a Message to Newbies

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    You never talking substance in an argument is telling.
  2. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    My threads and post have helped 100s of people with everthing from recording to mixing in many different genres to installing software and troubleshooting hardware. All your @farao posts have done exactly the opposite. Just stirred up more hate towards yourself while giving the lurkers a good laugh. Keep em coming, you are the new comic relief since Faoki is actually making music these days. We all need a lil break from the monotony of music production
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
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  3. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    When calling new members bitching newbies gets applauded it is really sad. That friendly gang is the problem here not the new members. Who is part of that bullying gang? You will recognize them by those who will not adressing the thread topic while attacking other individuals.
  4. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I must have slept for a whole day. I totally forgot this thread, after the troll captured it.

    As funny as it is, you're right on the point!

    Offensive? Why? Who doesn't like a good sniff here and there. And who wouldn't love sticking the nose in such a fine ass?

    I am still on topic, ain't I?
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  5. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Me pointing out bad behaviour is disturbing you. Not the bad behaviour. I know where you stand. You defend calling new members bitching newbies, and I don't. What is worse?
  6. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    One thing straight there's nothing personal or any of that and it doesn't matter whether I agree or not with you? That's what a forum is all about?

    What relevance does this have to this topic whatsoever? :dunno: Catalyst and his following? What are you winging on about? Thread seems to now go from asking new members to do a simple search to total bullshit and Illuminati conspiracy theories as it goes down the gossip chain that you are perpetuating :yes: That's partly what I see from you all the time and to be honest it wears real thin. How long ago was all that and how do you know all the answers? He's gone no ? So why are you still so hung up on it and spreading your own often fictitious ideas amongst new members that don't have any memories of the guy whatsoever that way and don't have a clue what you are talking about? You make people insecure amongst the community before they even start by interjecting your own ideas where they are not needed or wanted.
    You talk constantly about Elitism and bullshit occult covert nonsense that apparently occurs all the time. You could in reality be preventing new prospective members from joining by talking nonsense. That's not cool. Not cool at all :no:
    Secret groups everywhere that have access to secret plugins and every reversed piece of software in the world:dunno: Wolverine type power groups and total bullshit in general. Religious ideologies and total non-sense and to be quite honest its like listening to some fucked up fairy tail from a mentalist who is stuck in the past :yes:
    I can also tell you that all of that apparent Elitism crap was 99.999% a load of bullshit made up by wittering gossips like yourself? I know that to be the case through my own experience :yes: Why do you need to harp on about that stuff all the time? What does achieve in a positive manner?
    When it comes to scene stuff, you talk rubbish even when the guys who know are telling you the facts? Do you really believe all the crap you say or is it just to start an argument by being openly provocative? More often than not it's way of the mark and totally irrelevant :dunno:
    You talk about Elitism, secret groups and total bullshit in every god damn thread and it's really not needed as it's pretty stale by now and has no pertinence to the OP's topic. Rather than give an answer you just seem to use a thread as your own personal soapbox to stand on and chat shit.
    When someone also tends to say something you don't agree with you then seem to do one and divert at some kind of fucked up tangent that starts arguments. Then you go cry off & complain like a little bitch and its pretty shitty to watch :snuffy:
    So maybe there are no elitist groups and messed up animals running around and mostly it's all messed up bullshit in your head.
    In reality it's often yourself that is staring all the arguments by interjecting non relevant fairy stories into threads where it's not really needed
    So best idea would be to drop all the voodoo conspiracy theories or write a book and sell it to someone who gives a shit. However maybe realise that many people here don't give a shit and it just seems to start fights and arguments.
    When you replying to a thread asking something totally different it can sometimes be a good idea just to shut the fuck up about your own personal ideas and just simply lend a hand and help the OP instead of turning the thread into some title fight :dunno:
    Problem is whenever there an argument or some messed up tangent it quite often appears to be you that is looking to interject your personal inferences and assumptions when they not really needed :) So instead of winging on about bullshit just shut the fuck up or answer the OP?
    Sorry if you think that a rant but you asked what I did not substantially agree with :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2017
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  7. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    You helping people is not the point. You also condone calling new members bitching newbies. Persons are not good or bad, they are both. And in this thread you are showing your bad ad hominem side.
  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    @Kloud I remember when you were a nOOb here. I reached out to you personally in a thread and a pm and welcomed you to our community (like I try to do with all new members aka n00bz)
    Since then I heve seen all you have contributed as well, from sister site releases and helping with software and hardware advice to actually wanting to lay gtr tracks for another member. Real and substantial contributions. This forum is a better place because of members like you.
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  9. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    It was sarcasm, brother. It sounded like *someone* was offended by your avatar, so I went off on my smart ass sarcasm as usual. PS: Aromatherapy is one thing, but I think we can both agree that's the snack of a lifetime right there haha. :cheers:
  10. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Do you feel attacked by me pointing out bad behaviour? But you do feel fine being part of an ad hominem bullying squad defending people calling new members bitching newbies? To each his own. There is a bullying squad here and that is the truth. Can you not see the difference between bullying and pointing bullying out?
  11. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Sure it was! I understood it. I just used the quote for a quick joke - and hell yeah, it is :cheers:
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  12. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Dont forget to hug the people calling new members bitching newbies. It is important.
  13. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    back on ignore. I suggest the rest do the same. He will read between the lines and deem your posts and avatars offensive anyway he can bend it
  14. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    All true & was most welcomed. That kind of stuff makes you feel like a small part of a cool community.
    I know first hand that you are one of the most helpful, friendly & approachable guys here.
    All I see from yourself is useful, helpful information and fantastic contributions that makes this a cool community.
    Is also one of the reasons I get a bit pissed when I see idiots talking about non relevant garbage and hurling insults as they always.
    You are a real cool guy & any one who knows anything around here knows that to be the case :bow:
  15. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    So good having Subgenre speaking elitism to others. Do you need that? Just look at the topic once more who was on topic, and who attacked who? It is always the same Subgenre. Get on topic. Just for once.
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  16. alex921

