, I have half a dozen DAW'S including Reason, in case a client asks for something specific. And I agree that everybody is going to work best with what they know. For me, it's Logic. But that wasn't always the case. For many years back when it was version 1, I used Reason exclusively and got some decent tracks made. When they announced VST support I made the upgrade. First hurdle.... why is every inch of the screen full of eye popping racks? Then there's an SSL style Console which needs a magnifying glass to read and then there's the OP's issue. Couldn't agree more. Worst midi implementation I have ever seen.
  9. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    ok i'm confused... why would you care what a bunch of people you dont know are saying, why would you try to justify buying reason to people that know the golden rule 'it's the results that count, not what you used'(aka the audiosexcommunity) and finally what is your point or question actually??
  10. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    no matter what you use, you have always haters and lovers of a certain DAW . i do not see a point why you would need to tell them that Reason sucks? Did you make your post here to get again a bit self confidence or something? it all really smells to "give me some attention" . One advice : just make youtube videos if you really have to tell something , something somebody really would care about. ... but it's doubtful anyone gives a shit if you hate Reason or FLstudio or whatever.
  11. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Might i suggest then, that you just keep rolling and roll on out of here.

    We've had enough trouble with "click-bait wording" thread authors as it is.
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  12. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Started on Reason/Rebirth, moved to Logic for many years, finally moved to Ableton about a year ago and never looked back. Still use Logic for recording certain things and I do like the stock plugs/instruments, but until they give LPX a new sampler, I'm out for good. I had to buy Reason 7 a few years back just to recover old songs, but I just can't see the appeal in 2017.
  13. willnubu75

    willnubu75 Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I got FL Studio in '05. Then I moved to the Mac in '06 and ditched FL for Logic Express 7 since FL didn't work on it, but now that it's coming to mac, I feel like the dogs seeing their masters after a long separation.
  14. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    logic 5.5 was used on windows a very long time after discontinued, it's really stops when x64 became a standart
    logic without mac may become even more popular than today, and independant for the development
  15. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    It might be more popular, but how could Apple guarantee it's functionality? As an Apple product functioning solely inside verified Apple products of the correct specs, they can assure us we'll have near zero problems. Having first paid a large sum for Emagic, then recently Alchemy, why would it seem like a wise decision to set up a Windows division to have nothing but complaints from users running the various versions of operating systems, different graphics cards, no core audio but Non compliant ASIO drivers. The result would be a huge drop in Logic's reputation.
  16. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    Best Answer
    @FadedShadows I just gave the video a watch/listen, I do not think you said anything that warrants the kind of responses you recieved. You told people what you thought of REASON in it's latest incarnation along with perfectly valid reasons why you'll be sticking with LOGIC Pro X whilst using rewire to access some of the things within REASON which you like.
    Personally I have never gotten along with REASON very well, I don't find it at all itutative to use and it isn't inspirational either, So just stopped bothering after version 5, Which I updated at the time as I was able to be engineering fulltime then, With Pro Tools as my main do everything DAW and sometimes REASON rewired in as I would get sent session files using that setup to sort of use a sketch/rough idea of what someone was going for mix wise. What I found and still find extremely intuative and inpirational is Ableton Live, So that along with Pro Tools is my main setup and I can get just about anything I wish to using the two along with additional plugins.

    It makes no sense to attack anyone personally just because they do not kiss the arse of whatever stuff the person attacking might like, To acuse you of not knowing how to use REASON is ridiculous as the damned video displays you ustilizing many of REASON's features ergo you know how to operate it and they fucking know it, Pettiness and especially comments on YouTube videos are just crazy and it is regardless of the topic also I have found personally.
    I know plenty of people that had alot of problems with the Rack Extensions, In a nutshell IIRC the RE's we're only utilizing one core of their CPU's which mean't their setups we're choking out far too early than they should have been doing, One friend on KVR in particular who is a MAC lifer and Logic lifer had invested in REASON and RE's and was more than just a little pissed off at Propellerheads and gave them absolute hell, I think in the end they ended up reaching out to him and either refunding him or something. It was amusing to see the REASON fanatics get destroyed by him and they had no arguement to bring to the table against the problems he and others we're stuck with but he's a good dude and it was not amusing to see a decent guy so irrate and for good reason (sic).

