paul oakenfold ready steady go sounds

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by anthony doyle, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. anthony doyle

    anthony doyle Kapellmeister

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Hi , Im looking for a way to replicate the sounds of this track , the aah voice at 8 seconds and really any info on the sounds used for this track would be great, it all sounds amazing but especially at the beginning of the song. I really like the sound effects from 36 to 38 seconds. The synth stab sound at 26-27 seconds. I'm assuming the main hook is real guitars and not a synth, although there is a synth sound also There is a wah guitar that will be hard to replicate also in synth form.

  3. anthony doyle

    anthony doyle Kapellmeister

    Mar 13, 2017
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    I forgot to mention, I really like the sounds at 2.38, the combination of the aah sound with sound effects and the piano and the sound used to stop the song dead in its tracks at 2.38.
  4. Herr Tony

    Herr Tony Producer

    Aug 23, 2017
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    The ah sound is a synth you could take an existing ah sample and add reverb low pass and delay to see if it works. You could layer it with some detuned lp filtered saws and mix to taste. Out of that mix you use a modulating slow rate phaser or chorus in parallel (if you listen closely there are high resonance soundbits appearing at a certain rate 2.38) . The effects are well crafted and work good as a whole but are not that difficult to create. The complex way would be to use like a couple supersaws (or 3-4 simple saws in unison), fine detuned and also octave away and put an EQ with the formant A then do the static lp filter + dynamic phaser thing as in the alternate step. You gonna need to check in the interwebs what eq frequencies shape the Ah sound. As for the stab and the riser is the same sound. First make the stab, need to be something fat then dial a simple 8th or 16th note in the right key. Add the delay that will give it a tail and play with reverb to taste. render it, reverse it perhaps make two version (short and long) and try both. Place it before the stab and dial a hp filter w a high Q resonance which you will automate downward as the stab is being revealed. Oakie has a very good taste in sounds and I won't be surprised if he used some analog gear as a sound source. But it can be done in many ways.
  5. capt_cindy

    capt_cindy Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    grab a"breaks" pack from he 95-2010 and you will be set
  6. anthony doyle

    anthony doyle Kapellmeister

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Hi, thanks for the responses, I'll look into those suggestions and see if I can make the sounds.
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