Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 4-LOM, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. 4-LOM

    4-LOM Member

    May 29, 2016
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    ...why such a rare beast? If there's plenty of folks who aren't interested in making money off of releases, and so many releases are well within size constraints, why is it such a rarity that Zippyshare links are posted, and always as a mirror after the fact? Every time Zippyshare links are posted, whoever did it is always showered with effusive praise and thanks, and with good reason- no captchas, countdowns, etc.

    I'm not really complaining, mind you- I'll take jumping through those minor hoops (that have grown more numerous) gladly in exchange for the opportunity to try before buying. I'm just not sure where things stand between posts about teams crying foul, posts accusing people of greed, and people accusing others of abusing the site to make a buck. I'm not trying to stir things up needlessly; just trying to best understand the lay of the land and avoid "being left on the surface if/when the nukes start falling".
    Again, please forgive my ignorance in advance- and if this is better dealt with with a PM and removing this post, that's fine; I've got my big-girl pants ready to don at a moment's notice ;)
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  3. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    That's an interesting question. -bump-
  4. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    The 200mb upload limit probably puts people off. Not wanting the hassle of splitting bigger files up into parts and then rarring
  5. file-hosting sites usually pay the traffic you've generated while zippyshare is totally free.. add up the fact that the file-size limit could be very frustrating with bigger releases and (tadan!) heres why most uploaders doesnt use the service..
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  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Yes it's usually the file size limit. Me, I only upload to zippy lately if the files are relatively small... like under 100mb. But I have seen some crazy zippyshare stunts. From what I've seen, the record belongs to Olymoon via Spectrasonics Keyscape... that's an 80GB post, split that into 200mb increments, upload each one to zippyshare, while doing the required hosts too. That's a ton of patience. But I think he holds the number zippyshare links record just for that post alone. Pretty sure it's gonna be a while before someone tops that.
    Another problem we also have, is that we are required to upload to rapidgator and uploaded.net. It is mandatory we use these hosts... or we can substitute one for mega.nz... which no one uses anymore because the links never stay up for long. I lost my account ages ago due to frequent "copyright infringement" offenses. Now no one uses their site anymore and as a result, they are dying. Some will upload to Nitroflare (usually premium only), and then there are mirrors - the mirrors are for money. Those guys have a part time job and it's making money for posting mirrors for you. Although it's usually the same 5 people, many of them stop. But when one drops off, along comes another to replace them. You rarely see zippyshare in their peeplinks... because zippyshare doesn't pay you.
    But by the time we get done with uploaded and rapidgator, we are nearly out of patience and wanna just finish the post. There is a lot that goes into posting on audioz. It's a complicated process at first but you get used to it. I had to have one guy show me the ropes on how to do it my first 5 posts or so... from realivox blue to freshly squeezed samples. I had to have someone upload for me because it was too annoying... another member who was ironically one of the more notorious mirror-clan members (I call them the mirror-clan, or ditto-squad). As you go thru it, it gets easier and easier.
    I also notice that the zippyshare links also don't stay up very long. I had one zippy link get deleted before my post was even approved, so I had to go back and change the peeplink. Only reason I noticed is because I'm actually connected with other members from the community on social media, and I'll give them first dibs sometimes via zippyshare, and one guy answered back "can you reup? link's dead bro lol". So even when we do give zippyshare links, you guys gotta jump on them fast.
    Really it takes a lot of time and patience to post stuff and not a lot of us have the time to make zippyshare links... when I do it, I usually do zippyshare last because it's optional. So when people come around and make negative comments about our posts, we get mad because we took some time out of our day to upload something to 2 or different file hosts, some of us uploading it twice for a backup peeplink, and only for a few guys to come around and say stuff along the lines of "wtf is this? it's useless! how are we supposed to use this crap?" or "how to decompress this piece of crap?" etc. Many of those users don't understand how much effort we put into those posts/uploads. If they did, they wouldn't be saying that stuff.
    95% of the time though, their reasoning for not using zippy share hinges mostly if not entirely on the 200mb size limit.
    That's like having a beautiful busty supermodel wife who you see every day but you can only "do the thing" once every 2 years. For many, that would be a deal breaker lol.
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  7. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    -Zippy links are always the first to be taken down, and some posters dont have time to reup

    - Yes some others prefer to receive some free beers from other hosting services (believe me it's not more than free beers) Most of them deserve it IMHO.

    - Its true that file size being limited oblige to do 2 compressions operations, one for zippy and one for the other hosting services. Zippy's limit is 200 mb, others limit for free users is 500 mb and more for some.

