MD4 Native is on the way

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by studioton, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. studioton

    studioton Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2017
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  3. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    On one hand, I love TC's software and hardware (I still own a Konnekt 24D, which is packed away in its box somewhere in my office closet). On the other hand, they abandon both at the drop of a hat. One of the reasons I stopped using my Konnekt 24D was because the powered plugs and the included bonus native plugs are still, as of this writing, 32-bit only. Another reason is, one of its two FW ports stopped working properly. Little did I realize that they had stopped manufacturing the Konnekt series only a couple of years after they introduced it, and when I consulted with a TC rep about getting it repaired, his immediate answer was "You should just buy an Impact TWIN" (which they stopped manufacturing a year later). Same goes for their excellent TC Works plugin bundle, which I assume they gave up on after the PowerCore took off. And then, there's the PowerCore ... sigh. It would be a lot easier to hate the company if their products weren't so good, but I have definitely learned to move on and buy plugs and hardware that will stop being supported five minutes after I start using them.
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  4. studioton

    studioton Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2017
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    For me, this plugin is something I can not work without it. TC has gone through a difficult period of transition and I hope it will be stable with its decisions and products in the future
  5. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    I believe they've been very sturdy since Uli Behringer/Music Group bought them out. Their guitar pedals and bass amplfication products have been solid/didn't turn to junk.
    It is always something I find gets me nervous when a name I like, trust and have gear by gets bought out.
    I can fully understand user's of the whole Powercore setup and the audio interfaces being particularly pissed off, I agree that they are very decent pieces of kit and it just seems to make absolutely no sense to ditch something so rapidly and it would definately put me in a state of anger and frustration plus totally dubious of anything else they say.

    However the System 6000 they do appear to be slowly turning into native plugins which is a good thing as it was/is a great sounding processor and effects setup. Some of the System 6000 stuff has even managed to find it's way into a few of their TonePrint pedals, The Sentry is a noise gate, fully editable with numerous bands, Far beyond the scope of any noise gate stompbox that has ever come before it and the Hyper Gravity is a compressor which is pretty much the reverse of the Sentry, So deeply editable, A true multiband monster (if you want it to be).
    Granted these don't feature the conversion quality of a System 6000 Mk II but the fact that they are using the same algortihms in amazing to me personally, All you need to edit is a the provided min USB cable to hook up to your desktop, laptop or tablet/smart thingies.

    I have, like and still use the by now surely almost "vintage" Finalizer by TC, So to have more of that available ITB would be great.

    It is difficult to take any sort of guess what direction they will take under Music Group but they've so far always enabled the brands to keep on doing what they do/designing, building and releasing what they we're known for along with a very nice trickle down of pedigree, techology and in general standard raising of all that Behringer offer.

    I would like to see them continue to release great rack mount processors and effects, Fine guitar pedals and full on solution like the G-System, Nova Floorboard/Singles, The TonePrint taken further with more on-board locations to access your own created TonePrints, Bass Amplifier heads, cabinets and combos along with possibly taking a stride into the guitar amplifier realm. Porting all the great/classic and top-notch algorithms from the System 6000 ITB native along with plenty more.

    What I would like and what I'll get are usually different but time will tell I suppose. I clearly remember how well the KONNEKT interfaces we're selling along with getting nothing but positive feedback by user's and reviewer's whom I trust to be fair, So what killed that I don't know. Powercore seemed to die at the hands of Avid and Universal Audio pretty much, Avid swallowed up and wasted so much talent that could have been releasing native plugins along with PT TDM and RTAS plugins, But no they got the chequebook out and how many quality smaller names got swallowed up!?! I still get's to me thinking about it as I have friend's whom we're made redundant when Avid disolved the seperate branches under what was Digidesign, Luckily most of them are decent, talented people that found good peoples of smaller brand names hiring. M-Audio really got royally fucked and never will recover to where it once was, As a long term Pro Tools user it is even more disgusting but "business is business" or whatever they say and the bottom line is all what drives practically all of them.

    All the best as always

  6. Dejanco

    Dejanco Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Any news ?
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