Have I Goofed? Presonus Digimax LT Purchase /70 Bucks

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by superliquidsunshine, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. [​IMG]
    I have been wanting/needing to add just one more input so that I could begin recording my singer/songwriter stuff the way that I want to hear it, that being with an acoustic guitar in stereo at the same time as I am singing. The Babyface has an ADAT in but everything that I looked at that could satisfy this criteria, to get into the Baby cost too much money for me at the present time. I saw and bought a used Presonus Digimax LT for 80 bucks with shipping. I'm totally good with recording at the 48k that the Digimax maxes out at, but does the AD suck and is anyone familiar with the quality of the mic preamps? I like the clean preamps of the Babyface, do they come close to them? There isn't much info out there about this box. It would be nice if it had a DA also for routing stuff around, but I can live without. Did I just waste some money or will this thing work out? Thanks for your comments!
  3. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
    Likes Received:
    No man, I think you'll be quite pleased with this unit. I've owned both the LT and their more recent D8....the LT is, IMHO, WAY better all the way around. The LT's build quality is superb and pres are clean & quiet. Now granted it's Presonus and NOT an RME but for the money, I think you'll be quite pleased with your purchase. I see them go for over $100 all the time on fleabay so, if for some reason you don't like it, you should have no problem getting your money.
  4. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    a have 2 channel strips from them. Very good for the price. Presonus became to produce network modules maybe ADAT will be the past because the 96khz limitation.
    Its always good to have mores I/Os....enjoy!
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  5. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Nice find for only 70 bucks! That'll definitely help to have a few more inputs/outputs. You may be able to hook up that WA76 as an external insert in your DAW, but you probably could already do that with the Babyface. Just be able to leave it hooked up that way.
  6. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    That is a nice find.

    I think it will work out for you. I think I said this before somewhere else recently about PS gear, if it is working then it will continue to work as expected for quite a while. Their QC problems usually result in DOA units or functional units that work rather well. Also, since you will be using the BF drivers, the second pitfall of PS a non-issue.

    Congratulations, it they work you will enjoy them for years to come.
  7. Thanks for the good info. It sounds like it is going to work out after all.
  8. I have it now, it passes signal and the quick mic test with an AT 4051b sounds like it should. However, I don't think that there is a way for the Babyface to be the clock because there is both a clock in and out on the Digi but no clock out on the Babyface. Does anyone know if just the connection with the adat cable enable the Digi to read? When I press the buttton for the Digi to be the slave it keeps searching between 32, 44.1 and 48. OK, granted, I am not in any way trying to compete with Abby Road Studios, but I would think that the RME clock would provide less jitter and sound that much more 3D and be wider sounding, a few % points higher quality. Anybody have any thoughts?

    Also, the way it is right now, ADAT channels 1 and 2 are not seen passing signal to the Babyface, but when I plugged into mic 3 on the Digi it does.
  9. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    The AD conversion sucks in terms of comparison with the babyface. Yet in a properly treated environment the differences will be so minute that they'd probably be inaudible to anyone who doesn't have a trained ear. I have the scarlet 6i6 and the UAD Apollo twin with about $500 bucks of sound dampening in my room. I've only used the twin once for recording vocals. I honestly like the pres in the scarlet better. Although the twin seems to give me a bit more headroom when mixing.
  10. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    ADAT Frames are fixed, the word clock button is for when you are using an external clock and have plugged into the BNC WC input. fixed length frames are transferred at regular intervals, which have nothing to do with the audio payload. Clock recovery at the receiver means figuring out the interval and translating the frames withing the local clock cycles on the receiving unit. I certain there is some slop in the ADAT self clocking algos (or else MADI & AES/EBU would not have been developed to replace it just for their distributed features.) How audible that slop is, when dealing with only 2 devices and a limited number of channels is going to be a personal decision though.
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