    Steinberg with Cubase and Emagic with Logic we're always known as the standard bearers of good MIDI sequencing software which grew into awesome, full-on DAW applications, Pro Tools was always known as the standard for editing ROM on certain drum machines, Then went on to become capable of recording 4-tracks of digital audio at the same which was awesome for the time and of course under Digidesign it became a full-on DAW and industry standard before the industry destroyed itself or at least sped up it's own demise, It's fine at MIDI sequencing and editing but it certainly wasn't it's original strong point, It still isn't Pro Tools strongest point I believe, The audio multi-tracking and audio editing have always been Pro Tools strengths to me, I also use Cakewalk's SONAR due to it being the only DAW the person I work the closest with and is also one of my closest friend's will use, Often just to tweak bits, export bits that I wish to pull up in Pro Tools to edit or maybe pull into Live to mangle/meddle with.

    I'd say if a person has a MAC then Logic is a bargain/no brainer. I'm no expert but I'm competant at using it as I sort of had no choice due to working with people that we're MAC users or hackintosh users that use Logic as their go to DAW, I've always been a PC/Windows guy but Logic isn't a steep learning curve for having the basics at least down. However even though I'm a PC/Windows person I genuinely do think MAC's/OSX do have some definate pro's, An example being, albeit a bit dated now was using Five12 Numerology and/or Renoise with Soundflower piping the data into Logic, Alot of fun and a very creative setup which another friend and myself have had hours upon hours of fun with. I believe Numerology is now available in plugin format, Renoise 2 was released with a ton of great features along with Logic itself seeing a good 2 or 3 major version updates since those times I remember so fondly.

    If I we're starting out and I have been asked by people starting out what they might want to checkout, I usually will say if you go for a MAC then get Logic Pro, If you go for a PC then Samplitude Pro X suite is really good from the angle that both have very good quality processors, effects, synths and ROMpler instruments before a person needs to start looking at anything 3rd party, They offer plenty of quality content. I used to say Cakewalk SONAR but since they switched to using STEAM and subscription that changed my opinion, STEAM is what my Son and my Daughter use to play video games with!!!

    Anyway enough of me rattling on, Fuck all the hate and shade that got thrown your way for giving your opinion on something which you paid for with your own money and took your own time to make and upload a video on. I've subbed to you as it looks like you have plenty of tips I'll find useful for storing in the old grey matter then next time I run into using Logic.

    All the best your way and to all as always :wink:

  17. FadedShadows

    FadedShadows Ultrasonic

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Washington, DC
    I don't care. I was more like a deer-in-headlights, like WTF, why all the petty ass jabs for something so benign. I was just looking for some understanding from what the real pros thought of this and that is why I posted here, I honestly just don't get youtube.
  18. FadedShadows

    FadedShadows Ultrasonic

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Washington, DC
    Wow, your salty! I mainly work as an IT web designer and It is what I like to do; mess with the system known as youtube, I am sorry you have had trouble in the past, but I promise I will not do anything to compromise my standing here with the audiosex community. I am only posting here get an understanding of what the real pros think about this and that is why I posted here.
  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    TBH I had a lot of fun reading your post. I don't use Logic, neither Reason but you are entitled to express your opinion even if it's disturbing some people.

    The only opinions that are not good to express are fascist related but I don't think Reason falls in this category. :)
  20. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Youtube is not an audio forum, and it's hardly a platform full of educated and/or friendly people. Many of the posters would have a hard time here, but they do find a few soulmates over there to spread and exchange their bs.
    It was your decision to attract them by choosing an "appropriate title" - as you can see in other audio- and music-related video posts that don't get this kind of replies.
    I bet the response would have been very different if, for example, you'd have titled it "How to make the best out of both Logic Pro X and Reason 9.5" or "LPX and Reason side-by-side in harmony" :bow:
  21. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    It might just be a reflection of the times, but I think Click-Bait Titles are so ubiquitous that people might not even realize what they are doing.

    I am predicting that a few year from now NASA, ESA, and EPSC will publish an article with the title "Neptune Pawn Uranus, Threw Double Gravity Donkey Punch to Put it on it Ass," and that Nature will actually publish it with that title.

    I can see where the vitriol might have come as surprise, but in our brave new world where everything is either, good, very good, or bad, very bad... can you see how the title might have attracted the wrong kind of people?