    alex921 Producer

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Is it dangerous to build a hackintosh?
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  17. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    There is NO bullying squad here :no:
    Same as there are NO Elitist squads either. This is my own experience also but I accept yours could be different.
    From my own personal experience, just a cool community & several helpful and positive members who maybe collectively dislike reading speculative inflammatory conjecture that has no apparent relevance to the topic or OP's questions?
    If you feel bullied then maybe take a look in the mirror and re-read some of the content you write.
    Try to see both sides and question whether your personal inferences are actually warranted or really pertinent to the thread itself:dunno:
    Question whether it is needed at all, why it is so important to yourself & also why others may see differently :dunno:
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  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @farao I was about to click "agree" on your first post. But when I came to the end I couldn't.
    The last (above) sentence shows clearly, what your intention really was: you just wanted to provoke.
    And the people you allegedly protect don't need your protection (as EL75s post "As a new member..." shows) or just aren't interested in.

    This image cultivation as a lawyer for the underdogs in this forum is just embarrassing.

    And it unmasks yourself as one who looks down on newbies, when you imply with your patronage attitude, they would need your help.
    They don't!

    So it would be nice, if you try to stop the provocations and stay on topic. Thank you!
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  19. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Merry go round and round.....
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  20. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    wait, wait I know this....VST was eh...Very Stupid Twit, right and DAW is short for Dumb Ass Wannabe! :guru:
    In all seriousness...let's not forget we all started out at some point in time asking perhaps very obvious questions ... or at least the answers to those questions were the obvious ones and with a bit more dedication and focus, we could have come up with a plausible answer ourselves. However in this day and age, the internet has made most of us users allergic to reading whole chunks of text and has also made a lot of these same users somewhat lazy....who's to blame...I believe that the 'newbies' will all pay it forward one day and help the 'newbies to come' out with their questions, giving them all the right answers....and with patience and compassion. And, bear in mind that the best solutions to problems come because you keep running into these problems and you grow tired of 'em...that's how these problems push you to come up with a lasting solution.:wink:
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