u-he plugs timebombed again :/

Discussion in 'Software' started by bigboobs, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    yep, me, and no fumbling with the win32api either.
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  2. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Bazzill,s got some odd nuances with prolonged use "in my expereince"
    It would actually behave as though it was still in demo mode at times with that "irritating tape hiss"
    But it doesnt do it each and every time i use the plug though..
    Personally i find if its gonna gimme any problems itll usually be if im using a load of polyphony ..
    Big chords n stuff like with alot of automation going on
    But even then its still intermittent and sometimes a month will go by with no problem..
    Weird huh..
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  3. Tsargoth

    Tsargoth Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Over The Mountain...
    Never had a problem with the U-He stuff in Studio One on Windows 7 SP1 64.
  4. omletta

    omletta Newbie

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Guess if you're serious about the plugins you have no option but to buy them. I already own two of the plugs though.

    And to the poster who said something along the lines of Urs worrying more about coding protection than about coding the stuff itself: u-he, especially Urs himself, seems to me like one of the most hard-working companies around. Despite coding (to improve products or develop new ones), he's constantly around giving support, answering questions, while working on several projects with his still small team (simultaneously on different projects it seems). If you're fed up with restrictions because of bad cracks, buy the damn stuff, but don't accuse a developer for wanting to protect their hard work. There indeed are examples where copy protection can interfere with the workflow even for legal customers, but u-he definitely is not among them. Cut that bullshit.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
  5. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah tbh always bought u-he stuff as in my opinion is some of the best software synths around. Presswerk and Satin are both absolutely top of their field imo.
    These really are plugins that are well worth buying imo. I use them all the time really and they are my goto plugins.
    As for the developer himself well is not really important to me. In all honesty I quite admire the dude. Yeah I can see the smug nature to a degree but quite honestly is not the sickening bullshit like say Slate.
    I think the dude is just an honest, really hard working developer that knows he has a great product and is really passionate about them. Why shouldn't he be? Some people complain about the price but in all honesty I don't find them overpriced at all as compared to some others. As for the protection itself well as you know the bloke got a in depth working knowledge that way &I always incorporating new twists so I guess they always gonna be a challenge. Personally I've never had any problems with Authorization and think it's an extremely user friendly, lightweight protection and I like that aspect a lot. To be honest like I mentioned would recommend these plugins as ones you should definitely buy as soon as you are in a position to do so :bow: :bow:
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  6. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yeah, I loaded DIVA & left it running for several hours. No issues, with either version, no "drift". That may not prove anything!

    Urs has a tough mind, certainly. He is convinced that his protections never "go wrong" for legit customers and has a rep for trolling ppl he suspects of piracy, as much as for helping them & chatting breeze about Lego. But I used to be a legit customer & had issues; I may have had the temerity to alter system files & trigger random crashes. Who knows w/ u-He? But there's a reason why his synths are such resource hogs, though. Never again.
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  7. Blazin

    Blazin Producer

    Jun 25, 2017
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    In my own world...
    All my R2R releases are all the most recent versions and never time bomb
  8. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I haven't had a problem, granted haven't used them in 2 weeks or so, so not sure if some time bombed has occurred since then, but I beat them up pretty good, and am hardly a preset user...
  9. omletta

    omletta Newbie

    Aug 17, 2017
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    And that reason is definitely not copy protection, as you seem to imply. Sorry but... no. The plugs that are resource hogs are so because of analog modeling techniques that eat CPU. On the other hand, u-he is known for being great at optimizing algorithms to lower CPU usage, see Zebra, which still sounds excellent but hardly eats any CPU cycles.

    Another prime example how someone bashes a developer out of own ineptness. Congrats.
  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Have you anything more to contribute to the topic, @omletta ? It started all out so well, let's not have this thread "drift" into another rant of double standards, mkay?
  11. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Lulz. Contradict-me-don't. Legend (arguably) does a far better job, uses a tenth of the resources and has no stupid (multiple) protections. Coincidence? I guess for you. To paraphrase AiR: Urs is good at making protections, which sometimes have passable softsynths buried deep within the code. It's fine. I just vote w/ my $. I'm sure Urs won't lose any sleep over it!
  12. omletta

    omletta Newbie

    Aug 17, 2017
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    fraifikmushi: sorry, I'm just allergic to such nonsense. Sometimes things need to be put into perspective.

    famouslut: no contradiction at all. Different plugins, different approaches. When you get into e.g. component level modeling with greatest precision, it will cost CPU, even if you optimize code. DIVA was a no-compromise approach. It and e.g. Repro-1 can't be compared to Zebra. Zebra is about both, great sound, great possibilities, while low on CPU. If you avoid u-he just because of protection and your wrong assumption it's the cause of CPU rocketing, then it surely is your loss, not u-he's yes, the quality of their plugins speak for themselves to most people who try them, and who actually understand the plugins' intention and why things are as they are.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I use Hive all the time as a quick and good synlenth replacement, I think it is really light on cpu, but obviously that is one of their less cpu intensive plugs...
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  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Not rly. DIVA & (arguably superior) Legend both (try to) emu same hardware. It's just Legend does more accurate job, uses far less resources than resource hog DIVA, has fewer cycles devoted to protections. And is also cheaper. That last one is irrelevant for me, but for others? Not so much.

