Question to Cubase 6 Users

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by jack, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    i'm still having an old version (5.1) of cubase .
    For me the biggest disadvantage of this DAW is its window behavior. For example you have maxmized all your windows open the vsti editor and your windows get minimized - that sucks.

    Does Version 6 still reacts like that?
    May there are any other improvements (you like to mention) they have done during the last 3 years?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Not really sure what you mean. Have you tried "always on top" on VST windows, etc?
  4. A.Kurbel

    A.Kurbel Newbie

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Germany, Frankfurt
    i think nothing changed. but here are some tipps&tricks to compansate the window madness:
    use your keyboard to open and close windows. you can open&close the midi editor with the enter key for example.
    its a bit tedious but you can change the shortcuts to open and close windows. i use a key to open and close vsts.
    and then there is the workspace option (i hope i translated it right :D ) its an option where you can save the look and size of your editors. you can recall and switch them with shortcuts aswell.
    took me some time to set these things it up but now i am pretty fast in cubase.
  5. mrmusic

    mrmusic Newbie

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I have 6.5 and I'm moving to Studio One version 2 the workflow is much faster and you won't have that window problem. One drag and drop action in Studio one will take you 4 to 5 clicks in Cubase. Get a copy of Studio One v2 trust me. It even sounds better meaning you can get to your desired sound easier while mixing in Studio One than in Cubase 6.5 The true test is to just export stems from Cubase and put it in Studio One v2. You will hear the difference immediately. I'm porting all of my projects to Studio One. Was saving to buy Nuendo but that is out of the door. Studio ONe is written by the persons who wrote Cubase and Nuendo so it's like Cubase/Nuendo on Steroids!!!!
  6. madman jason

    madman jason Newbie

    Aug 9, 2012
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    I would also suggest studio one, i'm a cubase user since 1996 but studio one beats all daws!
  7. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    LMFAO do your tracks have 64 channels on them, can you tracks BE THEIR OWN DAW!!!

    Forget all Daw's Reaper is the way .

    Reaper makes working with Audio a pleasure, I can make tools that I need and put them to work in Reaper, Reaper is open, each track has 64 channels and each effect has it's IN/Out pins exposed to the user so you can route the VST effects without Routing to another track direct to the master track

    I have done a simple mix of one track with everything on one track including the Reasurround plugin with 3 VST effects Out pins routed to Left/Right positions all on the same track.

    Now daw that I know of can do this. Because Daws out hide the VST pins of the effects plugins YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THEM. The way Reaper's routing is setup


    Vocal track with 4 channels (1/2 3/4)

    Effects list ( in specific order)

    1.Reverb In pin set to 1/2 Out Pin set to 3/3 ( Right)
    2.Delay In pin set to 1/2 Out Pin set to 4/4 ( Left)
    3.Chorus In pin set to 1/2 Out Pin set to 1/2, ( Center)
    4. Reasurround set to STEREO mode. You have 4 balls on the screen in the stereo field 1,2,3,4 those correspond to the channels.

    Okay so put 1 and 2 opposite the middle line halfway to the center. ( Center Chorus)

    Put the 3 and 4 balls on the sides ( 1.Reverb will be on Right)
    ( 2.Delay will be on Left)

    This is all on the same damn track no BUSSING!! , with reaper buses are a thing of the past!!.
  8. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It's horses for courses

    One man's DAW is another mans head fuck
  9. malco

    malco Newbie

    Jan 7, 2012
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    dont have / never had that problem. i use 2 monitors for ages. now cubase 6.5 - best daw (i tested studio one too).
  10. mrmusic

    mrmusic Newbie

    Jun 27, 2011
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    If you've tested Studio One you must acknowledge the improvement in workflow and the better sound than Cubase 6.5. Give it a chance
  11. deadhenderson

    deadhenderson Newbie

    Jun 24, 2012
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    the best daw is the one you use.........period. that said, i feel that reaper and samplitude trump the rest. of course, that's just my opinion because those daws, for many reasons, just agree with me, although sam's lack of rex support still puzzles me. i've used cubase until 5. i don't mean to offend any studio one users, but cubase is WAY deeper than S1, but nowhere near as customizable as reaper or sam. of course, i'm sure there's plenty of s1, pro tools, sonar, digital performer, acid, fl studio or logic users that would tell me to go fuck myself. windows behavior in cubase used to piss me off, but i have zero experience with 6.
  12. xsze

    xsze Guest


    Is there any chance to change the color of S1(v2) background from that intense blue or whatever to something that eyes don't hurt?

