a Message to Newbies

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Maybe. Are you sure it is appropriate to have that large dildos in an avatar as you do? Or would you you rather find it medium?
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  2. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    there are no stupid questions , only stupid answers . Sometimes the best students are not the brightest but those who have the patience to learn and being told 10 times.
  3. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    remember when dxi was a thing?
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  4. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    No stupid questions? :bleh: Read latest questions from faraoki and tell me again..
    And why in the world would anyone become the best student? ( Except to get laid by a hot professor) Aren't there no other goals to achieve in life anymore? Like getting a smaller phone.. BTW, thats a phone Faraoki!!. A phone!!!
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
  5. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Be careful to not insult Asians hahahhaha

  6. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    C'mon Maizletov... Look at it! Whatever It is, it is not a phone...
  7. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    I know, must be hard to know your personality won't ever evolve beyond the molecular structure of your avatar. :bleh:
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
  8. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Not even the production one I posted about 6 months ago? :wink:
    I agree though, any one of those books I've ever looked at ended up being a sleep aid.

    Just seems to me that some things could be better accomplished if we just police ourselves and don't need to get the moderators involved or the site redesigned in order to fix an issue of very limited importance.
    But I agree, no need for the name calling. Civility should be practiced at all times. You never know what kind of day someone else is having. Usually if I ask a question before I've properly searched, it's in the topic of the thread I'm in, or bears some sort of relation to it. I've just thought of the question "off the top of my head" so I ask.
  9. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    True, it's a PRC-6 which is a military field radio. Essentially used as a phone for communication though...
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    how did @farao get off my ignore list...? oh yeah the "serum" thread...back you go..
    and I suggest, or recommend, it heartily to the other fine members appearing here
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2017
  11. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Seems amusing how you call for civility and a ban on demeaning language and then lose it and start your own ridiculous tirade of "wierdo, sultry ridiculous bollox?
    Whats the deal? :dunno:
    Seems like an obsession of sorts & you don't appear to practise what you preach :yes:
    Only being straight up in that this sort of behaviour has been on display for quite some time.
    Always just a bit more genuine if you practise your own rules and live within the boundaries you readily impose on others.
    When you don't it sort of makes you look like a bull-shitting hypocrite :yes:
    Have often seen you argue many times in many threads simply for the sake of it and lose it & talk shit when you don't like what you read?
    Don't know why as I don't sort of do all that troll shite waste of time crap but honestly it makes you look just a bit ridiculous at times.
    Nothing personal intended but just a simple observation made over a period of time.
    Accepted none of us are perfect and that and we all say stupid stuff some time but quite honestly it gets a bit ridiculous and abstract real quickly :dunno: :bow:
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  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    THIS IS A JOB FOR.....
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  13. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Tulamide's avatar is offensive? Shit I thought my old avatar (still current on sister site tho) with Bieber getting a crossbow to the head was more offensive. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
    @Mainzelman please don't feed the troll. That energy can be used for much more productive activities.
    Anyways I had my fun here. Gonna go have a nice meal and play some guitar beside the river while listening to the birds chirp, and possibly wolves sniff ass, too! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
    Yeah good idea. Just put him on the ignore list now haha.
    Cheers, peeps. :cheers:
  14. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I respect your opinion, but could you really not show a little bit more love and respect to this man instead of adjudicating him so hard?

    I see him trying to help everyone lately with any issues and then especially related to Omnisphere and stuff. I still see him helping if people are asking the same questions over and over again. He could say nothing, but he doesn't do that. He could do whatever he wants, but he takes all his free time to help people. Even through pm and stuff. There is no way on how this all can be bad, right? Not only the case for Tony by the way. For many others. Helping each other is a nice part of the community. I was really grateful for the help that I got in my threads, but at the same time if I could help someone/people I will try to do that aswell. Tony belongs even more in this than me. So I am actually wondering why you say things like this that he locks down new members and so on while he is known for helping them. I also see you are suddenly changing your behaviour more into this thread? It's not helping either, isn't it? Everyone have something nice in himself. Why not changing to that?

    Although, I also still think that there is nothing wrong with suggesting people to check first if their question is not already answered. On every forum that I am or where I have been it's always appreciated. I could understand that the words you describe can fall badly and I still respect your opinion for that, but in my opinion Tony didn't say that much wrong here.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
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  15. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    To criticizie bad behavior is not the same thing as being the author of bad behaviour or defending it.

    Instead of just ranting like the rest, exactly what do you substantially not agree with me about?
  16. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    We will not get better as a community here treating new members like that. People biting my head off for pointing it out in the same language is just proof of what is going on.
  17. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Elitism? Remember Catalyst and his following. Think all is gone? Many still here. Are you defending it. Practicing it?
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  18. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    And if you could say anything? What will be the best way in your opinion or on how to threat them?
  19. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Don't think I would have used all upper case letters in the thread title :shalom:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2017
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  20. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    :yawn: blah blah blah... catalyst... whine whine whine..... still the same pointless arguments for ever. Just with a different member every topic. Almost every active member now, new and vet.
    Now hes sticking up for n00bz? Im pretty sure they don't want or need it, especially from snowflake. how boooooooring.....zzz zzz
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