Want to get into some Acoustic Guitar stuff! Need help with a Two Steps From Hell song!

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Venom3, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. Venom3

    Venom3 Newbie

    May 17, 2017
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    Hello everybody!

    I recently listened to this song by Two Steps From Hell:

    I recently downloaded Prominy Hummingbird to get into some Acoustic Guitar stuff!
    I don't know how chords work, and I don't find good tutorials on this Library on Youtube. So I was trying to play around with it by re-creating the first few seconds on that song.

    To my untrained ear I would say there are 2 (later 3) acoustic guitars playing mostly single notes or Arpeggios. One guitar plays a repeating note over and over again, the other does some kind of Arpeggio. The third one is the actual melody of the song.

    But mine sounds a little bit empty still, I don't know how it sound so rich in this song? Are there Synths in it or some sustaining notes in the background? Or just a strong reverb?

    If somebody uses this Library and could help me in re-creating the first few seconds I'd be really happy!
    If you use another library that can also make a great result, I could also go ahead and switch to that one! :)

    All I would love to do is re-create (parts of) this song to get into Acoustic Stuff. I hope somebody can help me!
  3. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter Producer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Hi there!
    It sounds like it's nylon string guitars with different amounts of reverb on them and some delay. They sound like they are recorded straight into a DAW with piezo pickups.

    The library you are using is steel string guitar so it might not sound the same.

    Hope this helps
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