A Message from R2R

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    I find it very funny to see people getting twisted like a pretzel trying to justify their theft, trying to pretend R2R is not doing anything wrong and trying to convince themselves that stealing is harmless ("I will steal this from you but don't worry, I was not going to buy it, anyway, so no harm done!").

    The only good thing (if anything good can come out of stealing) is that the excuses, contrived and transparent as they are, show a degree of shame and remorse. Not all is lost.
  2. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    next step for R2R would be completly dissapear or going to the underground and or internal only .
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  3. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    That's because you have a very small world view. :yes:
  4. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Member 2015?.. and 16..
    His talking reminds me of my grandma.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
  5. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I would be okay with this..... they have given us more than enough
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
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  6. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    i dont have an problem with it either , but it looks to me its the only radical way that people wakes up from their digital dreamworld .
  7. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    That is always up to them. They are NOT out to 'provide' for 'the poor'. They have their own agenda, like everyone else. And if they disappear today, the world will continue like nothing happened: pirates will do music with fewer plugins, honest people will continue making music like they did last week and everything will be fine. R2R is in no way, making the world a better place. And that is not their intention, either.
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  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Pirating is one thing. But selling it is a whole different thing. Like that guy who sells dvds and software at the swap meet or street corner.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
  9. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Yes, using cracks is not right, because companies deserve to be paid for their hard work and products. But I also think and with all my respect that some companies are overpricing their products way too much. Yes, they are companies. They want to make money. But sometimes I think is it just me or is it getting too crazy? And if there is no demo for it? Yeah, I think the choice is made pretty fast. Well, if available, haha.

    Products are expensive these days. I know this could be for everyone different. Now if I was rich I would pay for everything of course. I am not, unfortunately. I don't have that much time to work either. No, not because I am lazy. I am also still busy with my educations and stuff. Therefore it's a lot of money for me or even I don't have.

    I am grateful that R2R and of course these other teams/people are giving me the chance for still trying things out fully and I hope they still continue with it. Also especially to all the ones that are working hardly in the background for keeping the sister site/forum up. They are playing a big part in this aswell and of course the lovely community:)

    By the way, is it possible to contact R2R? I think I have a good idea on how to stop/fight that fake website.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
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  10. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I have bought more then a few plugins that I used to use the k'd versions of. I even own an iLok now too. ASSiGN and R2R were directly responsible for this.
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  11. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Would be still a shame. But yeah, it's true what you said.

    Because you have checked them out first to see if it's something, right? The most special part about this is that they are doing it for free aswell. I totally understand why R2R is not happy with that website. Now I hope we could help R2R with fighting that fake website.
  12. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Admit it Dude, you're jealous.. :winker:
    This truth seems really hard to accept for some people..:bleh:
    No, but don't hesitate to tell us.
  13. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    LMAO this is funnier than other threads
    i hope r2r girl is reading this :yes:
  14. nidza61