    On the other note S1 looks like a child of Logic&Cubase, when I first opened it I swear I thought it was only rip off of Logic, than when I started messing there is Cubase and improved things, but fucking background it's just horrible, compared to few daw's, the worst there is.
  13. madman jason

    madman jason Newbie

    Aug 9, 2012
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    I agree the background color does not look as happy as the cubase background but the drag & drop features are really great. Cubase maybe look more professional but in the end
    the same features are possible in Studio One. I think the pool feature in cubase really sucks. I dont know if that is optimized in 6.5 but in 5.1 which i used it is really annoying.
    And i also had the same problem as this topic starter about the windows which are getting small everytime. It`s not that i hate cubase, actually i love the program and used it for
    years but studio one really blowed my mind, so many 'cubase like' features in just one or 2 clicks, it`s so much easier.
  14. malco

    malco Newbie

    Jan 7, 2012
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    bulllshit! better sound.. lol

    ps. and if you use a daw for years theres no better workflow.
  15. Stefan188

    Stefan188 Newbie

    Oct 8, 2011
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    studio one is not bad and very similar to cubase, i like the midi Editor, when i use BFD2 with a keyboard i get direct the info thaht this note is snare but the insert handling is very confusing.
  16. mrmusic

    mrmusic Newbie

    Jun 27, 2011
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    The reason why I said better sound and many persons argue about this all the time but I actually had Cubase 6.5 open and Studio One Open at the same time with the same multitrack project. I heard a distinct difference between them. If you worked with a DAW for years and you realize another DAW makes things easier to do why stay with the one that makes you take 4 to 5 clicks more to get the same job done in the other Daw which just takes a drag and drop action? I absolutely love Cubase but workflow wise I can get production done quicker in Studio One. That is my humble opinion. Whatever works for you enjoy it. At the end of the day I think we all just want our music to sound great and we want to help it as much as possible using the tools we have to take it quickly to that point. Have a great day!
  17. Menigguh

    Menigguh Newbie

    Apr 3, 2012
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    No DAW sounds better than any other.

    Workflow can be argued but is also very subjective (Will vary from person to person).

    SO why not try and stay on topic and help this guy out? lol

    In my experience have a mutli-monitor set up has kept me from having to worry about re-sizing.

    And yes you can also designate keys to move in between windows.

    Give either one of those a try and report back =)
  18. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    thanks for your feedback. *yes*

    @mrmusic/malco: What is window behavior with one monitor (<- right now i would allways prefer this solution) with Cubase 6?

    @A.Kurbel/Menigguh: Hmm havn't create my own shortcuts but if i use cubase shortcuts the window get resized - F11 for example. F3 works.
    So only self created shortcuts will work?

    Oh and thanks for the comparison. I like and use S1 too. But even Cubase 5 has still it's advantages...

    If we are there. What about Rex playing in Cubase 6?

    This feature sucks in Cubase 5 compared to S1. But again also advantage for C5: working with rex goes easier - as it has the option for different tracks - in one track.

    Thanks again and in advance.

  19. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    May i humbly suggest you go and read a couple of articles on pan law and it's consequences on a mix?
    To make a comparison between daws, you really need them to have at least the same settings, panning law would be a start.
    Then there would be the nulling test, long story short, if you are hearing a difference, it ain't because the daw's sound different, it's because the settings are.

  20. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Wait for 2 weeks to get Cubase 7..

    It fixes that...

    Native support for multiple monitors and spreading Cubase screens across them - to better manage multiple windows as you mentioned...
    This implies the core window behavior was improved as well
  21. delgadilloalex

    delgadilloalex Newbie

    Dec 21, 2012
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    never liked the behavior on the cubase windows, on windows 7. you would have to stretch the the main screen across both monitors.

    on osx/hackintosh separate windows.
    no stretching then working within the main window like win 7.

    but you do get tiny bit better proformance on win 7.

    osx/Hacintosh both monitors are open to what ever cubase window you want.
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