Installing Ezdrummer 2 software-only without samples

Discussion in 'Software' started by metaller, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Can somebody please upload the installer inside the ISO for me? I have messed up with my Ezsrummer 2 installation and no more any library or MIDI is shown in the software.
    I don't want to download the whole library

    If someone knows it is related to a missed registry code please inform me to fix it.

    Is there a way to install Ezdrummer 2 without samples just to use the software itself?
    I want to use the software on the road for my tablet with low storage and use simple drums samples
    The SupprierDrummer 2 can be installed without any samples. I think there should also be a way for EZD2.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
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  3. pelao

    pelao Kapellmeister

    Dec 15, 2016
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    but ezdrummer don't let you use samples
  4. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Hmmmm Not 100% but could be a way. Think the EZ install is different or the superior instal in that library samples are include in the install of the application itself. Not 100 percent sure though.
    I imagine you could maybe start by unpacking the installer. Main problem is download as in uses a library manager or online iNstaller. INstaller normally downloads by default to its own folder in downloads then deletes upon completion of install. You could get the iNstaller maybe and then unpack it to check contents. If you can't then other option would be to install and then delete the samples from default location which would free up the space I guess. Would be interested to know why you want to do this? Think the samples are encoded &a relevant to the iNstaller and they are the only ones that can be used with the application itself I think. Can ouldn't tell you about the contents of the Warez version am afraid as haven't used it.

    Edit just seen what you want to do. Don't believe at this moment in time you can do that. Toontrack encodes the samples and they are specific and needed for the EZ application itself. I have heard stories of samples being replaced but unsure as to the validity. May be possible but samples at this moment I believe are encoded and application will ask for them. Therefore would need to modify application I think .
    Why not just use say another application that hosts the samples .ie maybe Battery or FXpansion. Could use loads of other software applications also that would be more useful I.e why not use Kontakt and build your own kit?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2017
  5. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Thank you Kloud for the complete answer. I think Ezdrummer 2 has Midi output( ?) that I can route it to a simple sampler. I just want to use the software midi part to arrange drums parts. I will try unpacking installer to see what happens.
    If there was no success, I believe if SD3 comes out I can do what I want.
    Now I use Ezplayer but I should unpack the installer to see what is in.
  6. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    No problems. Yeah I hear you on the arranger as it is pretty awesome indeed.
    Think you can route the midi out like you have mentioned.
    One idea might be to say use the arranger to build your drum track then export the midi in either DAW or from arranger when complete. Only problems with what you want to do is likely to be really annoying problem of say mapping :snuffy:
    In general EZ2 and Superior use say GM extended. Have used the arranger myself to write drum parts like yourself as it is so good and then transferred midi and used it to trigger a different application.
    So in general you have say no problems with either triggering the midi and can also output.
    However corresponding midi must match in application etc or it won't work as intended.
    The plugin say EZplayer pro can change drum midi maps in say real time and you can get some really good results with that one. Geist 2 is also great in general as is much FXpansion stuff. I would reckon say mess with Geist 2. If you know the samples you intend to use then best idea might be to load your samples into the application itself then think about how you intend to trigger it.
    Yeah so would mess with some of the drum replacement software that's out there also. So most probably I guess is that the main problems are going to be related to the mapping of the midi if you get me. With GMextended though it's quite possible the map will be compatible.
    SD3 Looks absolutely amazing :yes: and you can upgrade from say superior or cross grade from EZ2 for a reasonable price. They probably do some offers real soon at plugin boutique or similar where you might be able to pick it up real cheap. 399 seems expensive I guess but for me this look the complete drum solution in many ways
    Big library as in 252GB but the application itself looks amazing. They have built in the real handy arranger and all the features of EZ2 and a load more. They have some real cool features as in what you can do with ,busses bleed FX and so much more. Personally my opinion is that SD3 absolutely blows everything else out the water.
    Think SD3 gonna be the only go to drum software that way for a real long time and looks unbelievable :yes:
    Hope you get everything sorted :bow: :mates:
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  7. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    THaank you Kloud!!! :mates::mates: I'll try Geist 2. :bow:
  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    If you want the drum gui I think I was able to use samples with Cakewalk Session Drummer as well..
    really liked that feature..

    also it's freely available from .. somewhere...:winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2017
  9. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    New Edit:
    Can somebody please upload the installer inside the ISO for me? I have messed up with my Ezsrummer 2 installation and no more any library or MIDI is shown in the software.
    I don't want to download the whole library

    If someone knwos it is related to a missed registry code please inform me to fix it.
  10. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    No one? :(
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