What must I do? Only for music producers

Discussion in 'Education' started by pamuma, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. pamuma

    pamuma Newbie

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Hello, I have a question and a lot that I search for in Google, I can not find an answer.
    I'm starting in the world of music production, finished some instrumentals and I am searching a singer.
    Where should I register and my music so that the singer does not steal my instruments and collect all royalties? Because I have seen that there are many types of royalties such as "mechanics royalties, Synchronization,Public Performance" And many songwriters say that the producer does not belong to the song if they have not written the lyrics. later i see the theme of the editorials, Should producers register instrumentals (Without lyrics) in an editorial?

  3. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    ASCAP works for me. You can register your instrumentals by uploading and filling out some info on a form online. Later you can register song again with lyrics and there is a place to assign percentages for more than a one person writing credit. For example, you get 50% and give the singer/lyricist 50%. ASCAP has a one time fee to join.
  4. pamuma

    pamuma Newbie

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I know ASCAP and BMI but i see that there are more types of royalties. I believe that these types of organizations do not cover. For example for the youtube or Spotify. i wanna know the theme o of the Contracts How do you speak this with the other artist? because is a theme a like delicate.
  5. pamuma

    pamuma Newbie

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
  6. pamuma

    pamuma Newbie

    Aug 22, 2015
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    someone? please
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    See, this topic, or these topics have been covered exhaustively numerous times all over the internet.
    Writing this down for you in this forum is just too much to type.
    If you read the articles found under this:
    This should bring you up to speed and give you enough references to dig deeper.
  8. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Sorry to pour water on your enthusiasm, but anticipating your royalties is like counting chickens before they hatch. Even a small success will barely see little more than a few dollars come your way no matter how much effort you have put into safeguarding against your singer stealing your wealth from under you. Get on with making music. Don't get bogged down in a Scrooge like fixation on the fortune you imagine coming your way.
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  9. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    its not what you MUST do - do what YOU WANT. do what YOU like. -
    if you keep at it and spend effort and time you will end up finding "YOU/SELF" signature sound

    practice makes champions:wink:
  10. Rooster Cogburn

    Rooster Cogburn Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    Best Answer
    Any songwriter that tells you that is either trying to get over on you or they have no clue what they are talking about.

    Songs are generally broken down in two parts. Composer/Writer. 50/50 out of 100%....and then each individual designates a publishing entity (create your own publishing company...it's not difficult) to administer/control their respective portions. That's a quick break down of how publishing/royalties work through companies like BMI, ASCAP, etc. Those are performance royalties. That should give you the gist, but you should definitely continue to research and learn the ins and outs and the more nuanced details.

    An easy fix to your issue is what are called split sheets. This is where you and the songwriter agree on what the percentage breakdown of the song will be based on who contributed what. If it's you as the producer and one songwriter, typically you would just split it 50/50 and you both sign off to avoid future problems down the road. However, it can be whatever you both want it to be. There may be cases where 50/50 doesn't make sense. For instance, you produce the song and write some of the lyrics then you would probably want a little more than 50%. It's up to you and whoever else is involved in making the song. I'm sure you can google split sheet templates. You generally want to get this out of the way as soon as possible. Some ppl will do it immediately once they finish a song, but sometimes it can be an awkward or tense situation when two people don't agree.

    Mechanical royalties are handled by the label and generally by the time mechanical royalties come into play you should have already agreed on the percentage splits of the song with everyone involved.
  11. pamuma

    pamuma Newbie

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Many thanks man, You got me out of many doubts.

    a hug
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