    And yet it is not as good as a number of competitors, subjectively & objectively. These other devs presumably compromised less than zero? XD
  15. omletta

    omletta Newbie

    Aug 17, 2017
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    We were talking about copy protection vs CPU and why some u-he plugs are more CPU intense, not about quality vs newer synths (keep in mind DIVA was released more than 5 years ago). Also DIVA doesn't want to emulate a moog 1:1, it takes influence from various old big synthies, and modelled filters etc after these behaviors. It's the characteristics of a few classics combined into one package so to speak.

    If you take other synths over DIVA because of general CPU usage or because you think they are more faithful to the real thing, totally fine, nobody says anything against that (i.e. opinion, personal preference). Just don't sell copy protection as reason for CPU spiking.

    If you're frustrated with u-he wanting to protect their products and cracks not working 100%, buy them or go elsewhere and don't rant about it. As a pirate, you have no right to complain about a company wanting to protect their hard work.

    With that being said, I'm done here.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  16. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Yes. And about accuracy / "precision" of high-end emus. I agree we're not comparing like with like. Legend (arguably) emulates the original better than DIVA, with better efficiency than resource hog DIVA. If (as you claim) this is nothing to do w/ protection, why the discrepancy? Legend had a smaller team, after all. It seems obvious to me. Fewer cycles devoted to protections.
  17. crecy

    crecy Rock Star

    Nov 22, 2015
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    64° 19' 12.9864'' N 96° 1' 31.1304'' W
    Just my personal thought: As long as it's within the rules, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I may be right, I may be wrong, but it doesn't mean I'm ungrateful or that I don't recognize or appreciate a developer's hard work because I raise issues and their possible causes....I did not read anywhere that u-he isn't allowed to do what he wants to protect his software. The fact that developers work hard and are entitled to whatever is indisputable. I have never read so far anyone openly challenging those facts either.I usually see this posted as a response, like in this thread for example. I would hate to be bla bla reminded of how lucky I am for what I got and what my other options are, if I'm not satisfied, when for real, I'm super grateful, I'm just trying to get it to work. I'll admit, not everyone is polished or has a way with words, but still, Some people here are hypersensitive for the developers. Trying and testing involves trial and error. It's a learning process on many levels for a lot of people: newbies, warez teams and even developers. We need to be able to talk about "issues" without this paranoia or that kind of harassment. IMO, nobody should be harrassed about buying anything on AZ. Sometimes, the extra CPU consumption was due to attempts at unlocking, and some developers do go overboard on protection, remember Tone2? Protection and the issues it may cause is a reality we need to be able to address without that. It is at the very center of being able to test releases fully, like we do here on AZ, the best site in the world:) It may also discourage users from asking questions. For all those reasons, it would be nice to see this dropped as a response. Maybe it's a parenting issue, those who throw that around were guilt tripped a lot when they were young LOL. Anyways, to be helpful, I could ask someone to narrow down what their problem is, or to be more specific, or let someone who knows how respond and let the moderators clean up if necessary. Developers aren't all alike either, even if it's indisputable that they all work hard and are entitled.
    I am impressed by u-he because I get this feeling that he really knows about music at an advanced level. That's one of the reasons we approached him as college group 3 years ago, for a discount on some his products. Now of course he isn't obliged to accept, but what I noticed is how cut throat it seems to be-uncompromising: he doesn't seem to care if you are impressed with his products. Anyways, why should he, if he knows they are great already, it is useless. He might not thank you for considering him in the first place, either, it might have insulted him rather, because as he says, they are a small group, and to use his words, he has to tell everyone as politely as they can to -eff off, and that is fine, he is entitled to that for sure. But when I get my mail and read his ads asking me for 800$ to buy his products, and that, is his indisputable right as a developer to send advertisement, but when I see that, I don't feel lucky he considered me and I have to tell him as politely as possible to -eff off because we are a big family unit bla bla, and that is my indisputable right. But u-he is great, takes nothing away from him, he works hard, he is clever and he is entitled to it all, that's for sure. Sometimes I feel compelled to buy a product because of outstanding quality, other times, it was an outstanding response that made the difference, because all depending, I will go back and choose what was the most outstanding for me. Generating good publicity is good business too. Another time around, we got offered free updates from Spectrasonics!
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  18. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Ok, false alarm guys.
    Apparently, the bitch bend of my crappy piece of shit novation launchkey is a goner.
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  19. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Don't you technically mean bitch pend? :D Hmm. Bitch Pending sounds like a good song title...
  20. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Technically, yes. It was meant as a humerous reference to current affairs :)