    nidza61 Noisemaker

    Jun 9, 2011
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    If it does not exist on the Internet, it does not exist in reality (those born with the Internet). Since 2004, I am by all means a pirate - a criminal. I transferred vinyls that were released by the dismantled state-owned discography houses, which no longer builds, the state that was the cultural bridge of the countries of the East and West. You should have been in front of a record store of the seventies when tourists from the eastern countries literally emptied them. What I should do, to agree that everything I liked disappears with me with my generation. I'm not the only one, I decided to try and save on the Internet what was an integral part of my life. Not for me, for children and for those who will not know anything about it if I agree that I am a loser and if I agree that my life is insignificant. Transfer from vinyl is not just that. It is necessary to have programs and knowledge, it is a serious job. Who could we turn to for help? Nobody cares about it. Thanks to the internet and groups like AIR, H2O, R2R, XFORCE, CHAOS, AudioUtopia, HY2ROG3N, ASSiGN, DYNAMiCS, SYNTHiC4TE, TRACER, BLiZZARD and those I did not mention. They helped us, at the beginning, a dozen, now it's history.
    A rich one cent does not mean anything, it's a poor lunch and a new day.
    Who knows how to read it will understand.
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  15. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    First off I don't use any reversed software as ALL my software is legitmate & paid for :)
    Was a conscious decision I made a few years back when I started making money. Through several years experience & several years of being fortunate enough to use reversed software I have a deep respect for the scene in general & teams that bust their ass so that people like yourself can use FL Studio and just about all the amazing software out there.
    As a previous small team member several years ago I also have a good knowledge of how things work.
    I mainly now come here as I like to stay in touch & support & contribute in a small way towards an ideal I believe strongly about and support fully from a positive viewpoint :)
    It's also great to talk with other cool like minded people :yes:
    R2R have been the at the top of the game for many years now & work tirelessly without earning a dollar to support people such as yourself.....You have used their stuff for years and now you talk of hypocrisy?
    R2R get abused, ignored, maligned and much worse and yet they continue to support people such as yourself? They don't ask for a lot do they and you would think a little respect might be something to start with?
    Instead, some people continue to abuse their standpoint in order to make cash for themselves a profit of a sincere act of kindness of some proportion.
    However, they kindly continue to support people such as yourself despite this abuse :)
    What do they get in return? People such as yourself that have relied on using their stuff for years turning their backs and start shouting about hypocrisy, pirates & what they want reversing next? Wow :snuffy:
    To be quite honest as I said earlier I am amazed they have continued to support the general public this long.
    Now there is a whole god dammed website out there that is scamming and making money from their release whilst they get nothing - Do you think that is cool?
    Lets also get it straight as in it's not about pirates it's just someone uploading their releases and cashing in on premium file hosts. The releases there probably all come from here anyway as only R2R control who can access their stuff anyhow.
    So you have people paying cash for releases they can most probably get here & elsewhere anyhow for nothing - Not to clever I imagine but maybe i'm wrong :dunno:
    So all in all this is a free country last time i checked and I have my own set of values as you do also. I don't expect you to think the same way as i do or support the same ideals.
    I support fully the ideals i choose to believe in as I know where I came from and am not the type to readily dismiss my roots. Not sure about yourself however please feel free to carry on talking shit about whatever you choose to do so :)
    Go Turn your back on the teams that have supported you through the years :)
    Go promote the fact that the teams earn nothing whilst greedy individuals cash in :yes:
    At the same time also understand that I can beat my chest and stick up for whoever the fuck I like :) :bow:
  16. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Are you talking about software developers or R2R?

    Because last time I checked, R2R is the thief and the software developer is the victim who gets nothing. That's not cool, I agree.
  17. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    First off R2R ain't the thief? As pointed out somewhere earlier they reverse what they are supplied? Is reversing software illegal?
    Technically speaking they STEAL nothing as they are supplied and they also upload nothing for the general public either? Might be fine details but still details nonetheless?
    Also by your logic they BOTH get nothing. If the product has been reversed and as we have already established R2R get no cash anyhow ergo both R2R & developer get nothing?
    Sounds about right as per normal as is normally the middle men and others who make the profit from other peoples hard work :yes:
    Can argue all day about intricacies and non important issues but would be more simple to Just state what you mean?
    Do you mean you think reversing software is wrong or R2R should refrain from reversing software as they should consider the impact upon the developers livelood? Well check the .nfo for what they might think as I dont speak on their behalf. Think we all know what they themselves think eeermm if u enjoy the software please buy it maybe and all that? Ask them I guess if you can get them on the phone or something :yes: I guess the problem is the end consumer as always - Maybe R2R got to much faith in the general public to do the correct thing? Sounds about right :dunno:
    Anyways, none of that for me to decide really and I stand on my side of the fence with my own opinions. I expect you also have your own.
    If you state more clearly what you mean then I can simply give my opinion but that doesn't make it gospel :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2017
  18. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Cracking protection mechanisms in software through reverse engineering or any other means *IS* illegal, of course! Why do you think R2R works in a clandestine manner? ROTFLMAO!

    That R2R makes it available to general public (through 'couriers' or whatever their minions are called) only worsens the crime.

    Those are not 'minor details'. It's the simple truth.

    I know the natural tendency is to turn a blind eye to crime when we feel it benefits us, but let's not pretend it's not stealing or is not illegal, because it is. We are not going to fool anyone...lol...c'mon! Let's keep it real, bro. It's perfectly ok to admit what is blatantly obvious. It's foolish to try to deny it.
  19. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    that's what I said Is? They are details and it is important that's what I was trying precisely to establish as in where do you stand as i don't know? I guess i do now - You still haven't stated exactly what you mean?
    First of as I stated it doesn't benefit myself in any manner whatsoever and i'm not turning a blind eye so what's your point?
    If you say this shouldn't happen then i can give an opinion but that's all it is :)
    As i asked earlier, do you mean R2R or any other team should refrain from reversing software as they should consider the impact on the developer?
    Be clear about what you want an answer to rather than tell me what the truth is etc?
  20. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    I'm saying (in very clear terms) that R2R is a thief from whom other thief is stealing. I do not care what R2R does and have no interest in discussing what they should or should not do. Other than that, I don't have much to say and I don't really have any questions for you.
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