where's R2R !!?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Geek Music, Aug 4, 2017.

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  1. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Because the few people that are allowed to officially share ,also put back into the community by taking the few $$$ they make and put it right back in to the community through supplying or would you rather mirrors be everywhere and the money that should be used for supplying more stuff go into some kids pocket for his next beer run?? Which would you rather have??
  2. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Well problems is that why should anyone apart from R2R or the people they choose to race make any money whatsoever of an R2R release?
    Mykal who is THE man that knows has already told you that the money that is earned by R2R releases through designated racers etc like Horesmen is put back into the system.
    This way more products can be supplied. Supplies are short and R2R will crack whatever they are supplied.
    It's simple god damn sense and as always it's the greedy 3rd party moneymakers that ruin things. It should be considered as one big eco system in a symbiotic condition.
    Everyone who downloads any R2R releases should use common sense and use the original uploaders links. Is it that much of a problem to use uploaded etc? If all users used original links regardless of preference it would put more money back into the system which would mean more releases could be bought which could then be reversed etc.
    Then the public would get their hands on more releases.
    So by users not using original links and greedy mirror providers they are inadvertently taking money out the system which leads to a lack of supplies.
    So your idea to provide zippy links is really noble and would benefit many users - Good on you for wanting to do so as it's a cool notion.
    However be aware that if users then use these mirrors they are taking money out the system. So common sense would say EVERYONE should only use the posters original links and ALL mirrors should imo be banned on scene/team releases.
    That way uploaded pays out cash to poster who buys more release for R2R or whoever to reverse. Thats a pretty sweet setup no?
    Save the zippy mirrors for say sample packs and Kontakt releases that non scene posters put up imo.
    There's plenty of them and zippy links would help out huge in those scenarios :bow::mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2017
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  3. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    UH....YEAH, What he said! :)
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
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  4. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Hahaha lol we posted & wrote at same time I think :yes:
    I wouldn't have if I known you were posting as your the man that people should listen to regarding this stuff and got the answers at your fingertips :bow::bow:
  5. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    what Kloud said, pretty much summed it all up and in such a nicer way than I ever could. Personally I'm an asshole and I think threads like these are a waste of time and the cash I spend on Bandwidth just to check em out
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  6. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Totally agree Mykal in that these threads are just about always both offensive and also a complete waste of time. Personally speaking am totally sick and tired of seeing "where's R2R" or "why haven't R2R sent me 20 free releases today"
    Just wish people would stop all the crap and maybe invest in the guys such as yourself. Some people don't seem to want offer support to the right guys as they want their free shit instantly and can't be bothered to help in any way as its an inconvenience.
    Only good thing that comes from these threads is that you actually do come over to give the real answers and put an end to the speculation and selfish demands. So if anyone actually does bother to read this thread....GET TO KNOW WHO is allowed to bring R2R releases to the table and give back a little to the correct guys by only using their links wherever mirrors are posted :yes::bow::bow:
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  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    @PrimeWave Why would you dislike the truth?
  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Zippyshare isn't a good choice just because they get taken down so quickly. MEGA is a better free alternative.

    Much respect (gr33tz) to you man. You get it. Spoken like someone who actually knows what's up and has been there. Theres a few of us here.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    What people fail to realize is how the requests are filled. I have had mine filled before by the legit couriers. The "money grab" link reposters aren't supplying.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
  10. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    @subGENRE As always much respect goes your way also my friend as I know you also been there also and always talk sense. I just wish some others could also find their way to maybe do the simple things that benefit everyone.
    Some people don't realise the huge amount effort that goes into just a simple release.
    Goes from supplier right down the chain to this site itself and the staff.
    There's also all the guys behind the front page that glue it all together.
    No wonder people like Mykal get pissed reading some of this stuff.
    It's not simply huge amounts of time that gets invested from the teams but straight up cash also.
    Someone gotta pay for this "free stuff" and the process involved in distribution and the rest of the process :yes:
    Some users seem real quick to complain they don't have the latest Waves complete package at 10,000 or whatever
    Ask them to make a little effort in return and they start ranting :snuffy: Makes.
    Is so wrong On every level :mates: :bow: :bow:
  11. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    ya'll funny
  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    sup mykal, my favorite asshole. lololo. Hows the reset button on life going? I about to mash mine too. December is my month!
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
  13. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Now , finally a real topic. sG hates his own asshole ,thinks mine is his Fav, . Now that is a real thread worth a read :) This one is a joke
  14. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    hahaha, nothing but sh1t comes outta mine, you p00p unicorn twinkies. lolololo
  15. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    unicorn twinkies ???!!??? hahahahaha , damn!! anyways..op still the biggest joke for asking about R2R
  16. PrimeWave

    PrimeWave Newbie

    Jul 23, 2017
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    It's not truth. You are using r2r language. I am pretty sure today r2r has more providers than the day they started. For example, we have synthmaster with key out here on sisters website. They can use that and crack it. But they are not doing it. Reason is some people are making money out of their releases. And it's not good to make money out of what is supposed to be free. People are making money out of illegal softwares. They are doing it here on sister website. Every uploader can post a torrent link or they can make available mirrors, but they aren't doing it. R2R is pissed by these guys. If R2R themselves dont want anyone to make mirror of their releases, then they are making money out of their releases. I want to make zippy mirrors but I am not allowed on r2r releases which are supposed to be free. Something is not right. Open your mind my friend.
  17. kokabo

    kokabo Guest

    No man you are not worried for them, you are basically worried to get more plugins for free !!!! :@ they will come when they will come so stop this topics !!! it is so annoying !
  18. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    A linguist once said, a very simple way to spot fake news is to watch out for misspellings.

    Seems the same applies to fake posts.
    Makes it really easy then :bleh:
  19. PrimeWave

    PrimeWave Newbie

    Jul 23, 2017
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    You mean people like Horsemen are making money out of releases and using that money to provide r2r new stuff. What I am saying is there is no option for people who can't afford any premium link services. Users who are literaly poor. Today I have realdebrid account. But I know those days when it was almost impossible to download warez above 1gb. You won't understand it. You have to live it to understand it.
    All my respect goes to fozzy on demonoid and rutracker uploaders. They are making it possible for majority to download for free.
    And views on r2r releases has increased many times as compared to 2-3 years back from now. Means people like Horsemen are making more money and providing more stuff to r2r. Makes sense to you? But r2r started releasing less. Where's that money??? This system is not making any sense. As I am saying, something is not right here.
  20. PrimeWave

    PrimeWave Newbie

    Jul 23, 2017
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    But views have increased since last 2 years. Means they are getting more money via file hosting sites. But we are getting less and less releases. This is not making sense. I know you will say to me what I have done for this community. Thats all you can say to defend yourself. I am curious, give me right answers if you know please.
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