which expansions to buy for trapbeats with nexus 2?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by paraplu020, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    hi fellow members, i have a question... i want to make some trap music and a lot of the nexus expansions have a lot of useful sounds for this genre. now i have bought the original nexus 2 for mac a couple of months ago and now i'm about to buy 30 expansion packs from them. i would like to know from yall which expansions would be best for making this trap and or newskool rap music like this vid:

    Cardiak x The Making of Er Day

    This guy also show you which expansions he uses and i would like to know which expansions to buy more for making trap.. hope you guys have a lot of suggestions since i have money for 30 expansions now.

    thanks and as always, peace from Amsterdam
  3. keeron

    keeron Newbie

    Dec 17, 2011
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    Rob Papen Albino, FXpansion DCAM: Synth Squad, Native Instruments Absynth 5,

    Some of the favourite's :
    Refx Nexus 2, Sylenth1 , NI Massive , Spectronics Omnisphere

    all these will be perfect for trap beats
  4. keeron

    keeron Newbie

    Dec 17, 2011
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    oh sorry lmao my bad

    i read your question wrong,

    when it comes to expansions you can buy or download ones for free which have been specially made for dirty south trap music

    check out johnny juliano and others for nexus presets
  5. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    thanks for your reply, but to make things more clear, i know a lot of big time producers that produce these newskool rap music and use nexus for a lot of their sounds, e.g. jahlil beats, cardiak and the list goes on. it's these 'signature nexus' brass sounds that i want for example, so for these sounds i would buy that hollywood expansion as cardiak suggests in the video included in my first post. so that's 1 expansion pack i need, hollywood. now i ask from yall some suggestions for more cool 'official refx' expansions that would be good for newskool rap/trap... hope i explained it good.. thanks again! :thumbsup:
  6. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    lol, that was a big mistake to biy nexus,

    do you know that you dont can use the cracked nexus 2 and all cracked expansions with your orginal nexus

    that means that you only can use the expansion that you have bought for your legal nexus

    i have sold my orginal nexus2 because there are enough cracked expansion you can use it for every genre

    back to topic, i would buy the dance orchestra & hollywood expansion for good brass, strings, pluck sounds, but make shure that nexus dont have the standard trap sounds like 808 bass drums, high freqenzy kicks, 808,909 snare´s, typical tubular bells etc.

    earlier i would look for other vst that you can download before invest money

    look to all cardiak video he shows enoguh, i have watched them too at my beginnings, he use sample tank, philharmonik, nexus, purity, phatmatik & fl studio mostly for drums etc
  7. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    @ pjotr41,

    Actually, I don't think it was a mistake to buy Nexus 2 original. I just REALLY like this synth and that has been like that since Nexus 1's early days. Now we both know there is no Nexus 2 for Mac, so I had no other choice, I HAD to buy it original, i want to use it on my mac. I know these expansions are f*cking overpriced hyped up n everything, but again, I have no choice, I also have all the suggested other plugins that were named in this thread, so thanks but, I just need nexus with some dope ass expansions to expand my pallette of sounds. In my opinion, Nexus has some of the most influential sounds for 'Newskool Rap', but that's just me...

    Now please yall, I'm really interested if you all could name a couple of official expansions for Nexus that you would use for making Trap/Newskool Rap music.

    I am going to buy 30 expansions and I'll look into all suggestions, but please no 'Unofficial' expansions.

    Thanks again! :thumbsup:
  8. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    maybe you should buy the complete nexus with all expansion it has about 40 exp. its cheaper than buy 30 expansions

    how i have said, i would buy the hollywood, dance orchestra maybe the pop expansion, the rest has more sounds for electronic music
  9. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sewers of Amsterdam
    I would've done that, but when I bought it I didn't have as much money as I have now, so the timing is real bad, the complete package is about €2300 and now i'm about to buy 30 of the 50-some available expansions for around €1500, it's crazy, but I just want those sounds, I could do great things with them IMO, I'm (not yet) much of person that really makes his own sounds, I mean I do make my own patches with Omnisphere's waveforms and it's cool, but I wouldn't take the time to recreate Nexus' IMO fundemental sounds, it's just too time consuming, I like the workflow, take one of the great presets, tweak it a lil and BAM, great sound AND fast... *yes*

    Thanks for your comments bro!
  10. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    you could wait to christmas, they always have reduced prices on christmas maybe you get all expansions for 1500€

    i agree, nexus has good sounds ready to use i always use it with the 29 cracked expansions

    i would listen to the sound demo´´s , most sounds of the expansion are mixed there are no must have

    but you could buy the dance vol1,2,3, trance leads,7 Skies Trance ,Analog for portamento leads & pluck sounds, the Bigtone Signature 1,2,3,Omicron 1,2,3 for string & pads, dance orchestra, hollywood for brass string & other orchestra sounds and so on

    listen to the demo and choose what you like

    i will wait for the new uncracked expansions to have the full bundle :wink:
  11. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sewers of Amsterdam
    yeah thanks for the advice i have chosen around 20 now, i really wanna do some good research since it's a lot of money i'm about to give them lol! :bleh:

    more suggestions are always welcome!
  12. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Simple. The Hollywood expansion. Brass, bells, and strings. Trap all the way.
  13. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sewers of Amsterdam
    Never could get a hold on this one for mac, is it available? heard some good stories about it
  14. keeron

    keeron Newbie

    Dec 17, 2011
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    yeah i think it is..
    but its time to be brutally honest..

    i produce trap music. the best vst's are :
    Korg Workstation M1, Camel Audio Alchemy, Tone2 Gladiator, Sylenth1, Purity aswell as Nexus

    When it comes to expansions get the ones for dance,electronic and trance , these have pretty good synths and leads in.

    Korg M1 is good for bells, so is omnisphere.. sylenth1 is one of the best for synths and leads, nexus for brass and bass.
    Purity is good for piano, gladiator is ogod for leads, alchemy is good for atmospheric sounds, pads and leads.

    See if u can get any of them, the top trap producers also use these aswell..
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