    - Some of the ones who complain about this live in first world countries and could easily bye premium accounts or use multi-premium services. 10 dollars is what they spend in one drink Saturday night.

    - 99 % of the ones who complain have never uploaded anything.

    - Even though I post to zippyshare and reup as much as I can, but I cant blame the ones who dont.
    As always, the choice belongs to the actives.
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  9. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

  10. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    With uploaded.net, it costs 10$ to get one month of premium. There is one payment method where you use your earnings to pay for premium. I do have a little bit of revenue come in from downloads but it's actually just enough to pay for one month premium (10$ per month). I always put it towards a premium account because I'm not gonna do much else for 10$ from a download site and even if I could, I'd feel bad. I just buy my premium account so I can share a little more stuff with the community. So there are also ways to actually not have to cough up the money for premium. Yes, I could pay for it myself (and I do when the revenue is insufficient). But instead of reaping money from clicks, I just grab a premium account so I can give more (more upload space, and other premium services that can make it easier for the uploader). As a college dorm student, I'm always looking for ways to save money. So really there isn't too much excuse for one to not get a premium account, unless you're SUPER poor. :mates:
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  11. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    @Olymoon dude i always had respect for you but after reading that, now its bigger ...even tho i dont use Keyscape, maybe i should try it , thank you for all your work mate!
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  12. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    yeah, it must be the filesize, because ticking a box in winrar to compress to 190Mb volumes is such a hassle.

    As opposed to completing all the fields in a form to apply for membership (and enter bank details) of some shyster file-locker outfit that offers payment and money laundering opportunities for the same.

    You don't have to split it and then Rar it. WinRar splits it for you. You Rar it into a split archive. You don't split it first.
  13. BudSpencer

    BudSpencer Producer

    Sep 14, 2013
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    So why don't YOU, brother? :like:
  14. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    with realdebrid, that $10 will buy you three months of premium on not just uploaded.net, but also rapidgator, filefactory, rockfile, oboom, and yes - even zippyshare premium. along with a slew of others that i never heard of and never use. and speaking of oboom, it has been made fairly well known around here that you can use a free oboom account to download rapidgator files at premium speed for free. so really, there's not any reason at all to complain about files not always being uploaded to zippy.
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  15. 4-LOM

    4-LOM Member

    May 29, 2016
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    Thanks for all the helpful and thoughtful replies! Since I almost always am looking for VST/VSTi's (the majority of are well under 200 MB) rather than sample libraries etc. I guess some tunnel-vision has been in effect. I'd always thought that takedowns were more or less likely/speedy due to the developer's aggressiveness, although I was aware that some services are more prone to takedowns than others.
    On the other hand, I have been able to track down some oddball uploads that have persisted for years (usually obscure plugs whose developers went bye-bye ages ago). I'm not so much about "latest and greatest" as I am about uniqueness- "does this FX/instrument do something nothing else does, and can I find a use for it?" Obviously, I'm not a diehard daily visitor to here or the sister site, which does enable me to stay out the drama, but also makes it harder for me to grok completely what goes on under the hood around these here parts ;)
  16. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You forget the multiples reups and the fact that if there a lot of part you have to keep it as it was posted so if one member have a problem with one part he wont have to download everything again. that means you have to keep twice the material, one with 500mb parts and one with -200 mb parts. If the material is really big, this can be a real problem.

    Imagine that I posted keyscape library, I keep it only for reup. I dont use it. I have to keep more than 142 GB of HD occupied, 72 of them only because of zippy links.... I understand that not all posters do it.

    As I said before, at the end choices belongs to actives.
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  17. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Sure. Anything is (much) better than nothing. I was griping. :D Keyscape is an extreme example?
  18. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    As well as the hosters mentioned, I would add load.to as another example of a good, free, fast host that rarely removes.

    It's not 1st 2nd 3rd. Has anyone ever heard the expression "second world country"? It, admittedly, makes about as much sense as "3rd world country". To paraphrase, the original quote was that "a third of the world doesn't know whether it will be hungry tomorrow".
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Someday we should find a way to just buy @Olymoon a few cases of his fave beer...

    other than that.. I 2nd what @realitybytez has said... right now real debrid is your best and cheapest option (outside of free)
    they have had some issues with rg not being available for them.. but seem to be ok now..

    @4-LOM The site has been designed to be pretty easy to read with the AS feed box ...while it may be permissible,
    it's really not necessary to use the shouting caps in your title..

    You have your
    so I'm sure this criticism will not come as an ego crushing blow to your individuality and creative spirit... :shalom: